[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Has all the code for async support which is implemented as a patch
    for supported Python versions.

    :copyright: (c) 2017 by the Jinja Team.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import sys
import asyncio
import inspect
from functools import update_wrapper

from jinja2.utils import concat, internalcode, Markup
from jinja2.environment import TemplateModule
from jinja2.runtime import LoopContextBase, _last_iteration

async def concat_async(async_gen):
    rv = []
    async def collect():
        async for event in async_gen:
    await collect()
    return concat(rv)

async def generate_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
    vars = dict(*args, **kwargs)
        async for event in self.root_render_func(self.new_context(vars)):
            yield event
    except Exception:
        exc_info = sys.exc_info()
    yield self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)

def wrap_generate_func(original_generate):
    def _convert_generator(self, loop, args, kwargs):
        async_gen = self.generate_async(*args, **kwargs)
            while 1:
                yield loop.run_until_complete(async_gen.__anext__())
        except StopAsyncIteration:
    def generate(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.environment.is_async:
            return original_generate(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return _convert_generator(self, asyncio.get_event_loop(), args, kwargs)
    return update_wrapper(generate, original_generate)

async def render_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if not self.environment.is_async:
        raise RuntimeError('The environment was not created with async mode '

    vars = dict(*args, **kwargs)
    ctx = self.new_context(vars)

        return await concat_async(self.root_render_func(ctx))
    except Exception:
        exc_info = sys.exc_info()
    return self.environment.handle_exception(exc_info, True)

def wrap_render_func(original_render):
    def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.environment.is_async:
            return original_render(self, *args, **kwargs)
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        return loop.run_until_complete(self.render_async(*args, **kwargs))
    return update_wrapper(render, original_render)

def wrap_block_reference_call(original_call):
    async def async_call(self):
        rv = await concat_async(self._stack[self._depth](self._context))
        if self._context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
            rv = Markup(rv)
        return rv

    def __call__(self):
        if not self._context.environment.is_async:
            return original_call(self)
        return async_call(self)

    return update_wrapper(__call__, original_call)

def wrap_macro_invoke(original_invoke):
    async def async_invoke(self, arguments, autoescape):
        rv = await self._func(*arguments)
        if autoescape:
            rv = Markup(rv)
        return rv

    def _invoke(self, arguments, autoescape):
        if not self._environment.is_async:
            return original_invoke(self, arguments, autoescape)
        return async_invoke(self, arguments, autoescape)
    return update_wrapper(_invoke, original_invoke)

async def get_default_module_async(self):
    if self._module is not None:
        return self._module
    self._module = rv = await self.make_module_async()
    return rv

def wrap_default_module(original_default_module):
    def _get_default_module(self):
        if self.environment.is_async:
            raise RuntimeError('Template module attribute is unavailable '
                               'in async mode')
        return original_default_module(self)
    return _get_default_module

async def make_module_async(self, vars=None, shared=False, locals=None):
    context = self.new_context(vars, shared, locals)
    body_stream = []
    async for item in self.root_render_func(context):
    return TemplateModule(self, context, body_stream)

def patch_template():
    from jinja2 import Template
    Template.generate = wrap_generate_func(Template.generate)
    Template.generate_async = update_wrapper(
        generate_async, Template.generate_async)
    Template.render_async = update_wrapper(
        render_async, Template.render_async)
    Template.render = wrap_render_func(Template.render)
    Template._get_default_module = wrap_default_module(
    Template._get_default_module_async = get_default_module_async
    Template.make_module_async = update_wrapper(
        make_module_async, Template.make_module_async)

def patch_runtime():
    from jinja2.runtime import BlockReference, Macro
    BlockReference.__call__ = wrap_block_reference_call(
    Macro._invoke = wrap_macro_invoke(Macro._invoke)

def patch_filters():
    from jinja2.filters import FILTERS
    from jinja2.asyncfilters import ASYNC_FILTERS

def patch_all():

async def auto_await(value):
    if inspect.isawaitable(value):
        return await value
    return value

async def auto_aiter(iterable):
    if hasattr(iterable, '__aiter__'):
        async for item in iterable:
            yield item
    for item in iterable:
        yield item

class AsyncLoopContext(LoopContextBase):

    def __init__(self, async_iterator, undefined, after, length, recurse=None,
        LoopContextBase.__init__(self, undefined, recurse, depth0)
        self._async_iterator = async_iterator
        self._after = after
        self._length = length

    def length(self):
        if self._length is None:
            raise TypeError('Loop length for some iterators cannot be '
                            'lazily calculated in async mode')
        return self._length

    def __aiter__(self):
        return AsyncLoopContextIterator(self)

class AsyncLoopContextIterator(object):
    __slots__ = ('context',)

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context

    def __aiter__(self):
        return self

    async def __anext__(self):
        ctx = self.context
        ctx.index0 += 1
        if ctx._after is _last_iteration:
            raise StopAsyncIteration()
        ctx._before = ctx._current
        ctx._current = ctx._after
            ctx._after = await ctx._async_iterator.__anext__()
        except StopAsyncIteration:
            ctx._after = _last_iteration
        return ctx._current, ctx

async def make_async_loop_context(iterable, undefined, recurse=None, depth0=0):
    # Length is more complicated and less efficient in async mode.  The
    # reason for this is that we cannot know if length will be used
    # upfront but because length is a property we cannot lazily execute it
    # later.  This means that we need to buffer it up and measure :(
    # We however only do this for actual iterators, not for async
    # iterators as blocking here does not seem like the best idea in the
    # world.
        length = len(iterable)
    except (TypeError, AttributeError):
        if not hasattr(iterable, '__aiter__'):
            iterable = tuple(iterable)
            length = len(iterable)
            length = None
    async_iterator = auto_aiter(iterable)
        after = await async_iterator.__anext__()
    except StopAsyncIteration:
        after = _last_iteration
    return AsyncLoopContext(async_iterator, undefined, after, length, recurse,


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
__init__.py File 2.55 KB 0644
_compat.py File 2.54 KB 0644
_identifier.py File 1.69 KB 0644
asyncfilters.py File 4.05 KB 0644
asyncsupport.py File 7.69 KB 0644
bccache.py File 12.49 KB 0644
compiler.py File 63.85 KB 0644
constants.py File 1.59 KB 0644
debug.py File 11.76 KB 0644
defaults.py File 1.37 KB 0644
environment.py File 49.66 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 4.32 KB 0644
ext.py File 23.93 KB 0644
filters.py File 36.36 KB 0644
idtracking.py File 8.98 KB 0644
lexer.py File 27.89 KB 0644
loaders.py File 16.97 KB 0644
meta.py File 4.24 KB 0644
nativetypes.py File 7.14 KB 0644
nodes.py File 30.13 KB 0644
optimizer.py File 1.68 KB 0644
parser.py File 35.03 KB 0644
runtime.py File 27.1 KB 0644
sandbox.py File 16.71 KB 0644
tests.py File 4.14 KB 0644
utils.py File 20.29 KB 0644
visitor.py File 3.24 KB 0644