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Just highlights ruby code between the preprocessor directives, other data is left untouched by the lexer. All options are also forwarded to the `RubyLexer`. ZERBZerbzapplication/x-ruby-templatingz*(<%%|%%>|<%=|<%#|<%-|<%|-%>|%>|^%[^%].*?$)c K s* ddl m} |f |�| _tj| f|� d S )Nr )� RubyLexer)Zpygments.lexers.rubyrc � ruby_lexerr �__init__)�self�optionsrc � rh �/usr/lib/python3.6/templates.pyre C s zErbLexer.__init__c c s0 | j j|�}|j� d }}�y��x�|dkrR|j� }|t|fV |t|�7 }d}q$|dk�r�|j� }|dkr�|t|fV |d7 }d}�q|dkr�|tj|fV |j� }|d t|fV |dt|� 7 }d}�q|dk�r>|tj|fV |t|�7 }|j� }d}x,| jj |�D ]\}} } || | | fV �qW |t|�7 }d}n�|dk�rf|t |fV |t|�7 }d}n`|tj|d fV d}x8| jj |dd � �D ] \}} } |d | | | fV �q�W |t|�7 }d}q$|dkr$|j� }|dk�r�|t|fV n|tj|fV |t|�7 }d}q$W W n tk �r* d S X d S )z� Since ERB doesn't allow "<%" and other tags inside of ruby blocks we have to use a split approach here that fails for that too. r � �<%%�%%>� z<%#� �<%�<%=�<%-�%>�-%>N)rk rl )ro rp rq )rr rs )rr rs )� _block_re�split�reverse�popr �lenr �Preprocrd �get_tokens_unprocessedr � IndexError)rf �text�tokens�state�idx�val�tag�dataZr_idxZr_tokenZr_valuerh rh ri rz H sh zErbLexer.get_tokens_unprocessedc C s d| krd| krdS d S )Nz<%z%>g�������?rh )r| rh rh ri �analyse_text� s zErbLexer.analyse_textN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__�name�aliases� mimetypes�re�compile�Mrt re rz r� rh rh rh ri r( 2 s Dc @ s� e Zd ZdZdZdgZdgZdgZej ej B Zdefde ejeej�fde ejeed d �ej�fde ejeje�dfdejdfgd efdejdfdejdfdejfdejfdefdejfdefdejfdejfdejfgd�Zdd� ZdS )r- z� Generic `Smarty <http://smarty.php.net/>`_ template lexer. Just highlights smarty code between the preprocessor directives, other data is left untouched by the lexer. ZSmarty�smartyz*.tplzapplication/x-smartyz[^{]+z(\{)(\*.*?\*)(\})z(\{php\})(.*?)(\{/php\})T)Zstartinlinez(\{)(/?[a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\s*)z\{z\s+z#pushz\}z#popz#[a-zA-Z_]\w*#z\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*(\.\w+)*z[~!%^&*()+=|\[\]:;,.<>/?@-]z(true|false|null)\bz>[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?(eE[+-][0-9])?[flFLdD]?|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?z"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"z'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'z[a-zA-Z_]\w*)�rootr� c C sX d}t jd| �r|d7 }t jd| �r,|d7 }t jd| �r@|d7 }t jd| �rT|d7 }|S )Ng z\{if\s+.*?\}.*?\{/if\}g333333�?z\{include\s+file=.*?\}z \{foreach\s+.*?\}.*?\{/foreach\}z \{\$.*?\}g{�G�z�?)r� �search)r| �rvrh rh ri r� � s zSmartyLexer.analyse_textN) r� r� r� r� r� r� � filenamesr� r� � MULTILINE�DOTALL�flagsr r r ry r r r �Functionr �Variabler r �Constantr r �Double�Single� Attributer} r� rh rh rh ri r- � s8 c @ s� e Zd ZdZdZdgZddgZejej B Z dZdefde ejeej�fd e eje�fd e d e ejejeje�dfd e d e ejejej�fdedfgeejfdedfde d e eej�dfdedfed�gdefdedfde d ejfed�gdefed�dedfgdedfdefdefdejfd ejfd!efd"efd#ejfdedfd$edfd%edfdedfdedfdedfgd&�Zd'd(� Zd)S )*rR z� Generic `Velocity <http://velocity.apache.org/>`_ template lexer. Just highlights velocity directives and variable references, other data is left untouched by the lexer. ZVelocityZvelocityz*.vmz*.fhtmlz[a-zA-Z_]\w*z[^{#$]+z(#)(\*.*?\*)(#)z (##)(.*?$)z(#\{?)(z )(\}?)(\s?\()�directiveparamsz)(\}|\b)z\$\{?�variablez\(� funcparamsz(\.)(�)z#pushz\}z#popz=(&&|\|\||==?|!=?|[-<>+*%&|^/])|\b(eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le|not|in)\bz\[� rangeoperatorz\bz\.\.z\]z\s+z[,:]z"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"z'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'z0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[Ll]?z \b[0-9]+\bz(true|false|null)\bz\)z\{)r� r� r� r� r� c C sX d}t jd| �r|d7 }t jd| �r,|d7 }t jd| �r@|d7 }t jd| �rT|d7 }|S ) Ng z #\{?macro\}?\(.*?\).*?#\{?end\}?g �?z#\{?if\}?\(.+?\).*?#\{?end\}?g333333�?z"#\{?foreach\}?\(.+?\).*?#\{?end\}?z4\$\{?[a-zA-Z_]\w*(\([^)]*\))?(\.\w+(\([^)]*\))?)*\}?g{�G�z�?)r� r� )r| r� rh rh ri r� s zVelocityLexer.analyse_textN) r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� Z identifierr r r ry r r� r r� r r r r r r� r� r r r� r} r� rh rh rh ri rR � s\ c s8 e Zd ZdZdZdgZddgZdgZ� fdd�Z� Z S ) rS za Subclass of the `VelocityLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `HtmlLexer`. z HTML+Velocityz html+velocityz*.htmlz*.fhtmlztext/html+velocityc s t t| �jttf|� d S )N)�superrS re r rR )rf rg )� __class__rh ri re ' s zVelocityHtmlLexer.__init__) r� r� r� r� r� r� �alias_filenamesr� re � __classcell__rh rh )r� ri rS s c s@ e Zd ZdZdZdgZddgZdgZ� fdd�Zd d � Z � Z S )rT z` Subclass of the `VelocityLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the `XmlLexer`. zXML+Velocityzxml+velocityz*.xmlz*.vmzapplication/xml+velocityc s t t| �jttf|� d S )N)r� rT re r rR )rf rg )r� rh ri re 8 s zVelocityXmlLexer.__init__c C s"