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elspacio@ ~ $
 * File containing the ezcBase class.
 * @package Base
 * @version 1.8
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2009 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * @license http://ez.no/licenses/new_bsd New BSD License
 * Base class implements the methods needed to use the eZ components.
 * @package Base
 * @version 1.8
 * @mainclass
class ezcBase
     * Used for dependency checking, to check for a PHP extension.
    const DEP_PHP_EXTENSION = "extension";

     * Used for dependency checking, to check for a PHP version.
    const DEP_PHP_VERSION = "version";

     * Denotes the production mode
    const MODE_PRODUCTION = 0;

     * Denotes the development mode
    const MODE_DEVELOPMENT = 1;

     * Indirectly it determines the path where the autoloads are stored.
     * @var string
    private static $libraryMode = "pear";

     * Contains the current working directory, which is used when the
     * $libraryMode is set to "custom".
     * @var string
    private static $currentWorkingDirectory = null;

     * The full path to the autoload directory.
     * @var string
    protected static $packageDir = null;

     * Contains which development mode is used. It's "development" by default,
     * because of backwards compatibility reasons.
    private static $runMode = self::MODE_DEVELOPMENT;

     * Stores info with additional paths where autoload files and classes for
     * autoloading could be found. Each item of $repositoryDirs looks like
     * array( autoloadFileDir, baseDir ). The array key is the prefix belonging
     * to classes within that repository - if provided when calling
     * addClassRepository(), or an autoincrement integer otherwise.
     * @var array(string=>array)
    protected static $repositoryDirs = array();

     * This variable stores all the elements from the autoload arrays. When a
     * new autoload file is loaded, their files are added to this array.
     * @var array(string=>string)
    protected static $autoloadArray = array();

     * This variable stores all the elements from the autoload arrays for
     * external repositories. When a new autoload file is loaded, their files
     * are added to this array.
     * @var array(string=>string)
    protected static $externalAutoloadArray = array();

     * Options for the ezcBase class.
     * @var ezcBaseOptions
    static private $options;

     * Associates an option object with this static class.
     * @param ezcBaseAutoloadOptions $options
    static public function setOptions( ezcBaseAutoloadOptions $options )
        self::$options = $options;

     * Tries to autoload the given className. If the className could be found
     * this method returns true, otherwise false.
     * This class caches the requested class names (including the ones who
     * failed to load).
     * @param string $className  The name of the class that should be loaded.
     * @return bool
    public static function autoload( $className )

        // Check whether the classname is already in the cached autoloadArray.
        if ( array_key_exists( $className, ezcBase::$autoloadArray ) )
            // Is it registered as 'unloadable'?
            if ( ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$className] == false )
                return false;
            ezcBase::loadFile( ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$className] );

            return true;

        // Check whether the classname is already in the cached autoloadArray
        // for external repositories.
        if ( array_key_exists( $className, ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray ) )
            // Is it registered as 'unloadable'?
            if ( ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray[$className] == false )
                return false;
            ezcBase::loadExternalFile( ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray[$className] );

            return true;

        // Not cached, so load the autoload from the package.
        // Matches the first and optionally the second 'word' from the classname.
        $fileNames = array();
        if ( preg_match( "/^([a-z0-9]*)([A-Z][a-z0-9]*)?([A-Z][a-z0-9]*)?/", $className, $matches ) !== false )
            $autoloadFile = "";
            // Try to match with both names, if available.
            switch ( sizeof( $matches ) )
                case 4:
                    // check for x_y_autoload.php
                    $autoloadFile = strtolower( "{$matches[2]}_{$matches[3]}_autoload.php" );
                    $fileNames[] = $autoloadFile;
                    if ( ezcBase::requireFile( $autoloadFile, $className, $matches[1] ) )
                        return true;
                    // break intentionally missing.

                case 3:
                    // check for x_autoload.php
                    $autoloadFile = strtolower( "{$matches[2]}_autoload.php" );
                    $fileNames[] = $autoloadFile;
                    if ( ezcBase::requireFile( $autoloadFile, $className, $matches[1] ) )
                        return true;
                    // break intentionally missing.

                case 2:
                    // check for autoload.php
                    $autoloadFile = 'autoload.php';
                    $fileNames[] = $autoloadFile;
                    if ( ezcBase::requireFile( $autoloadFile, $className, $matches[1] ) )
                        return true;

            // Maybe there is another autoload available.
            // Register this classname as false.
            ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$className] = false;

        $path = ezcBase::$packageDir . 'autoload/';
        $realPath = realpath( $path );

        if ( $realPath == '' )
            // Can not be tested, because if this happens, then the autoload
            // environment has not been set-up correctly.
            trigger_error( "Couldn't find autoload directory '$path'", E_USER_ERROR );

        $dirs = self::getRepositoryDirectories();
        if ( ezcBase::$options && ezcBase::$options->debug )
            throw new ezcBaseAutoloadException( $className, $fileNames, $dirs );

        return false;

     * Sets the current working directory to $directory.
     * @param string $directory
    public static function setWorkingDirectory( $directory )
        self::$libraryMode = 'custom';
        self::$currentWorkingDirectory = $directory;

     * Figures out the base path of the eZ Components installation.
     * It stores the path that it finds in a static member variable. The path
     * depends on the installation method of the eZ Components. The SVN version
     * has a different path than the PEAR installed version.
    protected static function setPackageDir()
        if ( ezcBase::$packageDir !== null )

        // Get the path to the components.
        $baseDir = dirname( __FILE__ );

        switch ( ezcBase::$libraryMode )
            case "custom":
                ezcBase::$packageDir = self::$currentWorkingDirectory . '/';
            case "devel":
            case "tarball":
                ezcBase::$packageDir = $baseDir. "/../../";
            case "pear";
                ezcBase::$packageDir = $baseDir. "/../";

     * Tries to load the autoload array and, if loaded correctly, includes the class.
     * @param string $fileName    Name of the autoload file.
     * @param string $className   Name of the class that should be autoloaded.
     * @param string $prefix      The prefix of the class repository.
     * @return bool  True is returned when the file is correctly loaded.
     *                   Otherwise false is returned.
    protected static function requireFile( $fileName, $className, $prefix )
        $autoloadDir = ezcBase::$packageDir . "autoload/";

        // We need the full path to the fileName. The method file_exists() doesn't
        // automatically check the (php.ini) library paths. Therefore:
        // file_exists( "ezc/autoload/$fileName" ) doesn't work.
        if ( $prefix === 'ezc' && file_exists( "$autoloadDir$fileName" ) )
            $array = require( "$autoloadDir$fileName" );

            if ( is_array( $array) && array_key_exists( $className, $array ) )
                // Add the array to the cache, and include the requested file.
                ezcBase::$autoloadArray = array_merge( ezcBase::$autoloadArray, $array );
                if ( ezcBase::$options !== null && ezcBase::$options->preload && !preg_match( '/Exception$/', $className ) )
                    foreach ( $array as $loadClassName => $file )
                        if ( $loadClassName !== 'ezcBase' && !class_exists( $loadClassName, false ) && !interface_exists( $loadClassName, false ) && !preg_match( '/Exception$/', $loadClassName ) /*&& !class_exists( $loadClassName, false ) && !interface_exists( $loadClassName, false )*/ )
                            ezcBase::loadFile( ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$loadClassName] );
                    ezcBase::loadFile( ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$className] );
                return true;

        // It is not in components autoload/ dir.
        // try to search in additional dirs.
        foreach ( ezcBase::$repositoryDirs as $repositoryPrefix => $extraDir )
            if ( gettype( $repositoryPrefix ) === 'string' && $repositoryPrefix !== $prefix )

            if ( file_exists( $extraDir['autoloadDirPath'] . '/' . $fileName ) )
                $array = array();
                $originalArray = require( $extraDir['autoloadDirPath'] . '/' . $fileName );

                // Building paths.
                // Resulting path to class definition file consists of:
                // path to extra directory with autoload file +
                // basePath provided for current extra directory +
                // path to class definition file stored in autoload file.
                foreach ( $originalArray as $class => $classPath )
                    $array[$class] = $extraDir['basePath'] . '/' . $classPath;

                if ( is_array( $array ) && array_key_exists( $className, $array ) )
                    // Add the array to the cache, and include the requested file.
                    ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray = array_merge( ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray, $array );
                    ezcBase::loadExternalFile( ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray[$className] );
                    return true;

        // Nothing found :-(.
        return false;

     * Loads, require(), the given file name. If we are in development mode,
     * "/src/" is inserted into the path.
     * @param string $file  The name of the file that should be loaded.
    protected static function loadFile( $file )
        switch ( ezcBase::$libraryMode )
            case "devel":
            case "tarball":
                list( $first, $second ) = explode( '/', $file, 2 );
                $file = $first . "/src/" . $second;

            case "custom":
                list( $first, $second ) = explode( '/', $file, 2 );
                // Add the "src/" after the package name.
                if ( $first == 'Base' || $first == 'UnitTest' )
                    list( $first, $second ) = explode( '/', $file, 2 );
                    $file = $first . "/src/" . $second;
                    list( $first, $second, $third ) = explode( '/', $file, 3 );
                    $file = $first . '/' . $second . "/src/" . $third;

            case "pear":
                /* do nothing, it's already correct */

        if ( file_exists( ezcBase::$packageDir . $file ) )
            require( ezcBase::$packageDir . $file );
            // Can not be tested, because if this happens, then one of the
            // components has a broken autoload file.
            throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( ezcBase::$packageDir.$file );

     * Loads, require(), the given file name from an external package.
     * @param string $file  The name of the file that should be loaded.
    protected static function loadExternalFile( $file )
        if ( file_exists( $file ) )
            require( $file );
            throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $file );

     * Checks for dependencies on PHP versions or extensions
     * The function as called by the $component component checks for the $type
     * dependency. The dependency $type is compared against the $value. The
     * function aborts the script if the dependency is not matched.
     * @param string $component
     * @param int $type
     * @param mixed $value
    public static function checkDependency( $component, $type, $value )
        switch ( $type )
            case self::DEP_PHP_EXTENSION:
                if ( extension_loaded( $value ) )
                    // Can not be tested as it would abort the PHP script.
                    die( "\nThe {$component} component depends on the default PHP extension '{$value}', which is not loaded.\n" );

            case self::DEP_PHP_VERSION:
                $phpVersion = phpversion();
                if ( version_compare( $phpVersion, $value, '>=' ) )
                    // Can not be tested as it would abort the PHP script.
                    die( "\nThe {$component} component depends on the PHP version '{$value}', but the current version is '{$phpVersion}'.\n" );

     * Return the list of directories that contain class repositories.
     * The path to the eZ components directory is always included in the result
     * array. Each element in the returned array has the format of:
     * packageDirectory => ezcBaseRepositoryDirectory
     * @return array(string=>ezcBaseRepositoryDirectory)
    public static function getRepositoryDirectories()
        $autoloadDirs = array();
        $repositoryDir = self::$currentWorkingDirectory ? self::$currentWorkingDirectory : ( realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../' ) );
        $autoloadDirs['ezc'] = new ezcBaseRepositoryDirectory( ezcBaseRepositoryDirectory::TYPE_INTERNAL, $repositoryDir, $repositoryDir . "/autoload" );

        foreach ( ezcBase::$repositoryDirs as $extraDirKey => $extraDirArray )
            $repositoryDirectory = new ezcBaseRepositoryDirectory( ezcBaseRepositoryDirectory::TYPE_EXTERNAL, realpath( $extraDirArray['basePath'] ), realpath( $extraDirArray['autoloadDirPath'] ) );
            $autoloadDirs[$extraDirKey] = $repositoryDirectory;

        return $autoloadDirs;

     * Adds an additional class repository.
     * Used for adding class repositoryies outside the eZ components to be
     * loaded by the autoload system.
     * This function takes two arguments: $basePath is the base path for the
     * whole class repository and $autoloadDirPath the path where autoload
     * files for this repository are found. The paths in the autoload files are
     * relative to the package directory as specified by the $basePath
     * argument. I.e. class definition file will be searched at location
     * $basePath + path to the class definition file as stored in the autoload
     * file.
     * addClassRepository() should be called somewhere in code before external classes
     * are used.
     * Example:
     * Take the following facts:
     * <ul>
     * <li>there is a class repository stored in the directory "./repos"</li>
     * <li>autoload files for that repository are stored in "./repos/autoloads"</li>
     * <li>there are two components in this repository: "Me" and "You"</li>
     * <li>the "Me" component has the classes "erMyClass1" and "erMyClass2"</li>
     * <li>the "You" component has the classes "erYourClass1" and "erYourClass2"</li>
     * </ul>
     * In this case you would need to create the following files in
     * "./repos/autoloads". Please note that the part before _autoload.php in
     * the filename is the first part of the <b>classname</b>, not considering
     * the all lower-case letter prefix.
     * "my_autoload.php":
     * <code>
     * <?php
     *     return array (
     *       'erMyClass1' => 'Me/myclass1.php',
     *       'erMyClass2' => 'Me/myclass2.php',
     *     );
     * ?>
     * </code>
     * "your_autoload.php":
     * <code>
     * <?php
     *     return array (
     *       'erYourClass1' => 'You/yourclass1.php',
     *       'erYourClass2' => 'You/yourclass2.php',
     *     );
     * ?>
     * </code>
     * The directory structure for the external repository is then:
     * <code>
     * ./repos/autoloads/my_autoload.php
     * ./repos/autoloads/you_autoload.php
     * ./repos/Me/myclass1.php
     * ./repos/Me/myclass2.php
     * ./repos/You/yourclass1.php
     * ./repos/You/yourclass2.php
     * </code>
     * To use this repository with the autoload mechanism you have to use the
     * following code:
     * <code>
     * <?php
     * ezcBase::addClassRepository( './repos', './repos/autoloads' );
     * $myVar = new erMyClass2();
     * ?>
     * </code>
     * @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException if $autoloadDirPath or $basePath do not exist.
     * @param string $basePath
     * @param string $autoloadDirPath
     * @param string $prefix
    public static function addClassRepository( $basePath, $autoloadDirPath = null, $prefix = null )
        // check if base path exists
        if ( !is_dir( $basePath ) )
            throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $basePath, 'base directory' );

        // calculate autoload path if it wasn't given
        if ( is_null( $autoloadDirPath ) )
            $autoloadDirPath = $basePath . '/autoload';

        // check if autoload dir exists
        if ( !is_dir( $autoloadDirPath ) )
            throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $autoloadDirPath, 'autoload directory' );

        // add info to $repositoryDirs
        if ( $prefix === null )
            $array = array( 'basePath' => $basePath, 'autoloadDirPath' => $autoloadDirPath );

            // add info to the list of extra dirs
            ezcBase::$repositoryDirs[] = $array;
            if ( array_key_exists( $prefix, ezcBase::$repositoryDirs ) )
                throw new ezcBaseDoubleClassRepositoryPrefixException( $prefix, $basePath, $autoloadDirPath );

            // add info to the list of extra dirs, and use the prefix to identify the new repository.
            ezcBase::$repositoryDirs[$prefix] = array( 'basePath' => $basePath, 'autoloadDirPath' => $autoloadDirPath );

     * Returns the base path of the eZ Components installation
     * This method returns the base path, including a trailing directory
     * separator.
     * @return string
    public static function getInstallationPath()

        $path = realpath( self::$packageDir );
        if ( substr( $path, -1 ) !== DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )
            $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        return $path;

     * Sets the development mode to the one specified.
     * @param int $runMode
    public static function setRunMode( $runMode )
        if ( !in_array( $runMode, array( ezcBase::MODE_PRODUCTION, ezcBase::MODE_DEVELOPMENT ) ) )
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'runMode', $runMode, 'ezcBase::MODE_PRODUCTION or ezcBase::MODE_DEVELOPMENT' );

        self::$runMode = $runMode;

     * Returns the current development mode.
     * @return int
    public static function getRunMode()
        return self::$runMode;

     * Returns true when we are in development mode.
     * @return bool
    public static function inDevMode()
        return self::$runMode == ezcBase::MODE_DEVELOPMENT;

     * Returns the installation method
     * Possible return values are 'custom', 'devel', 'tarball' and 'pear'. Only
     * 'tarball' and 'pear' are returned for user-installed versions.
     * @return string
    public static function getInstallMethod()
        return self::$libraryMode;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
exceptions Folder 0755
interfaces Folder 0755
metadata Folder 0755
options Folder 0755
structs Folder 0755
base.php File 21.7 KB 0644
base_autoload.php File 3.08 KB 0644
ezc_bootstrap.php File 1.12 KB 0644
features.php File 10.9 KB 0644
file.php File 17.33 KB 0644
init.php File 4.07 KB 0644
metadata.php File 3.43 KB 0644
options.php File 5.23 KB 0644
struct.php File 820 B 0644