[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
require 'tutorial_autoload.php';

class myProgressFinder
    static public function findRecursiveCallback( ezcBaseFileFindContext $context, $sourceDir, $fileName, $fileInfo )
        // ignore if we have a directory, but do print a "." and sleep for
        // extra demo time
        if ( $fileInfo['mode'] & 0x4000 )
            echo ".";
            usleep( 100000 );

        // update the statistics
        $context->elements[] = $sourceDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName;
        $context->size += $fileInfo['size'];

    static public function findRecursive( $sourceDir, array $includeFilters = array(), array $excludeFilters = array() )
        // create the context, and then start walking over the array
        $context = new ezcBaseFileFindContext;
        ezcBaseFile::walkRecursive( $sourceDir, $includeFilters, $excludeFilters,
                array( 'myProgressFinder', 'findRecursiveCallback' ), $context );

        // collect the statistics (which we don't do anything with in this example)
        $statistics['size'] = $context->size;
        $statistics['count'] = $context->count;

        // return the found and pattern-matched files
        sort( $context->elements );
        return $context->elements;

$files = myProgressFinder::findRecursive( dirname( __FILE__ ) );
var_dump( $files );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
repos Folder 0755
CREDITS File 229 B 0644
LICENSE File 1.53 KB 0644
tutorial.txt File 8.59 KB 0644
tutorial_autoload.php File 495 B 0644
tutorial_example_01.php File 215 B 0644
tutorial_example_02.php File 189 B 0644
tutorial_example_03.php File 107 B 0644
tutorial_example_04.php File 1.39 KB 0644
tutorial_lazy_initialization.php File 914 B 0644