3 �^� � @ sZ d dl Z d dlZd dlmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z G dd� dee �ZdS ) � N)�AF_INET�AF_INET6� )�MatchContext)�NodeconIPVersion)�PolicyQueryc sh e Zd ZdZdZdZdZedd� �Zej dd� �Zedd� �Z e j d d� �Z � fd d�Zdd � Z� Z S )�NodeconQueryaI Query nodecon statements. Parameter: policy The policy to query. Keyword Parameters/Class attributes: network The IPv4/IPv6 address or IPv4/IPv6 network address with netmask, e.g. or "". network_overlap If true, the net will match if it overlaps with the nodecon's network instead of equality. ip_version The IP version of the nodecon to match. (socket.AF_INET for IPv4 or socket.AF_INET6 for IPv6) user The criteria to match the context's user. user_regex If true, regular expression matching will be used on the user. role The criteria to match the context's role. role_regex If true, regular expression matching will be used on the role. type_ The criteria to match the context's type. type_regex If true, regular expression matching will be used on the type. range_ The criteria to match the context's range. range_subset If true, the criteria will match if it is a subset of the context's range. range_overlap If true, the criteria will match if it overlaps any of the context's range. range_superset If true, the criteria will match if it is a superset of the context's range. range_proper If true, use proper superset/subset operations. No effect if not using set operations. NFc C s | j S )N)�_ip_version)�self� r �$/usr/lib64/python3.6/nodeconquery.py� ip_versionF s zNodeconQuery.ip_versionc C s |rt j|�| _nd | _d S )N)r �lookupr )r �valuer r r r J s c C s | j S )N)�_network)r r r r �networkQ s zNodeconQuery.networkc C s |rt j|�| _nd | _d S )N)� ipaddressZ ip_networkr )r r r r r r U s c s$ t t| �j|f|� tjt�| _d S )N)�superr �__init__�loggingZ getLogger�__name__�log)r �policy�kwargs)� __class__r r r \ s zNodeconQuery.__init__c c s� | j jdj| �� | j jdj| �� | j jdj| �� | j| j � xf| jj� D ]X}| jr~| jrp| jj |j�s~qNn|j| jks~qN| j r�| j |j kr�qN| j|j�s�qN|V qNW dS )z-Generator which yields all matching nodecons.z*Generating nodecon results from {0.policy}z4Network: {0.network!r}, overlap: {0.network_overlap}zIP Version: {0.ip_version!r}N) r �info�format�debugZ_match_context_debugr Znodeconsr �network_overlapZoverlapsr Z_match_context�context)r Znodeconr r r �results` s zNodeconQuery.results)r � __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r �propertyr �setterr r r � __classcell__r r )r r r s "r )r r Zsocketr r Zmixinsr Z policyrepr Zqueryr r r r r r �<module> s