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/* vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 foldmethod=marker: */

 * Parser for MARC records
 * This package is based on the PHP MARC package, originally called "php-marc",
 * that is part of the Emilda Project (http://www.emilda.org). Christoffer
 * Landtman generously agreed to make the "php-marc" code available under the
 * GNU LGPL so it could be used as the basis of this PEAR package.
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * @category  File_Formats
 * @package   File_MARC
 * @author    Christoffer Landtman <landtman@realnode.com>
 * @author    Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
 * @copyright 2003-2008 Oy Realnode Ab, Dan Scott
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html  LGPL License 2.1
 * @version   CVS: $Id$
 * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC

// {{{ class File_MARC_Control_Field extends File_MARC_Field
 * The File_MARC_Control_Field class represents a single control field
 * in a MARC record.
 * A MARC control field consists of a tag name and control data.
 * @category File_Formats
 * @package  File_MARC
 * @author   Christoffer Landtman <landtman@realnode.com>
 * @author   Dan Scott <dscott@laurentian.ca>
 * @license  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html  LGPL License 2.1
 * @link     http://pear.php.net/package/File_MARC
class File_MARC_Control_Field extends File_MARC_Field

    // {{{ Properties
     * Value of field, if field is a Control field
     * @var string
    protected $data;
    // }}}

    // {{{ Constructor: function __construct()
     * Field init function
     * Create a new {@link File_MARC_Control_Field} object from passed arguments
     * @param string $tag  tag
     * @param string $data control field data
     * @param string $ind1 placeholder for class strictness
     * @param string $ind2 placeholder for class strictness
    function __construct($tag, $data, $ind1 = null, $ind2 = null) 
        $this->data = $data;

    // }}}

    // {{{ Destructor: function __destruct()
     * Destroys the control field
    function __destruct()
        $this->data = null;
    // }}}

    // {{{ Explicit destructor: function delete()
     * Destroys the control field
     * @return true
    function delete()
    // }}}

    // {{{ getData()
     * Get control field data
     * @return string returns data in control field
    function getData()
        return (string)$this->data;
    // }}}

    // {{{ isEmpty()
     * Is empty
     * Checks if the field contains data
     * @return bool Returns true if the field is empty, otherwise false
    function isEmpty()
        return ($this->data) ? false : true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ setData()
     * Set control field data
     * @param string $data data for the control field
     * @return bool returns the new data in the control field
    function setData($data)
        $this->data = $data;
        return $this->getData();
    // }}}

    // {{{ __toString()
     * Return as a formatted string
     * Return the control field as a formatted string for pretty printing
     * @return string Formatted output of control Field
    function __toString()
        return sprintf("%3s     %s", $this->tag, $this->data);
    // }}}

    // {{{ toRaw()
     * Return as raw MARC
     * Return the control field formatted in Raw MARC for saving into MARC files
     * @return string Raw MARC
    function toRaw()
        return (string)$this->data.File_MARC::END_OF_FIELD;
    // }}}

// }}}


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Lint Folder 0755
Control_Field.php File 4.52 KB 0644
Data_Field.php File 14.6 KB 0644
Exception.php File 7.38 KB 0644
Field.php File 6.48 KB 0644
Lint.php File 128.67 KB 0644
List.php File 3.41 KB 0644
Record.php File 21.77 KB 0644
Subfield.php File 5.23 KB 0644