[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
 * File containing the ezcConsoleProgressbar class.
 * @package ConsoleTools
 * @version 1.6.1
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * @license http://ez.no/licenses/new_bsd New BSD License
 * @filesource

 * Creating and maintaining progress-bars to be printed to the console. 
 * <code>
 * $out = new ezcConsoleOutput();
 * // Create progress bar itself
 * $progress = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 100, array( 'step' => 5 ) );
 * $progress->options->emptyChar = '-';
 * $progress->options->progressChar = '#';
 * $progress->options->formatString = "Uploading file </tmp/foobar.tar.bz2>: %act%/%max% kb [%bar%]";
 * // Perform actions
 * $i = 0;
 * while ( $i++ < 20 ) 
 * {
 *     // Do whatever you want to indicate progress for
 *     usleep( mt_rand( 20000, 2000000 ) );
 *     // Advance the progressbar by one step ( uploading 5k per run )
 *     $progress->advance();
 * }
 * // Finish progress bar and jump to next line.
 * $progress->finish();
 * $out->outputText( "Successfully uploaded </tmp/foobar.tar.bz2>.\n", 'success' );
 * </code>
 * @property ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions $options
 *           Contains the options for this class.
 * @property int $max
 *           The maximum progress value to reach.
 * @package ConsoleTools
 * @version 1.6.1
 * @mainclass
class ezcConsoleProgressbar
     * Container to hold the properties
     * @var array(string=>mixed)
    protected $properties;

     * Storage for actual values to be replaced in the format string.
     * Actual values are stored here and will be inserted into the bar
     * before printing it.
     * @var array(string=>string)
    protected $valueMap = array( 
        'bar'       => '',
        'fraction'  => '',
        'act'       => '',
        'max'       => '',

     * Stores the bar utilization.
     * This array saves how much space a specific part of the bar utilizes to not
     * recalculate those on every step.
     * @var array(string=>int)
    protected $measures = array( 
        'barSpace'          => 0,
        'fractionSpace'     => 0,
        'actSpace'          => 0,
        'maxSpace'          => 0,
        'fixedCharSpace'    => 0,

     * The current step the progress bar should show. 
     * @var int
    protected $currentStep = 0;

     * The maximum number of steps to go.
     * Calculated once from the settings.
     * @var int
    protected $numSteps = 0;

     * The ezcConsoleOutput object to use.
     * @var ezcConsoleOutput
    protected $output;

     * Indicates if the starting point for the bar has been stored.
     * Per default this is false to indicate that no start position has been
     * stored, yet.
     * @var bool
    protected $started = false;

     * Tool object to perform multi-byte encoding safe string operations. 
     * @var ezcConsoleStringTool
    private $stringTool;

     * Creates a new progress bar.
     * @param ezcConsoleOutput $outHandler   Handler to utilize for output
     * @param int $max                       Maximum value, where progressbar 
     *                                       reaches 100%.
     * @param array(string=>string) $options Options
     * @see ezcConsoleProgressbar::$options
    public function __construct( ezcConsoleOutput $outHandler, $max, array $options = array() )
        $this->output     = $outHandler;
        $this->stringTool = new ezcConsoleStringTool();
        $this->__set( 'max', $max );
        $this->properties['options'] = new ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions( $options );
     * Set new options.
     * This method allows you to change the options of progressbar.
     * @param ezcConsoleProgresbarOptions $options The options to set.
     * @throws ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException
     *         If you tried to set a non-existent option value.
     * @throws ezcBaseSettingValueException
     *         If the value is not valid for the desired option.
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If you submit neither an array nor an instance of 
     *         ezcConsoleProgresbarOptions.
    public function setOptions( $options ) 
        if ( is_array( $options ) ) 
            $this->properties['options']->merge( $options );
        else if ( $options instanceof ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions ) 
            $this->properties['options'] = $options;
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( "options", $options, "instance of ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions" );

     * Returns the current options.
     * Returns the options currently set for this progressbar.
     * @return ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions The current options.
    public function getOptions()
        return $this->properties['options'];

     * Property read access.
     * @param string $key Name of the property.
     * @return mixed Value of the property or null.
     * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
     *         If the the desired property is not found.
     * @ignore
    public function __get( $key )
        switch ( $key )
            case 'options':
                return $this->properties['options'];
            case 'step':
                // Step is now an option
                return $this->properties['options']->step;
            case 'max':
                return $this->properties[$key];
        throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $key );

     * Property write access.
     * @param string $key Name of the property.
     * @param mixed $val  The value for the property.
     * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
     *         If a desired property could not be found.
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If a desired property value is out of range.
     * @ignore
    public function __set( $key, $val )
        switch ( $key )
            case 'options':
                if ( !( $val instanceof ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions ) )
                    throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'options',  $val, 'instance of ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions' );
            case 'max':
                if ( ( !is_int( $val ) && !is_float( $val ) ) || $val < 0 )
                    throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'number >= 0' );
            case 'step':
                if ( ( !is_int( $val ) && !is_float( $val ) ) || $val < 0 )
                    throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'number >= 0' );
                // Step is now an option.
                $this->properties['options']->step = $val;
                throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $key );
        // Changes settings or options, need for recalculating measures
        $this->started = false;
        $this->properties[$key] = $val;
     * Property isset access.
     * @param string $key Name of the property.
     * @return bool True is the property is set, otherwise false.
     * @ignore
    public function __isset( $key )
        switch ( $key )
            case 'options':
            case 'max':
            case 'step':
                return true;
        return false;

     * Start the progress bar
     * Starts the progress bar and sticks it to the current line.
     * No output will be done yet. Call {@link ezcConsoleProgressbar::output()}
     * to print the bar.
     * @return void
    public function start() 
        $this->started = true;

     * Draw the progress bar.
     * Prints the progress-bar to the screen. If start() has not been called 
     * yet, the current line is used for {@link ezcConsolProgressbar::start()}.
     * @return void
    public function output()
        if ( $this->options->minVerbosity > $this->output->options->verbosityLevel
             || ( $this->options->maxVerbosity !== false 
                  && $this->options->maxVerbosity < $this->output->options->verbosityLevel
            // Do not print progress bar if verbosity level is lower than it's
            // output objects value.

        if ( $this->started === false )

        if ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" )
            echo str_repeat( "\x8", $this->options->width );

        echo $this->insertValues();

     * Advance the progress bar.
     * Advances the progress bar by $step steps. Redraws the bar by default,
     * using the {@link ezcConsoleProgressbar::output()} method.
     * @param bool  $redraw Whether to redraw the bar immediately.
     * @param int $step     How many steps to advance.
     * @return void
    public function advance( $redraw = true, $step = 1 ) 
        $this->currentStep += $step;
        if ( $redraw === true && $this->currentStep % $this->properties['options']->redrawFrequency === 0 )

     * Finish the progress bar.
     * Finishes the bar (jump to 100% if not happened yet,...) and jumps
     * to the next line to allow new output. Also resets the values of the
     * output handler used, if changed.
     * @return void
    public function finish()
        $this->currentStep = $this->numSteps;

     * Generate all values to be replaced in the format string. 
     * @return void
    protected function generateValues()
        // Bar
        $barFilledSpace = ceil( $this->measures['barSpace'] / $this->numSteps * $this->currentStep );
        // Sanitize value if it gets to large by rounding
        $barFilledSpace = $barFilledSpace > $this->measures['barSpace'] ? $this->measures['barSpace'] : $barFilledSpace;
        $bar = $this->stringTool->strPad( 
        $this->valueMap['bar'] = $bar;

        // Fraction
        $fractionVal = sprintf( 
            ( $fractionVal = ( $this->properties['options']->step * $this->currentStep ) / $this->max * 100 ) > 100 ? 100 : $fractionVal
        $this->valueMap['fraction'] = $this->stringTool->strPad( 
            iconv_strlen( sprintf( $this->properties['options']->fractionFormat, 100 ), 'UTF-8' ),
            ' ',

        // Act / max
        $actVal = sprintf(
            ( $actVal = $this->currentStep * $this->properties['options']->step ) > $this->max ? $this->max : $actVal
        $this->valueMap['act'] = $this->stringTool->strPad( 
            iconv_strlen( sprintf( $this->properties['options']->actFormat, $this->max ), 'UTF-8' ),
            ' ',
        $this->valueMap['max'] = sprintf( $this->properties['options']->maxFormat, $this->max );

     * Insert values into bar format string. 
     * @return void
    protected function insertValues()
        $bar = $this->properties['options']->formatString;
        foreach ( $this->valueMap as $name => $val )
            $bar = str_replace( "%{$name}%", $val, $bar );
        return $bar;

     * Calculate several measures necessary to generate a bar. 
     * @return void
    protected function calculateMeasures()
        // Calc number of steps bar goes through
        $this->numSteps = ( int ) round( $this->max / $this->properties['options']->step );
        // Calculate measures
        $this->measures['fixedCharSpace'] = iconv_strlen( $this->stripEscapeSequences( $this->insertValues() ), 'UTF-8' );
        if ( iconv_strpos( $this->properties['options']->formatString, '%max%', 0, 'UTF-8' ) !== false )
            $this->measures['maxSpace'] = iconv_strlen( sprintf( $this->properties['options']->maxFormat, $this->max ), 'UTF-8' );

        if ( iconv_strpos( $this->properties['options']->formatString, '%act%', 0, 'UTF-8' ) !== false )
            $this->measures['actSpace'] = iconv_strlen( sprintf( $this->properties['options']->actFormat, $this->max ), 'UTF-8' );
        if ( iconv_strpos( $this->properties['options']->formatString, '%fraction%', 0, 'UTF-8' ) !== false )
            $this->measures['fractionSpace'] = iconv_strlen( sprintf( $this->properties['options']->fractionFormat, 100 ), 'UTF-8' );
        $this->measures['barSpace'] = $this->properties['options']->width - array_sum( $this->measures );

     * Strip all escape sequences from a string to measure it's size correctly. 
     * @param mixed $str 
     * @return void
    protected function stripEscapeSequences( $str )
        return preg_replace( '/\033\[[0-9a-f;]*m/i', '', $str  );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
dialog Folder 0755
exceptions Folder 0755
input Folder 0755
interfaces Folder 0755
options Folder 0755
structs Folder 0755
table Folder 0755
tools Folder 0755
console_autoload.php File 6.36 KB 0644
dialog_viewer.php File 1.78 KB 0644
input.php File 44.07 KB 0644
output.php File 18.68 KB 0644
progressbar.php File 13.92 KB 0644
progressmonitor.php File 5.83 KB 0644
statusbar.php File 7.26 KB 0644
table.php File 28.04 KB 0644