[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 \�#�@sdddgZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZyejjej	��Z
YnXdd�Zdd�Z
dd	�ZGd
d�de�ZGdd�de�ZGd
    Return process object representing the current process
    Return list of process objects corresponding to live child processes
    )�_cleanup�list�	_childrenrrrrr)scCs.x(tt�D]}|jj�dk	r
r�_popen�poll�discard)�prrrr	4sr	c@s�eZdZdZdd�Zdddfifdd�dd�Zdd	�Zd
d�Zdd
�Zd%dd�Z	dd�Z
edd��Zej
dd��Zedd��Zej
dd��Zedd��Zedd��ZeZedd ��Zd!d"�Zd#d$�ZdS)&rz�
    Process objects represent activity that is run in a separate process

    The class is analogous to `threading.Thread`
    cCst�dS)N)�NotImplementedError)�selfrrr�_PopenDszBaseProcess._PopenN)�daemoncCs�|dkstd��tt�}tj|f|_tjj�|_tj�|_	d|_
||_t|�|_
t|�|_|p�t|�jddjdd�|jD��|_|dk	r�||_tj|�dS)Nz#group argument must be None for now�-�:css|]}t|�VqdS)N)�str)�.0�irrr�	<genexpr>Ssz'BaseProcess.__init__.<locals>.<genexpr>)�AssertionError�next�_process_counterr�	_identity�_config�copy�os�getpid�_parent_pidr�_target�tuple�_args�dict�_kwargs�type�__name__�join�_namer�	_dangling�add)r�group�target�name�args�kwargsr�countrrr�__init__Gs

        Method to be run in sub-process; can be overridden in sub-class
        N)r#r%r')rrrr�runXszBaseProcess.runcCst|jdkstd��|jtj�ks(td��tjjd�s>td��t�|j	|�|_|jj
|_|`|`
        Start child process
        Nzcannot start a process twicez:can only start a process object created by current processrz3daemonic processes are not allowed to have children)rrr"r r!rr�getr	r�sentinel�	_sentinelr#r%r'rr-)rrrr�start_s
        Terminate process; sends SIGTERM signal or uses TerminateProcess()
        N)r�	terminate)rrrrr:pszBaseProcess.terminatecCsJ|jtj�kstd��|jdk	s(td��|jj|�}|dk	rFtj|�dS)z5
        Wait until child process terminates
        zcan only join a child processNzcan only join a started process)r"r r!rr�waitrr)rZtimeout�resrrrr*vs
zBaseProcess.joincCsX|tkrdS|jtj�ks"td��|jdkr0dS|jj�}|dkrFdStj|�dSdS)z1
        Return whether process is alive
        Tzcan only test a child processNF)	rr"r r!rrr

zBaseProcess.is_alivecCs|jS)N)r+)rrrrr0�szBaseProcess.namecCst|t�std��||_dS)Nzname must be a string)�
        Return whether process is a daemon
        rF)rr6)rrrrr�szBaseProcess.daemoncCs |jdkstd��||jd<dS)z1
        Set whether process is a daemon
        Nzprocess has already startedr)rrr)rZdaemonicrrrr�scCs
        Set authorization key of process
        Return exit code of process or `None` if it has yet to stop
        N)rr
        Return identifier (PID) of process or `None` if it has yet to start
        N)rr r!r�pid)rrrr�ident�szBaseProcess.identcCs(y|jStk
        Return a file descriptor (Unix) or handle (Windows) suitable for
        waiting for process termination.
        zprocess not startedN)r8�AttributeError�
ValueError)rrrrr7�szBaseProcess.sentinelcCs�|tkrd}n>|jtj�kr"d}n*|jdkr2d}n|jj�dk	rH|j}nd}t|�tkrv|dkrfd}ndt	j
||�}dt|�j|j||j
r�dp�d	fS)
NZstarted�unknown�initialrZstoppedzstopped[%s]z<%s(%s, %s%s)>z daemon�)rr"r r!rr
zBaseProcess.__repr__c CsJddlm}m}�zy||jdk	r,|j|j�tjd�at�a	|j
�t}|az|jj
r�}zL|js�d}n:t|jdt�r�|jd}ntjjt|jd�d�d}WYdd}~Xn2d}ddl}tjjd|j�|j�YnXWd|jd|�|j�X|S)N�)�util�contextz child process calling self.run()r�
zProcess %s:
z process exiting with exitcode %d)rIrNrOZ
_start_methodZ_force_start_method�	itertoolsr3r�setrZ_close_stdinrZ_finalizer_registry�clearZ_run_after_forkers�infor5Z_exit_function�
SystemExitr1r?rJ�sys�stderr�writer�	tracebackr0�	print_excZ_flush_std_streams)rrNrOZold_processrB�erYrrr�

__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rr4r5r9r:r*r>�propertyr0�setterrr@rBrDrCr7rLr\rrrrr>s*

c@seZdZdd�ZdS)rAcCs,ddlm}|�dkrtd��tt|�ffS)NrM)�get_spawning_popenzJPickling an AuthenticationString object is disallowed for security reasons)rOrb�	TypeErrorrA�bytes)rrbrrr�
zAuthenticationString.__reduce__N)r)r]r^rerrrrrAsrAc@seZdZdd�ZdS)�_MainProcesscCs2f|_d|_d|_d|_ttjd��dd�|_dS)NZMainProcess� z/mp)r@Z	semprefix)rr+r"rrAr �urandomr)rrrrr4-sz_MainProcess.__init__N)r)r]r^r4rrrrrf+srfrM�ZSIG�_) �__all__r rV�signalrQ�_weakrefsetr�path�abspath�getcwdZORIGINAL_DIR�OSErrorrrr	�objectrrdrArfrr3rrRrrKr



Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 507 B 0644
__init__.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 507 B 0644
__init__.cpython-36.pyc File 507 B 0644
connection.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 23.97 KB 0644
connection.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 21.79 KB 0644
connection.cpython-36.pyc File 24.26 KB 0644
context.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 12.79 KB 0644
context.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 11.33 KB 0644
context.cpython-36.pyc File 12.79 KB 0644
forkserver.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 6.58 KB 0644
forkserver.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 5.81 KB 0644
forkserver.cpython-36.pyc File 6.68 KB 0644
heap.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 5.75 KB 0644
heap.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 5.75 KB 0644
heap.cpython-36.pyc File 5.94 KB 0644
managers.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 32.04 KB 0644
managers.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 29.66 KB 0644
managers.cpython-36.pyc File 32.54 KB 0644
pool.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 20.08 KB 0644
pool.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 18.53 KB 0644
pool.cpython-36.pyc File 20.33 KB 0644
popen_fork.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 2.04 KB 0644
popen_fork.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 2.04 KB 0644
popen_fork.cpython-36.pyc File 2.08 KB 0644
popen_forkserver.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 2.27 KB 0644
popen_forkserver.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 2.27 KB 0644
popen_forkserver.cpython-36.pyc File 2.27 KB 0644
popen_spawn_posix.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 2.06 KB 0644
popen_spawn_posix.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 2.06 KB 0644
popen_spawn_posix.cpython-36.pyc File 2.06 KB 0644
popen_spawn_win32.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 2.66 KB 0644
popen_spawn_win32.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 2.58 KB 0644
popen_spawn_win32.cpython-36.pyc File 2.7 KB 0644
process.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 7.32 KB 0644
process.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 6.29 KB 0644
process.cpython-36.pyc File 7.95 KB 0644
queues.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 8.66 KB 0644
queues.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 8.66 KB 0644
queues.cpython-36.pyc File 8.74 KB 0644
reduction.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 7.73 KB 0644
reduction.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 6.92 KB 0644
reduction.cpython-36.pyc File 7.77 KB 0644
resource_sharer.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 5 KB 0644
resource_sharer.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 4.59 KB 0644
resource_sharer.cpython-36.pyc File 5.04 KB 0644
semaphore_tracker.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 3.55 KB 0644
semaphore_tracker.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 3.25 KB 0644
semaphore_tracker.cpython-36.pyc File 3.58 KB 0644
sharedctypes.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 6.65 KB 0644
sharedctypes.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 6.41 KB 0644
sharedctypes.cpython-36.pyc File 6.71 KB 0644
spawn.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 6.25 KB 0644
spawn.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 5.78 KB 0644
spawn.cpython-36.pyc File 6.29 KB 0644
synchronize.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 11.03 KB 0644
synchronize.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 11.03 KB 0644
synchronize.cpython-36.pyc File 11.3 KB 0644
util.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 9.46 KB 0644
util.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc File 8.78 KB 0644
util.cpython-36.pyc File 9.57 KB 0644