3 �P\| � @ s0 d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ G dd� de�ZdS )z�Submodule containing the implementation for the FingerprintAdapter. This file contains an implementation of a Transport Adapter that validates the fingerprints of SSL certificates presented upon connection. � )�HTTPAdapter� )�poolmanagerc s6 e Zd ZdZejdg Z� fdd�Zddd�Z� ZS ) �FingerprintAdaptera> A HTTPS Adapter for Python Requests that verifies certificate fingerprints, instead of certificate hostnames. Example usage: .. code-block:: python import requests import ssl from requests_toolbelt.adapters.fingerprint import FingerprintAdapter twitter_fingerprint = '...' s = requests.Session() s.mount( 'https://twitter.com', FingerprintAdapter(twitter_fingerprint) ) The fingerprint should be provided as a hexadecimal string, optionally containing colons. �fingerprintc s || _ tt| �jf |� d S )N)r �superr �__init__)�selfr �kwargs)� __class__� �!/usr/lib/python3.6/fingerprint.pyr &