[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# $Id: Error.pm,v 2004/04/20 20:09:48 pajas Exp $
# This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as
# Perl itself.
# Copyright 2001-2003 AxKit.com Ltd., 2002-2006 Christian Glahn, 2006-2009 Petr Pajas
package XML::LibXML::Error;

use strict;
use warnings;

# To avoid a "Deep recursion on subroutine as_string" warning
no warnings 'recursion';

use Encode ();

use vars qw(@error_domains $VERSION $WARNINGS);
use Carp;
use overload
  '""' => \&as_string,
  'eq' => sub {
    ("$_[0]" eq "$_[1]")
  'cmp' => sub {
    ("$_[0]" cmp "$_[1]")
  fallback => 1;

$WARNINGS = 0; # 0: suppress, 1: report via warn, 2: report via die

use constant XML_ERR_NONE            => 0;
use constant XML_ERR_WARNING         => 1; # A simple warning
use constant XML_ERR_ERROR           => 2; # A recoverable error
use constant XML_ERR_FATAL           => 3; # A fatal error

use constant XML_ERR_FROM_NONE       => 0;
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_PARSER     => 1; # The XML parser
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_TREE       => 2; # The tree module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_NAMESPACE  => 3; # The XML Namespace module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_DTD        => 4; # The XML DTD validation
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_HTML       => 5; # The HTML parser
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_MEMORY     => 6; # The memory allocator
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_OUTPUT     => 7; # The serialization code
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_IO         => 8; # The Input/Output stack
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_FTP        => 9; # The FTP module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_HTTP       => 10; # The FTP module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_XINCLUDE   => 11; # The XInclude processing
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_XPATH      => 12; # The XPath module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_XPOINTER   => 13; # The XPointer module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_REGEXP     => 14;     # The regular expressions module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_DATATYPE   => 15; # The W3C XML Schemas Datatype module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_SCHEMASP   => 16; # The W3C XML Schemas parser module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_SCHEMASV   => 17; # The W3C XML Schemas validation module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_RELAXNGP   => 18; # The Relax-NG parser module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_RELAXNGV   => 19; # The Relax-NG validator module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_CATALOG    => 20; # The Catalog module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_C14N       => 21; # The Canonicalization module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_XSLT       => 22; # The XSLT engine from libxslt
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_VALID      => 23; # The DTD validation module with valid context
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_CHECK      => 24; # The error-checking module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_WRITER     => 25; # The xmlwriter module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_MODULE     => 26; # The dynamically-loaded module module
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_I18N       => 27; # The module handling character conversion
use constant XML_ERR_FROM_SCHEMATRONV=> 28; # The Schematron validator module

@error_domains = ("", "parser", "tree", "namespace", "validity",
                  "HTML parser", "memory", "output", "I/O", "ftp",
                  "http", "XInclude", "XPath", "xpointer", "regexp",
                  "Schemas datatype", "Schemas parser", "Schemas validity",
                  "Relax-NG parser", "Relax-NG validity",
                  "Catalog", "C14N", "XSLT", "validity", "error-checking",
                  "xmlwriter", "dynamic loading", "i18n",
                  "Schematron validity");


for my $field (qw<code _prev level file line nodename message column context
                  str1 str2 str3 num1 num2 __prev_depth>) {
    my $method = sub { $_[0]{$field} };
    no strict 'refs';
    *$field = $method;


  sub new {
    my ($class,$xE) = @_;
    my $terr;
    if (ref($xE)) {
      my ($context,$column) = $xE->context_and_column();
      $terr =bless {
        domain  => $xE->domain(),
        level   => $xE->level(),
        code    => $xE->code(),
        message => $xE->message(),
        file    => $xE->file(),
        line    => $xE->line(),
        str1    => $xE->str1(),
        str2    => $xE->str2(),
        str3    => $xE->str3(),
        num1    => $xE->num1(),
        num2    => $xE->num2(),
        __prev_depth => 0,
        (defined($context) ?
             context => $context,
             column => $column,
            ) : ()),
      }, $class;
    } else {
      # !!!! problem : got a flat error
      # warn("PROBLEM: GOT A FLAT ERROR $xE\n");
      $terr =bless {
        domain  => 0,
        level   => 2,
        code    => -1,
        message => $xE,
        file    => undef,
        line    => undef,
        str1    => undef,
        str2    => undef,
        str3    => undef,
        num1    => undef,
        num2    => undef,
        __prev_depth => 0,
      }, $class;
    return $terr;

    sub _callback_error {
      #print "CALLBACK\n";
      my ($xE,$prev) = @_;
      my $terr;
      if ($terr->{level} == XML_ERR_WARNING and $WARNINGS!=2) {
        warn $terr if $WARNINGS;
        return $prev;
      #unless ( defined $terr->{file} and length $terr->{file} ) {
        # this would make it easier to recognize parsed strings
        # but it breaks old implementations
        # [CG] $terr->{file} = 'string()';
      #warn "Saving the error ",$terr->dump;

      if (ref($prev))
          if ($prev->__prev_depth()  >= $MAX_ERROR_PREV_DEPTH)
              return $prev;
          $terr->{_prev} = $prev;
          $terr->{__prev_depth} = $prev->__prev_depth() + 1;
          $terr->{_prev} = defined($prev) && length($prev) ? XML::LibXML::Error->new($prev) : undef;
      return $terr;
    sub _instant_error_callback {
      my $xE = shift;
      my $terr= XML::LibXML::Error->new($xE);
      print "Reporting an instanteous error ",$terr->dump;
      die $terr;
    sub _report_warning {
      my ($saved_error) = @_;
      #print "CALLBACK WARN\n";
      if ( defined $saved_error ) {
        #print "reporting a warning ",$saved_error->dump;
        warn $saved_error;
    sub _report_error {
      my ($saved_error) = @_;
      #print "CALLBACK ERROR: $saved_error\n";
      if ( defined $saved_error ) {
        die $saved_error;

# backward compatibility
sub int1 { $_[0]->num1 }
sub int2 { $_[0]->num2 }

sub domain {
    my ($self)=@_;
    return undef unless ref($self);
    my $domain = $self->{domain};
    # Newer versions of libxml2 might yield errors in domains that aren't
    # listed above.  Invent something reasonable in that case.
    return $domain < @error_domains ? $error_domains[$domain] : "domain_$domain";

sub as_string {
    my ($self)=@_;
    my $msg = "";
    my $level;

    if (defined($self->{_prev})) {
        $msg = $self->{_prev}->as_string;

    if ($self->{level} == XML_ERR_NONE) {
        $level = "";
    } elsif ($self->{level} == XML_ERR_WARNING) {
        $level = "warning";
    } elsif ($self->{level} == XML_ERR_ERROR ||
             $self->{level} == XML_ERR_FATAL) {
        $level = "error";
    my $where="";
    if (defined($self->{file})) {
    } elsif (($self->{domain} == XML_ERR_FROM_PARSER)
             $self->{line})  {
        $where="Entity: line $self->{line}";
    if ($self->{nodename}) {
        $where.=": element ".$self->{nodename};
    $msg.=$where.": " if $where ne "";
    $msg.=$self->domain." ".$level." :";
    my $str=$self->{message}||"";
    $msg.=" ".$str."\n";
    if (($self->{domain} == XML_ERR_FROM_XPATH) and
          defined($self->{str1})) {
      $msg.=(" " x $self->{num1})."^\n";
    } elsif (defined $self->{context}) {
      # If the error relates to character-encoding problems in the context,
      # then doing textual operations on it will spew warnings that
      # XML::LibXML can do nothing to fix.  So just disable all such
      # warnings.  This has the pleasing benefit of making the test suite
      # run warning-free.
      no warnings 'utf8';
      my $context = Encode::encode('utf8', $self->{context}, Encode::FB_DEFAULT);
      $context = substr($context,0,$self->{column});
      $context=~s/[^\t]/ /g;
    return $msg;

sub dump {
  my ($self)=@_;
  use Data::Dumper;
  return Data::Dumper->new([$self],['error'])->Dump;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
SAX Folder 0755
Attr.pod File 4.02 KB 0644
AttributeHash.pm File 4.49 KB 0644
Boolean.pm File 1.56 KB 0644
CDATASection.pod File 1.28 KB 0644
Comment.pod File 1.36 KB 0644
Common.pm File 8.22 KB 0644
Common.pod File 3.59 KB 0644
DOM.pod File 6.23 KB 0644
Devel.pm File 4.91 KB 0644
Document.pod File 20.9 KB 0644
DocumentFragment.pod File 819 B 0644
Dtd.pod File 1.99 KB 0644
Element.pod File 13.48 KB 0644
ErrNo.pm File 27.83 KB 0644
ErrNo.pod File 591 B 0644
Error.pm File 8.47 KB 0644
Error.pod File 5.97 KB 0644
InputCallback.pod File 9.59 KB 0644
Literal.pm File 2.04 KB 0644
Namespace.pod File 3.28 KB 0644
Node.pod File 25.38 KB 0644
NodeList.pm File 7.31 KB 0644
Number.pm File 1.87 KB 0644
PI.pod File 2.22 KB 0644
Parser.pod File 27.49 KB 0644
Pattern.pod File 2.89 KB 0644
Reader.pm File 5.75 KB 0644
Reader.pod File 17.57 KB 0644
RegExp.pod File 1.54 KB 0644
RelaxNG.pod File 2.08 KB 0644
SAX.pm File 2.96 KB 0644
SAX.pod File 1.76 KB 0644
Schema.pod File 1.96 KB 0644
Text.pod File 5.47 KB 0644
XPathContext.pm File 3.15 KB 0644
XPathContext.pod File 11.49 KB 0644
XPathExpression.pod File 1.64 KB 0644