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    Base mixin class for Qt4,Qt5 support.

    .. moduleauthor::  Sebastian Wiesner  <lunaryorn@gmail.com>
�)�absolute_import)�division)�print_function)�unicode_literalsN)�Devicec@sBeZdZdZdd�Zedd��Zejdd��Zdd�Zd	d
�Z	dS)�MonitorObserverMixinz0
    Base mixin for pyqt monitor observers.
    cCs2||_||j�|j|�|_|jjtj|j�dS)N)�monitor�filenoZRead�notifierZ	activated�intZconnect�_process_udev_event)�selfr�notifier_class�r�/usr/lib/python3.6/_qt_base.py�_setup_notifier+sz$MonitorObserverMixin._setup_notifiercCs
        Whether this observer is enabled or not.

        If ``True`` (the default), this observer is enabled, and emits events.
        Otherwise it is disabled and does not emit any events.  This merely
        reflects the state of the ``enabled`` property of the underlying

        .. versionadded:: 0.14
Z	isEnabled)r
rrr�enabled1szMonitorObserverMixin.enabledcCs|jj|�dS)N)r
�valuerrrr?scCs$|jjdd�}|dk	r |j|�dS)z�
        Attempt to receive a single device event from the monitor, process
        the event and emit corresponding signals.

        Called by ``QSocketNotifier``, if data is available on the udev
        monitoring socket.
�devicerrrrCsz(MonitorObserverMixin._process_udev_eventcCs|jj|�dS)N)�deviceEvent�emit)r
rrrrrOsz MonitorObserverMixin._emit_eventN)
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r�propertyr�setterrrrrrrr%src@s eZdZdZdd�Zdd�ZdS)�QUDevMonitorObserverMixinz*
    Obsolete monitor observer mixin.
    cCs>tj|||�|j|j|j|jd�|_ddl}|jdt	�dS)N)�add�removeZchangeZmoverzAWill be removed in 1.0. Use pyudev.pyqt4.MonitorObserver instead.)
rrr&rrrrYsz)QUDevMonitorObserverMixin._setup_notifiercCs4|jj|j|�|jj|j�}|dk	r0|j|�dS)N)rr�actionr%�get)r
r�signalrrrrdsz%QUDevMonitorObserverMixin._emit_eventN)rrrrrrrrrrrSsrcsd��fdd�	}|S)a
    Generates an initializer to observer the given ``monitor``
    (a :class:`~pyudev.Monitor`):

    ``parent`` is the parent :class:`~PyQt{4,5}.QtCore.QObject` of this
    object.  It is passed unchanged to the inherited constructor of
r�parent)�qobject�socket_notifierrrr,tszmake_init.<locals>.__init__)Nr)r.r/r,r)r.r/r�	make_initjs
    Class to generate a MonitorObserver class.
    cCs.ttd�|tftd�t||�td�|t�i�S)aGenerates an observer for device events integrating into the
        PyQt{4,5} mainloop.

        This class inherits :class:`~PyQt{4,5}.QtCore.QObject` to turn device
        events into Qt signals:

        >>> from pyudev import Context, Monitor
        >>> from pyudev.pyqt4 import MonitorObserver
        >>> context = Context()
        >>> monitor = Monitor.from_netlink(context)
        >>> monitor.filter_by(subsystem='input')
        >>> observer = MonitorObserver(monitor)
        >>> def device_event(device):
        ...     print('event {0} on device {1}'.format(device.action, device))
        >>> observer.deviceEvent.connect(device_event)
        >>> monitor.start()

        This class is a child of :class:`~{PySide, PyQt{4,5}}.QtCore.QObject`.

z.MonitorObserverGenerator.make_monitor_observerN)rrrr�staticmethodr4rrrrr1|sr1c@seZdZdZedd��ZdS)�QUDevMonitorObserverGeneratorz4
    Class to generate a MonitorObserver class.
    cCsbttd�|tftd�t||�td�|tjt�td�|t�td�|t�td�|t�td�|t�i�S)aGenerates an observer for device events integrating into the
        PyQt{4,5} mainloop.

        This class inherits :class:`~PyQt{4,5}.QtCore.QObject` to turn device
        events into Qt signals:

        >>> from pyudev import Context, Monitor
        >>> from pyudev.pyqt4 import MonitorObserver
        >>> context = Context()
        >>> monitor = Monitor.from_netlink(context)
        >>> monitor.filter_by(subsystem='input')
        >>> observer = MonitorObserver(monitor)
        >>> def device_event(device):
        ...     print('event {0} on device {1}'.format(device.action, device))
        >>> observer.deviceEvent.connect(device_event)
        >>> monitor.start()

        This class is a child of :class:`~{PyQt{4,5}, PySide}.QtCore.QObject`.

        ZQUDevMonitorObserverr,rr!r"r#r$)r2r3rr0�sixZ	text_typer)r.r+r/rrrr4�sz3QUDevMonitorObserverGenerator.make_monitor_observerN)rrrrr5r4rrrrr6�sr6)rZ
pyudev.devicer�objectrrr0r1r6rrrr�<module>s.'


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 1.75 KB 0644
__init__.cpython-36.pyc File 1.75 KB 0644
_compat.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 830 B 0644
_compat.cpython-36.pyc File 830 B 0644
_qt_base.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 6.21 KB 0644
_qt_base.cpython-36.pyc File 6.21 KB 0644
_util.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 5.81 KB 0644
_util.cpython-36.pyc File 5.81 KB 0644
core.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 12.64 KB 0644
core.cpython-36.pyc File 12.64 KB 0644
discover.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 13.23 KB 0644
discover.cpython-36.pyc File 13.23 KB 0644
monitor.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 19.24 KB 0644
monitor.cpython-36.pyc File 19.24 KB 0644
version.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 611 B 0644
version.cpython-36.pyc File 611 B 0644