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/* vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 foldmethod=marker: */

 * Parser for MARC records
 * This package is based on the PHP MARC package, originally called "php-marc",
 * that is part of the Emilda Project (http://www.emilda.org). Christoffer
 * Landtman generously agreed to make the "php-marc" code available under the
 * GNU LGPL so it could be used as the basis of this PEAR package.
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * @category  File_Formats
 * @package   File_MARC
 * @author    Christoffer Landtman <landtman@realnode.com>
 * @author    Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
 * @copyright 2003-2008 Oy Realnode Ab, Dan Scott
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html  LGPL License 2.1
 * @version   CVS: $Id$
 * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC

// {{{ class File_MARC_Data_Field extends File_MARC_Field
 * The File_MARC_Data_Field class represents a single field in a MARC record.
 * A MARC data field consists of a tag name, two indicators which may be null,
 * and zero or more subfields represented by {@link File_MARC_Subfield} objects.
 * Subfields are held within a linked list structure.
 * @category File_Formats
 * @package  File_MARC
 * @author   Christoffer Landtman <landtman@realnode.com>
 * @author   Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
 * @license  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html  LGPL License 2.1
 * @link     http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC
class File_MARC_Data_Field extends File_MARC_Field

    // {{{ properties
     * Value of the first indicator
     * @var string
    protected $ind1;

     * Value of the second indicator
     * @var string
    protected $ind2;

     * Linked list of subfields
     * @var File_MARC_List
    protected $subfields;

    // }}}

    // {{{ Constructor: function __construct()
     * {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} constructor
     * Create a new {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} object. The only required
     * parameter is a tag. This enables programs to build up new fields
     * programmatically.
     * <code>
     * // Example: Create a new data field
     * // We can optionally create an array of subfields first
     * $subfields[] = new File_MARC_Subfield('a', 'Scott, Daniel.');
     * // Create the new 100 field complete with a _a subfield and an indicator
     * $new_field = new File_MARC_Data_Field('100', $subfields, 0, null);
     * </code>
     * @param string $tag       tag
     * @param array  $subfields array of {@link File_MARC_Subfield} objects
     * @param string $ind1      first indicator
     * @param string $ind2      second indicator
    function __construct($tag, array $subfields = null, $ind1 = null, $ind2 = null)
        $this->subfields = new File_MARC_List();


        $this->ind1 = $this->_validateIndicator($ind1);
        $this->ind2 = $this->_validateIndicator($ind2);

        // we'll let users add subfields after if they so desire
        if ($subfields) {
    // }}}

    // {{{ Destructor: function __destruct()
     * Destroys the data field
    function __destruct()
        $this->subfields = null;
        $this->ind1 = null;
        $this->ind2 = null;
    // }}}

    // {{{ Explicit destructor: function delete()
     * Destroys the data field
     * @return true
    function delete()
    // }}}

    // {{{ protected function _validateIndicator()
     * Validates an indicator field
     * Validates the value passed in for an indicator. This routine ensures
     * that an indicator is a single character. If the indicator value is null,
     * then this method returns a single character.
     * If the indicator value contains more than a single character, this
     * throws an exception.
     * @param string $indicator Value of the indicator to be validated
     * @return string Returns the indicator, or space if the indicator was null
    private function _validateIndicator($indicator)
        if ($indicator == null) {
            $indicator = ' ';
        } elseif (strlen($indicator) > 1) {
            $errorMessage = File_MARC_Exception::formatError(File_MARC_Exception::$messages[File_MARC_Exception::ERROR_INVALID_INDICATOR], array("tag" => $this->getTag(), "indicator" => $indicator));
            throw new File_MARC_Exception($errorMessage, File_MARC_Exception::ERROR_INVALID_INDICATOR);
        return $indicator;
    // }}}

    // {{{ appendSubfield()
     * Appends subfield to subfield list
     * Adds a File_MARC_Subfield object to the end of the existing list
     * of subfields.
     * @param File_MARC_Subfield $new_subfield The subfield to add
     * @return File_MARC_Subfield the new File_MARC_Subfield object
    function appendSubfield(File_MARC_Subfield $new_subfield)
        /* Append as the last subfield in the field */
    // }}}

    // {{{ prependSubfield()
     * Prepends subfield to subfield list
     * Adds a File_MARC_Subfield object to the  start of the existing list
     * of subfields.
     * @param File_MARC_Subfield $new_subfield The subfield to add
     * @return File_MARC_Subfield the new File_MARC_Subfield object
    function prependSubfield(File_MARC_Subfield $new_subfield)
        return $new_subfield;
    // }}}

    // {{{ insertSubfield()
     * Inserts a field in the MARC record relative to an existing field
     * Inserts a {@link File_MARC_Subfield} object before or after an existing
     * subfield.
     * @param File_MARC_Subfield $new_field      The subfield to add
     * @param File_MARC_Subfield $existing_field The target subfield
     * @param bool               $before         Insert the subfield before the existing subfield if true; after the existing subfield if false
     * @return File_MARC_Subfield                The new subfield
    function insertSubfield(File_MARC_Subfield $new_field, File_MARC_Subfield $existing_field, $before = false)
        $this->subfields->insertNode($new_field, $existing_field, $before);
        return $new_field;
    // }}}

    // {{{ addSubfields()
     * Adds an array of subfields to a {@link File_MARC_Data_Field} object
     * Appends subfields to existing subfields in the order in which
     * they appear in the array. For finer grained control of the subfield
     * order, use {@link appendSubfield()}, {@link prependSubfield()},
     * or {@link insertSubfield()} to add each subfield individually.
     * @param array $subfields array of {@link File_MARC_Subfield} objects
     * @return int returns the number of subfields that were added
    function addSubfields(array $subfields)
         * Just in case someone passes in a single File_MARC_Subfield
         * instead of an array
        if ($subfields instanceof File_MARC_Subfield) {
            return 1;

        // Add subfields
        $cnt = 0;
        foreach ($subfields as $subfield) {

        return $cnt;
    // }}}

    // {{{ deleteSubfield()
     * Delete a subfield from the field.
     * @param File_MARC_Subfield $subfield The subfield to delete
     * @return void
    function deleteSubfield(File_MARC_Subfield $subfield)
    // }}}

    // {{{ getIndicator()
     * Get the value of an indicator
     * @param int $ind number of the indicator (1 or 2)
     * @return string returns indicator value if it exists, otherwise false
    function getIndicator($ind)
        if ($ind == 1) {
            return (string)$this->ind1;
        } elseif ($ind == 2) {
            return (string)$this->ind2;
        } else {
             $errorMessage = File_MARC_Exception::formatError(File_MARC_Exception::$messages[File_MARC_Exception::ERROR_INVALID_INDICATOR_REQUEST], array("indicator" => $indicator));
             throw new File_MARC_Exception($errorMessage, File_MARC_Exception::ERROR_INVALID_INDICATOR_REQUEST);
        return false;
    // }}}

    // {{{ setIndicator()
     * Set the value of an indicator
     * @param int    $ind   number of the indicator (1 or 2)
     * @param string $value value of the indicator
     * @return string       returns indicator value if it exists, otherwise false
    function setIndicator($ind, $value)
        switch ($ind) {

        case 1:
            $this->ind1 = $this->_validateIndicator($value);

        case 2:
            $this->ind2 = $this->_validateIndicator($value);

            $errorMessage = File_MARC_Exception::formatError(File_MARC_Exception::$messages[File_MARC_Exception::ERROR_INVALID_INDICATOR_REQUEST], array("indicator" => $ind));
            throw new File_MARC_Exception($errorMessage, File_MARC_Exception::ERROR_INVALID_INDICATOR_REQUEST);
            return false;

        return $this->getIndicator($ind);
    // }}}

    // {{{ getSubfield()
     * Returns the first subfield that matches a requested code.
     * @param string $code subfield code for which the
     * {@link File_MARC_Subfield} is retrieved
     * @param bool   $pcre if true, then match as a regular expression
     * @return File_MARC_Subfield returns the first subfield that matches
     * $code, or false if no codes match $code
    function getSubfield($code = null, $pcre = null)
        // iterate merrily through the subfields looking for the requested code
        foreach ($this->subfields as $sf) {
            if (($pcre
                && preg_match("/$code/", $sf->getCode()))
                || (!$pcre
                && $code == $sf->getCode())
            ) {
                return $sf;

        // No matches were found
        return false;
    // }}}

    // {{{ getSubfields()
     * Returns an array of subfields that match a requested code,
     * or a {@link File_MARC_List} that contains all of the subfields
     * if the requested code is null.
     * @param string $code subfield code for which the
     * {@link File_MARC_Subfield} is retrieved
     * @param bool   $pcre if true, then match as a regular expression
     * @return File_MARC_List|array returns a linked list of all subfields
     * if $code is null, an array of {@link File_MARC_Subfield} objects if
     * one or more subfields match, or an empty array if no codes match $code
    function getSubfields($code = null, $pcre = null)
        $results = array();

        // return all subfields if no specific subfields were requested
        if ($code === null) {
            $results = $this->subfields;
            return $results;

        // iterate merrily through the subfields looking for the requested code
        foreach ($this->subfields as $sf) {
            if (($pcre
                && preg_match("/$code/", $sf->getCode()))
                || (!$pcre
                && $code == $sf->getCode())
            ) {
                $results[] = $sf;
        return $results;
    // }}}

    // {{{ isEmpty()
     * Checks if the field is empty.
     * Checks if the field is empty. If the field has at least one subfield
     * with data, it is not empty.
     * @return bool Returns true if the field is empty, otherwise false
    function isEmpty()
        // If $this->subfields is null, we must have deleted it
        if (!$this->subfields) {
            return true;

        // Iterate through the subfields looking for some data
        foreach ($this->subfields as $subfield) {
            // Check if subfield has data
            if (!$subfield->isEmpty()) {
                return false;
        // It is empty
        return true;
    // }}}

     * ========== OUTPUT METHODS ==========

    // {{{ __toString()
     * Return Field formatted
     * Return Field as a formatted string.
     * @return string Formatted output of Field
    function __toString()
        // Variables
        $lines = array();
        // Process tag and indicators
        $pre = sprintf("%3s %1s%1s", $this->tag, $this->ind1, $this->ind2);

        // Process subfields
        foreach ($this->subfields as $subfield) {
            $lines[] = sprintf("%6s _%1s%s", $pre, $subfield->getCode(), $subfield->getData());
            $pre = "";

        return join("\n", $lines);
    // }}}

    // {{{ toRaw()
     * Return Field in Raw MARC
     * Return the Field formatted in Raw MARC for saving into MARC files
     * @return string Raw MARC
    function toRaw()
        $subfields = array();
        foreach ($this->subfields as $subfield) {
            if (!$subfield->isEmpty()) {
                $subfields[] = $subfield->toRaw();
        return (string)$this->ind1.$this->ind2.implode("", $subfields).File_MARC::END_OF_FIELD;
    // }}}

    // {{{ getContents()
     * Return fields data content as joined string
     * Return all the fields data content as a joined string
     * @param  string $joinChar A string used to join the data conntent.
     * Default is an empty string
     * @return string Joined string
    function getContents($joinChar = '')
        $contents = array();
        foreach($this->subfields as $subfield) {
            $contents[] = $subfield->getData();
        return implode($joinChar, $contents);
    // }}}
// }}}


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Lint Folder 0755
Control_Field.php File 4.52 KB 0644
Data_Field.php File 14.81 KB 0644
Exception.php File 7.38 KB 0644
Field.php File 6.45 KB 0644
Lint.php File 142.45 KB 0644
List.php File 6.85 KB 0644
Record.php File 21.37 KB 0644
Subfield.php File 5.69 KB 0644