# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
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from __future__ import unicode_literals
from dnf.cli.format import format_number, format_time
from dnf.cli.term import _term_width
from dnf.pycomp import unicode
from time import time
import sys
import dnf.callback
import dnf.util
class MultiFileProgressMeter(dnf.callback.DownloadProgress):
"""Multi-file download progress meter"""
dnf.callback.STATUS_FAILED: 'FAILED',
dnf.callback.STATUS_MIRROR: 'MIRROR',
dnf.callback.STATUS_DRPM: 'DRPM',
def __init__(self, fo=sys.stderr, update_period=0.3, tick_period=1.0, rate_average=5.0):
"""Creates a new progress meter instance
update_period -- how often to update the progress bar
tick_period -- how fast to cycle through concurrent downloads
rate_average -- time constant for average speed calculation
self.fo = fo
self.update_period = update_period
self.tick_period = tick_period
self.rate_average = rate_average
self.unknown_progres = 0
self.total_drpm = 0
self.isatty = sys.stdout.isatty()
self.done_drpm = 0
self.done_files = 0
self.done_size = 0
self.active = []
self.state = {}
self.last_time = 0
self.last_size = 0
self.rate = None
self.total_files = 0
self.total_size = 0
def message(self, msg):
dnf.util._terminal_messenger('write_flush', msg, self.fo)
def start(self, total_files, total_size, total_drpms=0):
self.total_files = total_files
self.total_size = total_size
self.total_drpm = total_drpms
# download state
self.done_drpm = 0
self.done_files = 0
self.done_size = 0
self.active = []
self.state = {}
# rate averaging
self.last_time = 0
self.last_size = 0
self.rate = None
def progress(self, payload, done):
now = time()
text = unicode(payload)
total = int(payload.download_size)
done = int(done)
# update done_size
if text not in self.state:
self.state[text] = now, 0
start, old = self.state[text]
self.state[text] = start, done
self.done_size += done - old
# update screen if enough time has elapsed
if now - self.last_time > self.update_period:
if total > self.total_size:
self.total_size = total
def _update(self, now):
if self.last_time:
delta_time = now - self.last_time
delta_size = self.done_size - self.last_size
if delta_time > 0 and delta_size > 0:
# update the average rate
rate = delta_size / delta_time
if self.rate is not None:
weight = min(delta_time/self.rate_average, 1)
rate = rate*weight + self.rate*(1 - weight)
self.rate = rate
self.last_time = now
self.last_size = self.done_size
if not self.isatty:
# pick one of the active downloads
text = self.active[int(now/self.tick_period) % len(self.active)]
if self.total_files > 1:
n = '%d' % (self.done_files + 1)
if len(self.active) > 1:
n += '-%d' % (self.done_files + len(self.active))
text = '(%s/%d): %s' % (n, self.total_files, text)
# average rate, total done size, estimated remaining time
if self.rate and self.total_size:
time_eta = format_time((self.total_size - self.done_size) / self.rate)
time_eta = '--:--'
msg = ' %5sB/s | %5sB %9s ETA\r' % (
format_number(self.rate) if self.rate else '--- ',
left = _term_width() - len(msg)
bl = (left - 7)//2
if bl > 8:
# use part of the remaining space for progress bar
if self.total_size:
pct = self.done_size * 100 // self.total_size
n, p = divmod(self.done_size * bl * 2 // self.total_size, 2)
bar = '=' * n + '-' * p
msg = '%3d%% [%-*s]%s' % (pct, bl, bar, msg)
left -= bl + 7
n = self.unknown_progres - 3
p = 3
n = 0 if n < 0 else n
bar = ' ' * n + '=' * p
msg = ' [%-*s]%s' % (bl, bar, msg)
left -= bl + 7
self.unknown_progres = self.unknown_progres + 3 if self.unknown_progres + 3 < bl \
else 0
self.message('%-*.*s%s' % (left, left, text, msg))
def end(self, payload, status, err_msg):
start = now = time()
text = unicode(payload)
size = int(payload.download_size)
done = 0
# update state
if status == dnf.callback.STATUS_MIRROR:
elif status == dnf.callback.STATUS_DRPM:
self.done_drpm += 1
elif text in self.state:
start, done = self.state.pop(text)
size -= done
self.done_files += 1
self.done_size += size
elif status == dnf.callback.STATUS_ALREADY_EXISTS:
self.done_files += 1
self.done_size += size
if status:
# the error message, no trimming
if status is dnf.callback.STATUS_DRPM and self.total_drpm > 1:
msg = '[%s %d/%d] %s: ' % (self.STATUS_2_STR[status], self.done_drpm,
self.total_drpm, text)
msg = '[%s] %s: ' % (self.STATUS_2_STR[status], text)
left = _term_width() - len(msg) - 1
msg = '%s%-*s\n' % (msg, left, err_msg)
if self.total_files > 1:
text = '(%d/%d): %s' % (self.done_files, self.total_files, text)
# average rate, file size, download time
tm = max(now - start, 0.001)
msg = ' %5sB/s | %5sB %9s \n' % (
format_number(float(done) / tm),
left = _term_width() - len(msg)
msg = '%-*.*s%s' % (left, left, text, msg)
# now there's a blank line. fill it if possible.
if self.active: