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/* vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 foldmethod=marker: */

 * Parser for MARC records
 * This package is based on the PHP MARC package, originally called "php-marc",
 * that is part of the Emilda Project (http://www.emilda.org). Christoffer
 * Landtman generously agreed to make the "php-marc" code available under the
 * GNU LGPL so it could be used as the basis of this PEAR package.
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * @category  File_Formats
 * @package   File_MARC
 * @author    Christoffer Landtman <landtman@realnode.com>
 * @author    Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
 * @copyright 2003-2008 Oy Realnode Ab, Dan Scott
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html  LGPL License 2.1
 * @version   CVS: $Id$
 * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC

// {{{ class File_MARC_Record
 * Represents a single MARC record
 * A MARC record contains a leader and zero or more fields held within a
 * linked list structure. Fields are represented by {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}
 * objects.
 * @category File_Formats
 * @package  File_MARC
 * @author   Christoffer Landtman <landtman@realnode.com>
 * @author   Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
 * @license  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html  LGPL License 2.1
 * @link     http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC
class File_MARC_Record

    // {{{ properties
     * Contains a linked list of {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} objects for
     * this record
     * @var File_MARC_List
    protected $fields;

     * Record leader
     * @var string
    protected $leader;

     * Non-fatal warnings generated during parsing
     * @var array
    protected $warnings;

     * XMLWriter for writing collections
     * @var XMLWriter
    protected $marcxml;

     * MARC instance for access to the XML header/footer methods
     * We need this so that we can properly wrap a collection of MARC records.
     * @var File_MARC
    protected $marc;

    // }}}

    // {{{ Constructor: function __construct()
     * Start function
     * Set all variables to defaults to create new File_MARC_Record object
     * @param File_MARC $marc MARC record from File_MARC or File_MARCXML
     * @return true 
    function __construct($marc = null)
        $this->fields = new File_MARC_List();
        $this->setLeader(str_repeat(' ', 24));
        if (!$marc) {
            $marc = new File_MARC(null, File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING); // oh the hack
        $this->marc = $marc;
        $this->marcxml = $marc->getXMLWriter();
    // }}}

    // {{{ Destructor: function __destruct()
     * Destroys the data field
    function __destruct()
        $this->fields = null;
        $this->warnings = null;
    // }}}

    // {{{ getLeader()
     * Get MARC leader
     * Returns the leader for the MARC record. No validation
     * on the specified leader is performed.
     * @return string returns the leader
    function getLeader()
        return (string)$this->leader;
    // }}}

    // {{{ setLeader()
     * Set MARC record leader
     * Sets the leader for the MARC record. No validation
     * on the specified leader is performed.
     * @param string $leader Leader
     * @return string returns the leader
    function setLeader($leader)
        $this->leader = $leader;
        return $this->leader;
    // }}}

    // {{{ appendField()
     * Appends field to MARC record
     * Adds a {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} or {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}
     * object to the end of the existing list of fields.
     * @param File_MARC_Field $new_field The field to add
     * @return File_MARC_Field The field that was added
    function appendField(File_MARC_Field $new_field)
        /* Append as the last field in the record */
        return $new_field;
    // }}}

    // {{{ prependField()
     * Prepends field to MARC record
     * Adds a {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} or {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}
     * object to the start of to the existing list of fields.
     * @param File_MARC_Field $new_field The field to add
     * @return File_MARC_Field The field that was added
    function prependField(File_MARC_Field $new_field)
        return $new_field;
    // }}}

    // {{{ insertField()
     * Inserts a field in the MARC record relative to an existing field
     * Inserts a {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} or {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}
     * object before or after a specified existing field.
     * <code>
     * // Example: Insert a new field before the first 650 field
     * // Create the new field
     * $subfields[] = new File_MARC_Subfield('a', 'Scott, Daniel.');
     * $new_field = new File_MARC_Data_Field('100', $subfields, 0, null);
     * // Retrieve the target field for our insertion point
     * $subject = $record->getFields('650');
     * // Insert the new field
     * if (is_array($subject)) {
     *     $record->insertField($new_field, $subject[0], true);
     * }
     * elseif ($subject) {
     *     $record->insertField($new_field, $subject, true);
     * }
     * </code>
     * @param File_MARC_Field $new_field      The field to add
     * @param File_MARC_Field $existing_field The target field
     * @param bool            $before         Insert the new field before the existing field if true, after the existing field if false
     * @return File_MARC_Field                The field that was added
    function insertField(File_MARC_Field $new_field, File_MARC_Field $existing_field, $before = false)
        $this->fields->insertNode($new_field, $existing_field, $before);
        return $new_field;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _buildDirectory()
     * Build record directory
     * Generate the directory of the record according to the current contents
     * of the record.
     * @return array Array ($fields, $directory, $total, $base_address)
    private function _buildDirectory()
        // Vars
        $fields = array();
        $directory = array();
        $data_end = 0;

        foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
            // No empty fields allowed
            if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
                // Get data in raw format
                $str = $field->toRaw();
                $fields[] = $str;

                // Create directory entry
                $len = strlen($str);
                $direntry = sprintf("%03s%04d%05d", $field->getTag(), $len, $data_end);
                $directory[] = $direntry;
                $data_end += $len;

         * Rules from MARC::Record::USMARC
            = File_MARC::LEADER_LEN +    // better be 24
                (count($directory) * File_MARC::DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN) +
                                // all the directory entries
                1;              // end-of-field marker

            = $base_address +  // stuff before first field
                $data_end +      // Length of the fields
                1;              // End-of-record marker

        return array($fields, $directory, $total, $base_address);
    // }}}

    // {{{ setLeaderLengths()
     * Set MARC record leader lengths
     * Set the Leader lengths of the record according to defaults specified in
     * {@link http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdldrd.html}
     * @param int $record_length Record length
     * @param int $base_address  Base address of data
     * @return bool              Success or failure
    function setLeaderLengths($record_length, $base_address)
        if (!is_int($record_length)) {
            return false;
        if (!is_int($base_address)) {
            return false;

        // Set record length
        $this->setLeader(substr_replace($this->getLeader(), sprintf("%05d", $record_length), 0, 5));
        $this->setLeader(substr_replace($this->getLeader(), sprintf("%05d", $base_address), File_MARC::DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN, 5));
        $this->setLeader(substr_replace($this->getLeader(), '22', 10, 2));
        $this->setLeader(substr_replace($this->getLeader(), '4500', 20, 4));

        if (strlen($this->getLeader()) > File_MARC::LEADER_LEN) {
            // Avoid incoming leaders that are mangled to be overly long
            $this->setLeader(substr($this->getLeader(), 0, File_MARC::LEADER_LEN));
            $this->addWarning("Input leader was too long; truncated to " . File_MARC::LEADER_LEN . " characters");
        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ getField()
     * Return the first {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} or
     * {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} object that matches the specified tag
     * name. Returns false if no match is found.
     * @param string $spec tag name
     * @param bool   $pcre if true, then match as a regular expression
     * @return {@link File_MARC_Data_Field}|{@link File_MARC_Control_Field} first field that matches the requested tag name
    function getField($spec = null, $pcre = null)
        foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
            if (($pcre
                && preg_match("/$spec/", $field->getTag()))
                || (!$pcre
                && $spec == $field->getTag())
            ) {
                return $field;
        return false;
    // }}}

    // {{{ getFields()
     * Return an array or {@link File_MARC_List} containing all
     * {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} or  {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} objects
     * that match the specified tag name. If the tag name is omitted all
     * fields are returned.
     * @param string $spec tag name
     * @param bool   $pcre if true, then match as a regular expression
     * @return File_MARC_List|array {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} or
     * {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} objects that match the requested tag name
    function getFields($spec = null, $pcre = null)
        if (!$spec) {
            return $this->fields;

        // Okay, we're actually looking for something specific
        $matches = array();
        foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
            if (($pcre && preg_match("/$spec/", $field->getTag()))
                || (!$pcre && $spec == $field->getTag())
            ) {
                $matches[] = $field;
        return $matches;
    // }}}

    // {{{ deleteFields()
     * Delete all occurrences of a field matching a tag name from the record.
     * @param string $tag  tag for the fields to be deleted
     * @param bool   $pcre if true, then match as a regular expression
     * @return int         number of fields that were deleted
    function deleteFields($tag, $pcre = null)
        $cnt = 0;
        foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
            if (($pcre
                && preg_match("/$tag/", $field->getTag()))
                || (!$pcre
                && $tag == $field->getTag())
            ) {
        return $cnt;
    // }}}

    // {{{ addWarning()
     * Add a warning to the MARC record that something non-fatal occurred during
     * parsing.
     * @param string $warning warning message
     * @return true
    public function addWarning($warning)
        $this->warnings[] = $warning;
    // }}}

    // {{{ getWarnings()
     * Return the array of warnings from the MARC record.
     * @return array warning messages
    public function getWarnings()
        return $this->warnings;
    // }}}

    // {{{ output methods
     * ========== OUTPUT METHODS ==========

    // {{{ toRaw()
     * Return the record in raw MARC format.
     * If you have modified an existing MARC record or created a new MARC
     * record, use this method to save the record for use in other programs
     * that accept the MARC format -- for example, your integrated library
     * system.
     * <code>
     * // Example: Modify a record and save the output to a file
     * $record->deleteFields('650');
     * // Now that the record has no subject fields, save it to disk
     * fopen($file, '/home/dan/no_subject.mrc', 'w');
     * fwrite($file, $record->toRaw());
     * fclose($file);
     * </code>
     * @return string Raw MARC data
    function toRaw()
        list($fields, $directory, $record_length, $base_address) = $this->_buildDirectory();
        $this->setLeaderLengths($record_length, $base_address);

         * Glue together all parts
        return $this->getLeader().implode("", $directory).File_MARC::END_OF_FIELD.implode("", $fields).File_MARC::END_OF_RECORD;
    // }}}

    // {{{ __toString()
     * Return the MARC record in a pretty printed string
     * This method produces an easy-to-read textual display of a MARC record.
     * The structure is roughly:
     * <tag> <ind1> <ind2> _<code><data>
     *                     _<code><data>
     * @return string Formatted representation of MARC record
    function __toString()
        // Begin output
        $formatted = "LDR " . $this->getLeader() . "\n";
        foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
            if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
                $formatted .= $field->__toString() . "\n";
        return $formatted;
    // }}}

    // {{{ toJSON()
     * Return the MARC record in JSON format
     * This method produces a JSON representation of a MARC record. The input
     * encoding must be UTF8, otherwise the returned values will be corrupted.
     * @return string          representation of MARC record in JSON format
     * @todo Fix encoding input / output issues (PHP 6.0 required?)
    function toJSON()
        $json = new StdClass();
        $json->leader = utf8_encode($this->getLeader());

        /* Start fields */
        $fields = array();
        foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
            if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
                switch(get_class($field)) {
                case "File_MARC_Control_Field":
                    $fields[] = array(utf8_encode($field->getTag()) => utf8_encode($field->getData()));

                case "File_MARC_Data_Field":
                    $subs = array();
                    foreach ($field->getSubfields() as $sf) {
                        $subs[] = array(utf8_encode($sf->getCode()) => utf8_encode($sf->getData()));
                    $contents = new StdClass();
                    $contents->ind1 = utf8_encode($field->getIndicator(1));
                    $contents->ind2 = utf8_encode($field->getIndicator(2));
                    $contents->subfields = $subs;
                    $fields[] = array(utf8_encode($field->getTag()) => $contents);
        /* End fields and record */

        $json->fields = $fields;
        $json_rec = json_encode($json);
        // Required because json_encode() does not let us stringify integer keys
        return preg_replace('/("subfields":)(.*?)\["([^\"]+?)"\]/', '\1\2{"0":"\3"}', $json_rec);

    // }}}

    // {{{ toJSONHash()
     * Return the MARC record in Bill Dueber's MARC-HASH JSON format
     * This method produces a JSON representation of a MARC record as defined
     * at http://robotlibrarian.billdueber.com/new-interest-in-marc-hash-json/
     * The input * encoding must be UTF8, otherwise the returned values will
     * be corrupted.
     * @return string          representation of MARC record in JSON format
     * @todo Fix encoding input / output issues (PHP 6.0 required?)
    function toJSONHash()
        $json = new StdClass();
        $json->type = "marc-hash";
        $json->version = array(1, 0);
        $json->leader = utf8_encode($this->getLeader());

        /* Start fields */
        $fields = array();
        foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
            if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
                switch(get_class($field)) {
                case "File_MARC_Control_Field":
                    $fields[] = array(utf8_encode($field->getTag()), utf8_encode($field->getData()));

                case "File_MARC_Data_Field":
                    $subs = array();
                    foreach ($field->getSubfields() as $sf) {
                        $subs[] = array(utf8_encode($sf->getCode()), utf8_encode($sf->getData()));
                    $contents = array(
                    $fields[] = $contents;
        /* End fields and record */

        $json->fields = $fields;
        return json_encode($json);

    // }}}

    // {{{ toXML()
     * Return the MARC record in MARCXML format
     * This method produces an XML representation of a MARC record that
     * attempts to adhere to the MARCXML standard documented at
     * http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/
     * @param string $encoding output encoding for the MARCXML record
     * @param bool   $indent   pretty-print the MARCXML record
     * @param bool   $single   wrap the <record> element in a <collection> element
     * @return string          representation of MARC record in MARCXML format
     * @todo Fix encoding input / output issues (PHP 6.0 required?)
    function toXML($encoding = "UTF-8", $indent = true, $single = true)
        if ($single) {
            $this->marcxml->writeAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim");
        } else {
            $this->marcxml->writeAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim");

        // MARCXML schema has some strict requirements
        // We'll set reasonable defaults to avoid invalid MARCXML
        $xmlLeader = $this->getLeader();

        // Record status
        if ($xmlLeader[5] == " ") {
            // Default to "n" (new record)
            $xmlLeader[5] = "n";

        // Type of record
        if ($xmlLeader[6] == " ") {
            // Default to "a" (language material)
            $xmlLeader[6] = "a";

        $this->marcxml->writeElement("leader", $xmlLeader);

        foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
            if (!$field->isEmpty()) {
                switch(get_class($field)) {
                case "File_MARC_Control_Field":
                    $this->marcxml->writeAttribute("tag", $field->getTag());
                    $this->marcxml->endElement(); // end control field

                case "File_MARC_Data_Field":
                    $this->marcxml->writeAttribute("tag", $field->getTag());
                    $this->marcxml->writeAttribute("ind1", $field->getIndicator(1));
                    $this->marcxml->writeAttribute("ind2", $field->getIndicator(2));
                    foreach ($field->getSubfields() as $subfield) {
                        $this->marcxml->writeAttribute("code", $subfield->getCode());
                        $this->marcxml->endElement(); // end subfield
                    $this->marcxml->endElement(); // end data field

        $this->marcxml->endElement(); // end record
        if ($single) {
            $this->marcxml->endElement(); // end collection
        return $this->marcxml->outputMemory();
    // }}}

// }}}


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Lint Folder 0755
Control_Field.php File 4.52 KB 0644
Data_Field.php File 14.81 KB 0644
Exception.php File 7.38 KB 0644
Field.php File 6.45 KB 0644
Lint.php File 142.45 KB 0644
List.php File 6.85 KB 0644
Record.php File 21.37 KB 0644
Subfield.php File 5.69 KB 0644