[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
 * File containing the ezcConsoleTable class.
 * @package ConsoleTools
 * @version 1.6.1
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
 * @license http://ez.no/licenses/new_bsd New BSD License
 * @filesource

 * Creating tables to be printed to the console. 
 * Every ezcConsoleTable object can be accessed as if it was a multidimensional,
 * numerically indexed array. The first dimension represents the rows of the 
 * table, so $table[0] gives you access to the first row of the table, which is 
 * represented by a {@link ezcConsoleTableRow} object. You can access its 
 * properties directly, using e.g. $table[0]->format. The second dimension gives 
 * you direct access to the cells of your table, like $table[0][0] accesses the 
 * first cell in the first row of your table. You can access its properties 
 * diretly here, too. This works like e.g. $table[0][0]->format. Table row and
 * cell objects are created on the fly, when you access them for the first time.
 * You can also create them as if you simply create new array elements. E.g.
 * $table[] creates a new row in the table.
 * <code>
 * // Initialize the console output handler
 * $out = new ezcConsoleOutput();
 * // Define a new format "headline"
 * $out->formats->headline->color = 'red';
 * $out->formats->headline->style = array( 'bold' );
 * // Define a new format "sum"
 * $out->formats->sum->color = 'blue';
 * $out->formats->sum->style = array( 'negative' );
 * // Create a new table
 * $table = new ezcConsoleTable( $out, 60 );
 * // Create first row and in it the first cell
 * $table[0][0]->content = 'Headline 1';
 * // Create 3 more cells in row 0
 * for ( $i = 2; $i < 5; $i++ )
 * {
 *      $table[0][]->content = "Headline $i";
 * }
 * $data = array( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
 * // Create some more data in the table...
 * foreach ( $data as $value )
 * {
 *      // Create a new row each time and set it's contents to the actual value
 *      $table[][0]->content = $value;
 * }
 * // Set another border format for our headline row
 * $table[0]->borderFormat = 'headline';
 * // Set the content format for all cells of the 3rd row to "sum"
 * $table[2]->format = 'sum';
 * $table->outputTable();
 * </code>
 * @property ezcConsoleTableOptions $options
 *           Contains the options for this class.
 * @property int $width
 *           Width of the table.
 * @see ezcConsoleOutput
 * @package ConsoleTools
 * @version 1.6.1
 * @mainclass
class ezcConsoleTable implements Countable, Iterator, ArrayAccess
     * Automatically wrap text to fit into a column.
     * @see ezcConsoleTable::$options
    const WRAP_AUTO = 1;

     * Do not wrap text. Columns will be extended to fit the largest text.
     * ATTENTION: This is risky!
     * @see ezcConsoleTable::$options
    const WRAP_NONE = 2;

     * Text will be cut to fit into a column.
     * @see ezcConsoleTable::$options
    const WRAP_CUT  = 3;
     * Align text in the default direction. 
    const ALIGN_DEFAULT = -1;
     * Align text in cells to the right.
     * Align text in cells to the left.
     * Align text in cells to the center.

     * The width given by settings must be used even if the data allows it smaller. 
    const WIDTH_FIXED = 1;
     * The width given by settings is a maximum value, if data allows it, the table gets smaller.
    const WIDTH_MAX = 2;

     * Container to hold the properties
     * @var array(string=>mixed)
    protected $properties;

     * The ezcConsoleOutput object to use.
     * @var ezcConsoleOutput
    protected $outputHandler;

     * Collection of the rows that are contained in the table. 
     * @var array(ezcConsoleTableRow)
    protected $rows;

     * Tool object for multi-byte encoding safe string operations.
     * @var ezcConsoleStringTool
    private $stringTool;

     * Creates a new table.
     * @param ezcConsoleOutput $outHandler Output handler to utilize
     * @param int $width                   Overall width of the table (chars).
     * @param array $options               Options
     * @see ezcConsoleTable::$options
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException On an invalid setting.
    public function __construct( ezcConsoleOutput $outHandler, $width, $options = array() ) 
        $this->rows = array();
        $this->outputHandler = $outHandler;
        $this->stringTool = new ezcConsoleStringTool();

        $this->__set( 'width', $width );
        if ( $options instanceof ezcConsoleTableOptions )
            $this->properties['options'] = $options;
        else if ( is_array( $options ) )
            $this->properties['options'] = new ezcConsoleTableOptions( $options );
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( "options", $options, "array" );

     * Set new options.
     * This method allows you to change the options of the table.
     * @param ezcConsoleTableOptions $options The options to set.
     * @throws ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException
     *         If you tried to set a non-existent option value.
     * @throws ezcBaseSettingValueException
     *         If the value is not valid for the desired option.
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If you submit neither an array nor an instance of 
     *         ezcConsoleTableOptions.
    public function setOptions( $options = array() ) 
        if ( is_array( $options ) ) 
            $this->properties['options']->merge( $options );
        else if ( $options instanceof ezcConsoleTableOptions ) 
            $this->properties['options'] = $options;
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( "options", $options, "instance of ezcConsoleTableOptions" );

     * Returns the current options.
     * Returns the options currently set for this table.
     * @return ezcConsoleTableOptions The current options.
    public function getOptions()
        return $this->properties['options'];

     * Returns the table in an array.
     * Returns the entire table as an array of printable lines. Each element of
     * the array represents a physical line of the drawn table, including all
     * borders and stuff, so you can simply print the table using
     * <code>
     * echo implode( "\n" , $table->getTable() ):
     * </code>
     * which is basically what {@link ezcConsoleTable::outputTable()} does.
     * @return array An array representation of the table.
    public function getTable()
        return $this->generateTable();

     * Output the table.
     * Prints the complete table to the console.
     * @return void
    public function outputTable() 
        echo implode( PHP_EOL, $this->generateTable() );

     * Returns the table in a string.
     * @return string
    public function __toString()
        return implode( PHP_EOL, $this->generateTable() );

     * Returns if the given offset exists.
     * This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
     * data of this object as if it was an array.
     * @param int $offset The offset to check.
     * @return bool True when the offset exists, otherwise false.
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If a non numeric row ID is requested.
    public function offsetExists( $offset )
        if ( !is_int( $offset ) || $offset < 0 )
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'offset', $offset, 'int >= 0' );
        return isset( $this->rows[$offset] );

    // From here only interface method implementations follow, which are not intended for direct usage

     * Returns the element with the given offset. 
     * This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
     * data of this object as if it was an array. In case of the
     * ezcConsoleTable class this method always returns a valid row object
     * since it creates them on the fly, if a given item does not exist.
     * @param int $offset The offset to check.
     * @return ezcConsoleTableCell
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If a non numeric row ID is requested.
    public function offsetGet( $offset )
        $offset = ( $offset === null ) ? count( $this->rows ) : $offset;
        if ( !is_int( $offset ) || $offset < 0  )
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'offset', $offset, 'int >= 0 or null' );
        if ( !isset( $this->rows[$offset] ) )
            $this->rows[$offset] = new ezcConsoleTableRow();
        return $this->rows[$offset];

     * Set the element with the given offset. 
     * This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
     * data of this object as if it was an array. 
     * @param int $offset               The offset to assign an item to.
     * @param ezcConsoleTableRow $value The row to assign.
     * @return void
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If a non numeric row ID is requested.
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If the provided value is not of type {@link ezcConsoleTableRow}.
    public function offsetSet( $offset, $value )
        if ( !( $value instanceof ezcConsoleTableRow ) )
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'value', $value, 'ezcConsoleTableRow' );
        if ( !isset( $offset ) )
            $offset = count( $this );
        if ( !is_int( $offset ) || $offset < 0 )
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'offset', $offset, 'int >= 0' );
        $this->rows[$offset] = $value;

     * Unset the element with the given offset. 
     * This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
     * data of this object as if it was an array. 
     * @param int $offset The offset to unset the value for.
     * @return void
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If a non numeric row ID is requested.
    public function offsetUnset( $offset )
        if ( !is_int( $offset ) || $offset < 0 )
            throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'offset', $offset, 'int >= 0' );
        if ( isset( $this->rows[$offset] ) )
            unset( $this->rows[$offset] );

     * Returns the number of cells in the row.
     * This method is part of the Countable interface to allow the usage of
     * PHP's count() function to check how many cells this row has.
     * @return int Number of cells in this row.
    public function count()
        $keys = array_keys( $this->rows );
        return count( $keys ) > 0 ? ( end( $keys ) + 1 ) : 0;

     * Returns the currently selected cell.
     * This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the 
     * cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
     * foreach).
     * @return ezcConsoleTableCell The currently selected cell.
    public function current()
        return current( $this->rows );

     * Returns the key of the currently selected cell.
     * This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the 
     * cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
     * foreach).
     * @return int The key of the currently selected cell.
    public function key()
        return key( $this->rows );

     * Returns the next cell and selects it or false on the last cell.
     * This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the 
     * cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
     * foreach).
     * @return mixed ezcConsoleTableCell if the next cell exists, or false.
    public function next()
        return next( $this->rows );

     * Selects the very first cell and returns it.
     * This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the 
     * cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
     * foreach).
     * @return ezcConsoleTableCell The very first cell of this row.
    public function rewind()
        return reset( $this->rows );

     * Returns if the current cell is valid.
     * This method is part of the Iterator interface to allow access to the 
     * cells of this row by iterating over it like an array (e.g. using
     * foreach).
     * @return ezcConsoleTableCell The very first cell of this row.
    public function valid()
        return current( $this->rows ) !== false;

     * Property read access.
     * @param string $key Name of the property.
     * @return mixed Value of the property or null.
     * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
     *         If the the desired property is not found.
     * @ignore
    public function __get( $key )
        switch ( $key )
            case 'options':
            case 'width':
                return $this->properties[$key];
        throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $key );

     * Property write access.
     * @param string $key Name of the property.
     * @param mixed $val  The value for the property.
     * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException
     *         If a the value for the property options is not an instance of
     * @throws ezcBaseValueException
     *         If a the value for a property is out of range.
     * @ignore
    public function __set( $key, $val )
        switch ( $key )
            case 'options':
                if ( !( $val instanceof ezcConsoleTableOptions ) )
                    throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'ezcConsoleTableOptions' );
                $this->properties['options'] = $val;
            case 'width':
                if ( $val < 1 )
                    throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'int > 0' );
                $this->properties[$key] = $val; 
        throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $key );
     * Property isset access.
     * @param string $key Name of the property.
     * @return bool True is the property is set, otherwise false.
     * @ignore
    public function __isset( $key )
        switch ( $key )
            case 'options':
            case 'width':
            case 'cols':
                return true;
        return false;

     * Generate the complete table as an array. 
     * @return array(string) The table.
    private function generateTable()
        $colWidth = $this->getColWidths();
        $table = array();
        if ( $this->options->lineVertical !== null )
            $table[] = $this->generateBorder(
                ( isset( $this[0] ) ? $this[0]->borderFormat : 'default' )

        // Rows submitted by the user
        for ( $i = 0;  $i < count( $this->rows ); $i++ )
            // Auto broken rows
            foreach ( $this->breakRows( $this->rows[$i], $colWidth ) as $brkRow => $brkCells )
                $table[] = $this->generateRow( $brkCells, $colWidth, $this->rows[$i] );
            $afterBorderFormat = isset( $this->rows[$i + 1] ) && $this->rows[$i + 1]->borderFormat != 'default' ? $this->rows[$i + 1]->borderFormat : $this->rows[$i]->borderFormat;
            if ( $this->options->lineVertical !== null )
                $table[] = $this->generateBorder( $colWidth, $afterBorderFormat );

        // Empty tables need closing border
        if ( $this->options->lineVertical !== null && count( $this->rows ) == null )
            $table[] = $this->generateBorder( $colWidth, 'default' );

        return $table; 

     * Generate top/bottom borders of rows. 
     * @param array(int) $colWidth Array of column width.
     * @param string $format            Format name.
     * @return string The Border string.
    private function generateBorder( $colWidth, $format )
        $border = '';
        foreach ( $colWidth as $col => $width )
            $border .= ( $this->options->lineHorizontal !== null ? $this->properties['options']->corner : '' )
                    . str_repeat(
                        $width + (
                            2 * iconv_strlen( $this->properties['options']->colPadding, 'UTF-8' )
        $border .= ( $this->options->lineHorizontal !== null ? $this->properties['options']->corner : '' );

        return $this->formatText( $border, $format );

     * Generate a single physical row.
     * This method generates the string for a single physical table row.
     * @param array(string) $cells Cells of the row.
     * @param array(int) $colWidth Calculated columns widths.
     * @param ezcConsoleTableRow $row   The row to generate.
     * @return string The row.
    private function generateRow( $cells, $colWidth, $row )
        $rowData = '';
        for ( $cell = 0; $cell < count( $colWidth ); $cell++ )
            $align = $this->determineAlign( $row, $cell );
            $format = $this->determineFormat( $row, $cell );
            $borderFormat = $this->determineBorderFormat( $row );
            $data = isset( $cells[$cell] ) ? $cells[$cell] : '';
            $rowData .= $this->formatText( 
            $rowData .= $this->properties['options']->colPadding;
            $rowData .= $this->formatText(
                            $this->stringTool->strPad( $data, $colWidth[$cell], ' ', $align ),
            $rowData .= $this->properties['options']->colPadding;
        $rowData .= $this->formatText( $this->properties['options']->lineHorizontal, $row->borderFormat );
        return $rowData;

     * Determine the alignment of a cell.
     * Walks the inheritance path upwards to determine the alignment of a 
     * cell. Checks first, if the cell has it's own alignment (apart from 
     * ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT). If not, checks the row for an 
     * alignment setting and uses the default alignment if not found.
     * @param ezcConsoleTableRow $row The row this cell belongs to.
     * @param int $cellId             Index of the desired cell.
     * @return int An alignement constant (ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_*).
    private function determineAlign( $row, $cellId = 0 )
        return ( $row[$cellId]->align !== ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT 
            ? $row[$cellId]->align
            : ( $row->align !== ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT
                ? $row->align
                : ( $this->properties['options']->defaultAlign !== ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT
                    ? $this->properties['options']->defaultAlign
                    : ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_LEFT ) ) );

     * Determine the format of a cells content.
     * Walks the inheritance path upwards to determine the format of a 
     * cells content. Checks first, if the cell has it's own format (apart 
     * from 'default'). If not, checks the row for a format setting and 
     * uses the default format if not found.
     * @param ezcConsoleTableRow $row The row this cell belongs to.
     * @param int $cellId             Index of the desired cell.
     * @return string A format name.
    private function determineFormat( $row, $cellId )
        return ( $row[$cellId]->format != 'default'
            ? $row[$cellId]->format
            : ( $row->format !== 'default'
                ? $row->format
                : $this->properties['options']->defaultFormat ) );

     * Determine the format of a rows border.
     * Walks the inheritance path upwards to determine the format of a 
     * rows border. Checks first, if the row has it's own format (apart 
     * from 'default'). If not, uses the default format.
     * @param ezcConsoleTableRow $row   The row this cell belongs to.
     * @return string A format name.
    private function determineBorderFormat( $row )
        return $row->borderFormat !== 'default'
            ? $row->borderFormat
            : $this->properties['options']->defaultBorderFormat;

     * Returns auto broken rows from an array of cells.
     * The data provided by a user may not fit into a cell calculated by the 
     * class. In this case, the data can be automatically wrapped. The table 
     * row then spans over multiple physical console lines.
     * @param array(string) $cells Array of cells in one row.
     * @param array(int) $colWidth Columns widths array.
     * @return array(string) Physical rows generated out of this row.
    private function breakRows( $cells, $colWidth ) 
        $rows = array();
        // Iterate through cells of the row
        foreach ( $colWidth as $cell => $width ) 
            $data = $cells[$cell]->content;
            // Physical row id, start with 0 for each row
            $row = 0;
            // Split into multiple physical rows if manual breaks exist
            $dataLines = explode( "\n", $data );
            foreach ( $dataLines as $dataLine ) 
                // Does the physical row fit?
                if ( iconv_strlen( $dataLine, 'UTF-8' ) > ( $colWidth[$cell] ) )
                    switch ( $this->properties['options']->colWrap )
                        case ezcConsoleTable::WRAP_AUTO:
                            $subLines = explode(
                                $this->stringTool->wordwrap( $dataLine, $colWidth[$cell], "\n", true )
                            foreach ( $subLines as $lineNo => $line )
                                $rows[$row++][$cell] = $line;
                        case ezcConsoleTable::WRAP_CUT:
                            $rows[$row++][$cell] = iconv_substr( $dataLine, 0, $colWidth[$cell], 'UTF-8' );
                        case ezcConsoleTable::WRAP_NONE:
                            $rows[$row++][$cell] = $dataLine;
                    $rows[$row++][$cell] = $dataLine;
        return $rows;

     * Determine width of each single column. 
     * @return void
    private function getColWidths()
        if ( is_array( $this->properties['options']->colWidth ) )
            return $this->properties['options']->colWidth;

        // Determine number of columns:
        $colCount = 0;
        foreach ( $this->rows as $row )
            $colCount = max( sizeof( $row ), $colCount );

        if ( $colCount === 0 )
            return array( $this->width );

        $borderWidth = iconv_strlen(

        // Subtract border and padding chars from global width
        $globalWidth = $this->width
            - ( 
                // Per column: 2 * border padding + 1 border
                $colCount * (
                    2 * iconv_strlen( $this->properties['options']->colPadding, 'UTF-8' )
                    + $borderWidth 
              // 1 Additional border
              ) - $borderWidth;
        // Width of a column if each is made equal
        $colNormWidth = round( $globalWidth / $colCount );
        $colMaxWidth = array();
        // Determine the longest data for each column
        foreach ( $this->rows as $row => $cells )
            foreach ( $cells as $col => $cell )
                $contentLength = 0;
                foreach ( explode( PHP_EOL, $cell->content ) as $contentRow )
                    $contentLength = max(
                        iconv_strlen( $contentRow, 'UTF-8' )
                $colMaxWidth[$col] = isset( $colMaxWidth[$col] ) ? max( $colMaxWidth[$col], $contentLength ) : $contentLength;
        $colWidth = array();
        $colWidthOverflow = array();
        $spareWidth = 0;
        // Make columns best fit
        foreach ( $colMaxWidth as $col => $maxWidth )
            // Does the largest data of the column fit into the average size 
            // + what we have in spare from earlier columns?
            if ( $maxWidth <= ( $colNormWidth + $spareWidth ) ) 
                // We fit in, make the column as large as necessary
                $colWidth[$col] = $maxWidth;
                $spareWidth += ( $colNormWidth - $maxWidth );
                // Does not fit, use maximal possible width
                $colWidth[$col]  = $colNormWidth + $spareWidth;
                $spareWidth = 0;
                // Store overflow for second processing step
                $colWidthOverflow[$col] = $maxWidth - $colWidth[$col];
        // Do we have spare to give to the columns again?
        if ( $spareWidth > 0 )
            // Second processing step
            if ( count( $colWidthOverflow ) > 0  )
                $overflowSum = array_sum( $colWidthOverflow );
                foreach ( $colWidthOverflow as $col => $overflow );
                    $colWidth[$col] += floor( $overflow / $overflowSum * $spareWidth );
            elseif ( $this->properties['options']->widthType === ezcConsoleTable::WIDTH_FIXED )
                $widthSum = array_sum( $colWidth );
                foreach ( $colWidth as $col => $width )
                    $colWidth[$col] += floor( $width / $widthSum * $spareWidth );
        // Finally sanitize values from rounding issues, if necessary
        if ( ( $colSum = array_sum( $colWidth ) ) != $globalWidth && $this->properties['options']->widthType === ezcConsoleTable::WIDTH_FIXED )
            $colWidth[count( $colWidth ) - 1] -= $colSum - $globalWidth;
        return $colWidth;

     * Returns the given $text formatted with $format.
     * In case $useFormats is set to false in the output handler, the text is 
     * returned as given, without any formatting.
     * @param string $text 
     * @param string $format 
     * @return string
    private function formatText( $text, $format )
        if ( $this->outputHandler->options->useFormats )
            return $this->outputHandler->formatText( $text, $format );
            return $text;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
dialog Folder 0755
exceptions Folder 0755
input Folder 0755
interfaces Folder 0755
options Folder 0755
structs Folder 0755
table Folder 0755
tools Folder 0755
console_autoload.php File 6.36 KB 0644
dialog_viewer.php File 1.78 KB 0644
input.php File 44.07 KB 0644
output.php File 18.68 KB 0644
progressbar.php File 13.92 KB 0644
progressmonitor.php File 5.83 KB 0644
statusbar.php File 7.26 KB 0644
table.php File 28.04 KB 0644