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elspacio@ ~ $
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s:Simple textbox editing widget with Emacs-like keybindings.i����NcCs�|j|d|tj||d�|j||dtj||d�|j||dtj||d�|j|d|tj||d�|j||tj�|j||tj�|j||tj�|j||tj	�dS(s^Draw a rectangle with corners at the provided upper-left
    and lower-right coordinates.
tvlinetcursest	ACS_VLINEthlinet	ACS_HLINEtaddchtACS_ULCORNERtACS_URCORNERtACS_LRCORNERtACS_LLCORNER(twintulytulxtlrytlrx((s3/opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/curses/textpad.pyt	rectangles%%%%tTextboxcBsSeZdZed�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z	dd�ZRS(	sdEditing widget using the interior of a window object.
     Supports the following Emacs-like key bindings:

    Ctrl-A      Go to left edge of window.
    Ctrl-B      Cursor left, wrapping to previous line if appropriate.
    Ctrl-D      Delete character under cursor.
    Ctrl-E      Go to right edge (stripspaces off) or end of line (stripspaces on).
    Ctrl-F      Cursor right, wrapping to next line when appropriate.
    Ctrl-G      Terminate, returning the window contents.
    Ctrl-H      Delete character backward.
    Ctrl-J      Terminate if the window is 1 line, otherwise insert newline.
    Ctrl-K      If line is blank, delete it, otherwise clear to end of line.
    Ctrl-L      Refresh screen.
    Ctrl-N      Cursor down; move down one line.
    Ctrl-O      Insert a blank line at cursor location.
    Ctrl-P      Cursor up; move up one line.

    Move operations do nothing if the cursor is at an edge where the movement
    is not possible.  The following synonyms are supported where possible:

    KEY_LEFT = Ctrl-B, KEY_RIGHT = Ctrl-F, KEY_UP = Ctrl-P, KEY_DOWN = Ctrl-N
    KEY_BACKSPACE = Ctrl-h
cCs�|j�|j}xktr�tjj|jj||��tjjkrct|j|d�}Pn|dkrsPn|d}qW|S(suGo to the location of the first blank on the given line,
        returning the index of the last non-blank character.ii(	RRtTrueRtasciiR
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KEY_BACKSPACERR#tdelchtEOTtENQtACKt	KEY_RIGHTtBELtNLtVTtdeletelntclrtoeoltFFtrefreshtSOtKEY_DOWNtSItinsertlntDLEtKEY_UP(RR(R!R)((s3/opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/curses/textpad.pyt
	*	'	!--cCs�d}|j�x�t|jd�D]�}|jj|d�|j|�}|dkrg|jrgq$nx_t|jd�D]J}|jr�||kr�Pn|tt	j
|jj||���}q{W|jdkr$|d}q$q$W|S(s.Collect and return the contents of the window.tiis
(RtrangeRR
/cCsaxT|jj�}|r'||�}n|s3qn|j|�sFPn|jj�qW|j�S(s2Edit in the widget window and collect the results.(R
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Ni	iiiisUse Ctrl-G to end editing.i(i	i(ii(taddstrRtnewwinRR=RRM(tstdscrtncolstnlinesRRR
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sContents of text box:((
RPRtcurses.asciiRRRNRXtwrappertstrtrepr(((s3/opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/curses/textpad.pyt<module>s	


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.py File 1.77 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 1.55 KB 0644
__init__.pyo File 1.55 KB 0644
ascii.py File 2.49 KB 0644
ascii.pyc File 5.28 KB 0644
ascii.pyo File 5.28 KB 0644
has_key.py File 5.5 KB 0644
has_key.pyc File 5.83 KB 0644
has_key.pyo File 5.83 KB 0644
panel.py File 110 B 0644
panel.pyc File 290 B 0644
panel.pyo File 290 B 0644
textpad.py File 7.48 KB 0644
textpad.pyc File 7.12 KB 0644
textpad.pyo File 7.12 KB 0644
wrapper.py File 1.64 KB 0644
wrapper.pyc File 1.21 KB 0644
wrapper.pyo File 1.21 KB 0644