[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
import os
import bdb
from Tkinter import *
from idlelib.WindowList import ListedToplevel
from idlelib.ScrolledList import ScrolledList
from idlelib import macosxSupport

class Idb(bdb.Bdb):

    def __init__(self, gui):
        self.gui = gui

    def user_line(self, frame):
        if self.in_rpc_code(frame):
        message = self.__frame2message(frame)
            self.gui.interaction(message, frame)
        except TclError:  # When closing debugger window with [x] in 3.x

    def user_exception(self, frame, info):
        if self.in_rpc_code(frame):
        message = self.__frame2message(frame)
        self.gui.interaction(message, frame, info)

    def in_rpc_code(self, frame):
        if frame.f_code.co_filename.count('rpc.py'):
            return True
            prev_frame = frame.f_back
            if prev_frame.f_code.co_filename.count('Debugger.py'):
                # (that test will catch both Debugger.py and RemoteDebugger.py)
                return False
            return self.in_rpc_code(prev_frame)

    def __frame2message(self, frame):
        code = frame.f_code
        filename = code.co_filename
        lineno = frame.f_lineno
        basename = os.path.basename(filename)
        message = "%s:%s" % (basename, lineno)
        if code.co_name != "?":
            message = "%s: %s()" % (message, code.co_name)
        return message

class Debugger:

    vstack = vsource = vlocals = vglobals = None

    def __init__(self, pyshell, idb=None):
        if idb is None:
            idb = Idb(self)
        self.pyshell = pyshell
        self.idb = idb
        self.frame = None
        self.interacting = 0
        self.nesting_level = 0

    def run(self, *args):
        # Deal with the scenario where we've already got a program running
        # in the debugger and we want to start another. If that is the case,
        # our second 'run' was invoked from an event dispatched not from
        # the main event loop, but from the nested event loop in 'interaction'
        # below. So our stack looks something like this:
        #       outer main event loop
        #         run()
        #           <running program with traces>
        #             callback to debugger's interaction()
        #               nested event loop
        #                 run() for second command
        # This kind of nesting of event loops causes all kinds of problems
        # (see e.g. issue #24455) especially when dealing with running as a
        # subprocess, where there's all kinds of extra stuff happening in
        # there - insert a traceback.print_stack() to check it out.
        # By this point, we've already called restart_subprocess() in
        # ScriptBinding. However, we also need to unwind the stack back to
        # that outer event loop.  To accomplish this, we:
        #   - return immediately from the nested run()
        #   - abort_loop ensures the nested event loop will terminate
        #   - the debugger's interaction routine completes normally
        #   - the restart_subprocess() will have taken care of stopping
        #     the running program, which will also let the outer run complete
        # That leaves us back at the outer main event loop, at which point our
        # after event can fire, and we'll come back to this routine with a
        # clean stack.
        if self.nesting_level > 0:
            self.root.after(100, lambda: self.run(*args))
            self.interacting = 1
            return self.idb.run(*args)
            self.interacting = 0

    def close(self, event=None):
        except Exception:
        if self.interacting:
        if self.stackviewer:
            self.stackviewer.close(); self.stackviewer = None
        # Clean up pyshell if user clicked debugger control close widget.
        # (Causes a harmless extra cycle through close_debugger() if user
        # toggled debugger from pyshell Debug menu)
        # Now close the debugger control window....

    def make_gui(self):
        pyshell = self.pyshell
        self.flist = pyshell.flist
        self.root = root = pyshell.root
        self.top = top = ListedToplevel(root)
        self.top.wm_title("Debug Control")
        top.wm_protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close)
        self.top.bind("<Escape>", self.close)
        self.bframe = bframe = Frame(top)
        self.buttons = bl = []
        self.bcont = b = Button(bframe, text="Go", command=self.cont)
        self.bstep = b = Button(bframe, text="Step", command=self.step)
        self.bnext = b = Button(bframe, text="Over", command=self.next)
        self.bret = b = Button(bframe, text="Out", command=self.ret)
        self.bret = b = Button(bframe, text="Quit", command=self.quit)
        for b in bl:
        self.cframe = cframe = Frame(bframe)
        if not self.vstack:
            self.__class__.vstack = BooleanVar(top)
        self.bstack = Checkbutton(cframe,
            text="Stack", command=self.show_stack, variable=self.vstack)
        self.bstack.grid(row=0, column=0)
        if not self.vsource:
            self.__class__.vsource = BooleanVar(top)
        self.bsource = Checkbutton(cframe,
            text="Source", command=self.show_source, variable=self.vsource)
        self.bsource.grid(row=0, column=1)
        if not self.vlocals:
            self.__class__.vlocals = BooleanVar(top)
        self.blocals = Checkbutton(cframe,
            text="Locals", command=self.show_locals, variable=self.vlocals)
        self.blocals.grid(row=1, column=0)
        if not self.vglobals:
            self.__class__.vglobals = BooleanVar(top)
        self.bglobals = Checkbutton(cframe,
            text="Globals", command=self.show_globals, variable=self.vglobals)
        self.bglobals.grid(row=1, column=1)
        self.status = Label(top, anchor="w")
        self.error = Label(top, anchor="w")
        self.error.pack(anchor="w", fill="x")
        self.errorbg = self.error.cget("background")
        self.fstack = Frame(top, height=1)
        self.fstack.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
        self.flocals = Frame(top)
        self.flocals.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
        self.fglobals = Frame(top, height=1)
        self.fglobals.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
        if self.vstack.get():
        if self.vlocals.get():
        if self.vglobals.get():

    def interaction(self, message, frame, info=None):
        self.frame = frame
        if info:
            type, value, tb = info
                m1 = type.__name__
            except AttributeError:
                m1 = "%s" % str(type)
            if value is not None:
                    m1 = "%s: %s" % (m1, str(value))
            bg = "yellow"
            m1 = ""
            tb = None
            bg = self.errorbg
        self.error.configure(text=m1, background=bg)
        sv = self.stackviewer
        if sv:
            stack, i = self.idb.get_stack(self.frame, tb)
            sv.load_stack(stack, i)
        if self.vsource.get():
        for b in self.buttons:
        # Nested main loop: Tkinter's main loop is not reentrant, so use
        # Tcl's vwait facility, which reenters the event loop until an
        # event handler sets the variable we're waiting on
        self.nesting_level += 1
        self.root.tk.call('vwait', '::idledebugwait')
        self.nesting_level -= 1
        for b in self.buttons:
        self.error.configure(text="", background=self.errorbg)
        self.frame = None

    def sync_source_line(self):
        frame = self.frame
        if not frame:
        filename, lineno = self.__frame2fileline(frame)
        if filename[:1] + filename[-1:] != "<>" and os.path.exists(filename):
            self.flist.gotofileline(filename, lineno)

    def __frame2fileline(self, frame):
        code = frame.f_code
        filename = code.co_filename
        lineno = frame.f_lineno
        return filename, lineno

    def cont(self):

    def step(self):

    def next(self):

    def ret(self):

    def quit(self):

    def abort_loop(self):
        self.root.tk.call('set', '::idledebugwait', '1')

    stackviewer = None

    def show_stack(self):
        if not self.stackviewer and self.vstack.get():
            self.stackviewer = sv = StackViewer(self.fstack, self.flist, self)
            if self.frame:
                stack, i = self.idb.get_stack(self.frame, None)
                sv.load_stack(stack, i)
            sv = self.stackviewer
            if sv and not self.vstack.get():
                self.stackviewer = None
            self.fstack['height'] = 1

    def show_source(self):
        if self.vsource.get():

    def show_frame(self, stackitem):
        self.frame = stackitem[0]  # lineno is stackitem[1]

    localsviewer = None
    globalsviewer = None

    def show_locals(self):
        lv = self.localsviewer
        if self.vlocals.get():
            if not lv:
                self.localsviewer = NamespaceViewer(self.flocals, "Locals")
            if lv:
                self.localsviewer = None
                self.flocals['height'] = 1

    def show_globals(self):
        gv = self.globalsviewer
        if self.vglobals.get():
            if not gv:
                self.globalsviewer = NamespaceViewer(self.fglobals, "Globals")
            if gv:
                self.globalsviewer = None
                self.fglobals['height'] = 1

    def show_variables(self, force=0):
        lv = self.localsviewer
        gv = self.globalsviewer
        frame = self.frame
        if not frame:
            ldict = gdict = None
            ldict = frame.f_locals
            gdict = frame.f_globals
            if lv and gv and ldict is gdict:
                ldict = None
        if lv:
            lv.load_dict(ldict, force, self.pyshell.interp.rpcclt)
        if gv:
            gv.load_dict(gdict, force, self.pyshell.interp.rpcclt)

    def set_breakpoint_here(self, filename, lineno):
        self.idb.set_break(filename, lineno)

    def clear_breakpoint_here(self, filename, lineno):
        self.idb.clear_break(filename, lineno)

    def clear_file_breaks(self, filename):

    def load_breakpoints(self):
        "Load PyShellEditorWindow breakpoints into subprocess debugger"
        pyshell_edit_windows = self.pyshell.flist.inversedict.keys()
        for editwin in pyshell_edit_windows:
            filename = editwin.io.filename
                for lineno in editwin.breakpoints:
                    self.set_breakpoint_here(filename, lineno)
            except AttributeError:

class StackViewer(ScrolledList):

    def __init__(self, master, flist, gui):
        if macosxSupport.isAquaTk():
            # At least on with the stock AquaTk version on OSX 10.4 you'll
            # get a shaking GUI that eventually kills IDLE if the width
            # argument is specified.
            ScrolledList.__init__(self, master)
            ScrolledList.__init__(self, master, width=80)
        self.flist = flist
        self.gui = gui
        self.stack = []

    def load_stack(self, stack, index=None):
        self.stack = stack
        for i in range(len(stack)):
            frame, lineno = stack[i]
                modname = frame.f_globals["__name__"]
                modname = "?"
            code = frame.f_code
            filename = code.co_filename
            funcname = code.co_name
            import linecache
            sourceline = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
            import string
            sourceline = string.strip(sourceline)
            if funcname in ("?", "", None):
                item = "%s, line %d: %s" % (modname, lineno, sourceline)
                item = "%s.%s(), line %d: %s" % (modname, funcname,
                                                 lineno, sourceline)
            if i == index:
                item = "> " + item
        if index is not None:

    def popup_event(self, event):
        "override base method"
        if self.stack:
            return ScrolledList.popup_event(self, event)

    def fill_menu(self):
        "override base method"
        menu = self.menu
        menu.add_command(label="Go to source line",
        menu.add_command(label="Show stack frame",

    def on_select(self, index):
        "override base method"
        if 0 <= index < len(self.stack):

    def on_double(self, index):
        "override base method"

    def goto_source_line(self):
        index = self.listbox.index("active")

    def show_stack_frame(self):
        index = self.listbox.index("active")
        if 0 <= index < len(self.stack):

    def show_source(self, index):
        if not (0 <= index < len(self.stack)):
        frame, lineno = self.stack[index]
        code = frame.f_code
        filename = code.co_filename
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            edit = self.flist.open(filename)
            if edit:

class NamespaceViewer:

    def __init__(self, master, title, dict=None):
        width = 0
        height = 40
        if dict:
            height = 20*len(dict) # XXX 20 == observed height of Entry widget
        self.master = master
        self.title = title
        import repr
        self.repr = repr.Repr()
        self.repr.maxstring = 60
        self.repr.maxother = 60
        self.frame = frame = Frame(master)
        self.frame.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
        self.label = Label(frame, text=title, borderwidth=2, relief="groove")
        self.vbar = vbar = Scrollbar(frame, name="vbar")
        vbar.pack(side="right", fill="y")
        self.canvas = canvas = Canvas(frame,
                                      height=min(300, max(40, height)),
                                      scrollregion=(0, 0, width, height))
        canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=1)
        vbar["command"] = canvas.yview
        canvas["yscrollcommand"] = vbar.set
        self.subframe = subframe = Frame(canvas)
        self.sfid = canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=subframe, anchor="nw")

    dict = -1

    def load_dict(self, dict, force=0, rpc_client=None):
        if dict is self.dict and not force:
        subframe = self.subframe
        frame = self.frame
        for c in subframe.children.values():
        self.dict = None
        if not dict:
            l = Label(subframe, text="None")
            l.grid(row=0, column=0)
            names = dict.keys()
            row = 0
            for name in names:
                value = dict[name]
                svalue = self.repr.repr(value) # repr(value)
                # Strip extra quotes caused by calling repr on the (already)
                # repr'd value sent across the RPC interface:
                if rpc_client:
                    svalue = svalue[1:-1]
                l = Label(subframe, text=name)
                l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky="nw")
                l = Entry(subframe, width=0, borderwidth=0)
                l.insert(0, svalue)
                l.grid(row=row, column=1, sticky="nw")
                row = row+1
        self.dict = dict
        # XXX Could we use a <Configure> callback for the following?
        subframe.update_idletasks() # Alas!
        width = subframe.winfo_reqwidth()
        height = subframe.winfo_reqheight()
        canvas = self.canvas
        self.canvas["scrollregion"] = (0, 0, width, height)
        if height > 300:
            canvas["height"] = 300
            canvas["height"] = height

    def close(self):


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Icons Folder 0755
idle_test Folder 0755
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AutoComplete.pyo File 7.82 KB 0644
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AutoExpand.py File 3.32 KB 0644
AutoExpand.pyc File 3.42 KB 0644
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Bindings.py File 2.91 KB 0644
Bindings.pyc File 4.58 KB 0644
Bindings.pyo File 4.58 KB 0644
CREDITS.txt File 1.82 KB 0644
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CodeContext.pyc File 6.5 KB 0644
CodeContext.pyo File 6.46 KB 0644
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ColorDelegator.pyo File 8.69 KB 0644
Debugger.py File 17.81 KB 0644
Debugger.pyc File 17.13 KB 0644
Debugger.pyo File 17.13 KB 0644
Delegator.py File 665 B 0644
Delegator.pyc File 1.24 KB 0644
Delegator.pyo File 1.24 KB 0644
EditorWindow.py File 63.96 KB 0644
EditorWindow.pyc File 55.53 KB 0644
EditorWindow.pyo File 55.43 KB 0644
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FileList.pyo File 3.9 KB 0644
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GrepDialog.pyo File 6.27 KB 0644
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HyperParser.pyo File 6.52 KB 0644
IOBinding.py File 21.4 KB 0644
IOBinding.pyc File 18.1 KB 0644
IOBinding.pyo File 18.1 KB 0644
IdleHistory.py File 3.96 KB 0644
IdleHistory.pyc File 3.96 KB 0644
IdleHistory.pyo File 3.96 KB 0644
MultiCall.py File 17.29 KB 0644
MultiCall.pyc File 15.97 KB 0644
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MultiStatusBar.pyc File 2.23 KB 0644
MultiStatusBar.pyo File 2.23 KB 0644
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ObjectBrowser.pyo File 6.9 KB 0644
OutputWindow.py File 4.47 KB 0644
OutputWindow.pyc File 5.11 KB 0644
OutputWindow.pyo File 5.11 KB 0644
ParenMatch.py File 6.56 KB 0644
ParenMatch.pyc File 6.96 KB 0644
ParenMatch.pyo File 6.96 KB 0644
PathBrowser.py File 2.94 KB 0644
PathBrowser.pyc File 4.38 KB 0644
PathBrowser.pyo File 4.38 KB 0644
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RemoteDebugger.pyo File 15.79 KB 0644
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RemoteObjectBrowser.pyo File 2.1 KB 0644
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RstripExtension.pyc File 1.58 KB 0644
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ScriptBinding.pyc File 8.01 KB 0644
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