3 �P\0 � @ s4 d Z ddlmZ ddlmZmZ G dd� de�ZdS )z� requests_toolbelt.source_adapter ================================ This file contains an implementation of the SourceAddressAdapter originally demonstrated on the Requests GitHub page. � )�HTTPAdapter� )�poolmanager� basestringc s6 e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Zd dd�Z� fdd�Z� ZS ) �SourceAddressAdaptera: A Source Address Adapter for Python Requests that enables you to choose the local address to bind to. This allows you to send your HTTP requests from a specific interface and IP address. Two address formats are accepted. The first is a string: this will set the local IP address to the address given in the string, and will also choose a semi-random high port for the local port number. The second is a two-tuple of the form (ip address, port): for example, ``('', 8999)``. This will set the local IP address to the first element, and the local port to the second element. If ``0`` is used as the port number, a semi-random high port will be selected. .. warning:: Setting an explicit local port can have negative interactions with connection-pooling in Requests: in particular, it risks the possibility of getting "Address in use" errors. The string-only argument is generally preferred to the tuple-form. Example usage: .. code-block:: python import requests from requests_toolbelt.adapters.source import SourceAddressAdapter s = requests.Session() s.mount('http://', SourceAddressAdapter('')) s.mount('https://', SourceAddressAdapter(('', 8999))) c sF t |t�r|df| _nt |t�r(|| _ntd��tt| �jf |� d S )Nr z<source_address must be IP address string or (ip, port) tuple)� isinstancer �source_address�tuple� TypeError�superr �__init__)�selfr �kwargs)� __class__� �/usr/lib/python3.6/source.pyr - s zSourceAddressAdapter.__init__Fc C s t j|||| jd�| _ d S )N)Z num_pools�maxsize�blockr )r ZPoolManagerr )r Zconnectionsr r r r r �init_poolmanager9 s z%SourceAddressAdapter.init_poolmanagerc s | j |d<