[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 CERIT Scientific Cloud
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 OpenNebula.org
# Copyright (C) 2014 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
# Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com>
# Author: Joshua Harlow <harlowja@yahoo-inc.com>
# Author: Vlastimil Holer <xholer@mail.muni.cz>
# Author: Javier Fontan <jfontan@opennebula.org>
# Author: Enol Fernandez <enolfc@ifca.unican.es>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.

import collections
import functools
import logging
import os
import pwd
import re
import string

from cloudinit import atomic_helper, net, sources, subp, util

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_IID = "iid-dsopennebula"
CONTEXT_DISK_FILES = ["context.sh"]

class DataSourceOpenNebula(sources.DataSource):

    dsname = "OpenNebula"

    def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
        sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
        self.seed = None
        self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, "opennebula")

    def __str__(self):
        root = sources.DataSource.__str__(self)
        return "%s [seed=%s][dsmode=%s]" % (root, self.seed, self.dsmode)

    def _get_data(self):
        defaults = {"instance-id": DEFAULT_IID}
        results = None
        seed = None

        # decide parseuser for context.sh shell reader
        parseuser = DEFAULT_PARSEUSER
        if "parseuser" in self.ds_cfg:
            parseuser = self.ds_cfg.get("parseuser")

        candidates = [self.seed_dir]
        for cdev in candidates:
                if os.path.isdir(self.seed_dir):
                    results = read_context_disk_dir(
                        cdev, self.distro, asuser=parseuser
                elif cdev.startswith("/dev"):
                    # util.mount_cb only handles passing a single argument
                    # through to the wrapped function, so we have to partially
                    # apply the function to pass in `distro`.  See LP: #1884979
                    partially_applied_func = functools.partial(
                    results = util.mount_cb(cdev, partially_applied_func)
            except NonContextDiskDir:
            except BrokenContextDiskDir as exc:
                raise exc
            except util.MountFailedError:
                LOG.warning("%s was not mountable", cdev)

            if results:
                seed = cdev
                LOG.debug("found datasource in %s", cdev)

        if not seed:
            return False

        # merge fetched metadata with datasource defaults
        md = results["metadata"]
        md = util.mergemanydict([md, defaults])

        # check for valid user specified dsmode
        self.dsmode = self._determine_dsmode(
            [results.get("DSMODE"), self.ds_cfg.get("dsmode")]

        if self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_DISABLED:
            return False

        self.seed = seed
        self.network = results.get("network-interfaces")
        self.metadata = md
        self.userdata_raw = results.get("userdata")
        return True

    def _get_subplatform(self):
        """Return the subplatform metadata source details."""
        if self.seed_dir in self.seed:
            subplatform_type = "seed-dir"
            subplatform_type = "config-disk"
        return "%s (%s)" % (subplatform_type, self.seed)

    def network_config(self):
        if self.network is not None:
            return self.network
            return None

    def get_hostname(self, fqdn=False, resolve_ip=False, metadata_only=False):
        if resolve_ip is None:
            if self.dsmode == sources.DSMODE_NETWORK:
                resolve_ip = True
                resolve_ip = False
        return sources.DataSource.get_hostname(self, fqdn, resolve_ip)

class NonContextDiskDir(Exception):

class BrokenContextDiskDir(Exception):

class OpenNebulaNetwork:
    def __init__(self, context, distro, system_nics_by_mac=None):
        self.context = context
        if system_nics_by_mac is None:
            system_nics_by_mac = get_physical_nics_by_mac(distro)
        self.ifaces = collections.OrderedDict(
                for k in sorted(
                    key=lambda k: net.natural_sort_key(k[1]),

        # OpenNebula 4.14+ provide macaddr for ETHX in variable ETH_MAC.
        # context_devname provides {mac.lower():ETHX, mac2.lower():ETHX}
        self.context_devname = {}
        for k, v in context.items():
            m = re.match(r"^(.+)_MAC$", k)
            if m:
                self.context_devname[v.lower()] = m.group(1)

    def mac2ip(self, mac):
        return ".".join([str(int(c, 16)) for c in mac.split(":")[2:]])

    def get_nameservers(self, dev):
        nameservers = {}
        dns = self.get_field(dev, "dns", "").split()
        dns.extend(self.context.get("DNS", "").split())
        if dns:
            nameservers["addresses"] = dns
        search_domain = self.get_field(dev, "search_domain", "").split()
        if search_domain:
            nameservers["search"] = search_domain
        return nameservers

    def get_mtu(self, dev):
        return self.get_field(dev, "mtu")

    def get_ip(self, dev, mac):
        return self.get_field(dev, "ip", self.mac2ip(mac))

    def get_ip6(self, dev):
        addresses6 = []
        ip6 = self.get_field(dev, "ip6")
        if ip6:
        ip6_ula = self.get_field(dev, "ip6_ula")
        if ip6_ula:
        return addresses6

    def get_ip6_prefix(self, dev):
        return self.get_field(dev, "ip6_prefix_length", "64")

    def get_gateway(self, dev):
        return self.get_field(dev, "gateway")

    def get_gateway6(self, dev):
        # OpenNebula 6.1.80 introduced new context parameter ETHx_IP6_GATEWAY
        # to replace old ETHx_GATEWAY6. Old ETHx_GATEWAY6 will be removed in
        # OpenNebula 6.4.0 (https://github.com/OpenNebula/one/issues/5536).
        return self.get_field(
            dev, "ip6_gateway", self.get_field(dev, "gateway6")

    def get_mask(self, dev):
        return self.get_field(dev, "mask", "")

    def get_field(self, dev, name, default=None):
        """return the field name in context for device dev.

        context stores <dev>_<NAME> (example: eth0_DOMAIN).
        an empty string for value will return default."""
        val = self.context.get(
        # allow empty string to return the default.
        return default if val in (None, "") else val

    def gen_conf(self):
        netconf = {}
        netconf["version"] = 2
        netconf["ethernets"] = {}

        ethernets = {}
        for mac, dev in self.ifaces.items():
            mac = mac.lower()

            # c_dev stores name in context 'ETHX' for this device.
            # dev stores the current system name.
            c_dev = self.context_devname.get(mac, dev)

            devconf = {}

            # Set MAC address
            devconf["match"] = {"macaddress": mac}

            # Set IPv4 address
            devconf["addresses"] = []
            mask = self.get_mask(c_dev)
            prefix = str(net.ipv4_mask_to_net_prefix(mask))
            devconf["addresses"].append(self.get_ip(c_dev, mac) + "/" + prefix)

            # Set IPv6 Global and ULA address
            addresses6 = self.get_ip6(c_dev)
            if addresses6:
                prefix6 = self.get_ip6_prefix(c_dev)
                    [i + "/" + prefix6 for i in addresses6]

            # Set IPv4 default gateway
            gateway = self.get_gateway(c_dev)
            if gateway:
                devconf["gateway4"] = gateway

            # Set IPv6 default gateway
            gateway6 = self.get_gateway6(c_dev)
            if gateway6:
                devconf["gateway6"] = gateway6

            # Set DNS servers and search domains
            nameservers = self.get_nameservers(c_dev)
            if nameservers:
                devconf["nameservers"] = nameservers

            # Set MTU size
            mtu = self.get_mtu(c_dev)
            if mtu:
                devconf["mtu"] = mtu

            ethernets[dev] = devconf

        netconf["ethernets"] = ethernets
        return netconf

def find_candidate_devs():
    Return a list of devices that may contain the context disk.
    combined = []
    for f in ("LABEL=CONTEXT", "LABEL=CDROM", "TYPE=iso9660"):
        devs = util.find_devs_with(f)
        for d in devs:
            if d not in combined:

    return combined

def switch_user_cmd(user):
    return ["sudo", "-u", user]

def parse_shell_config(
    content, keylist=None, bash=None, asuser=None, switch_user_cb=None

    if isinstance(bash, str):
        bash = [bash]
    elif bash is None:
        bash = ["bash", "-e"]

    if switch_user_cb is None:
        switch_user_cb = switch_user_cmd

    # allvars expands to all existing variables by using '${!x*}' notation
    # where x is lower or upper case letters or '_'
    allvars = ["${!%s*}" % x for x in string.ascii_letters + "_"]

    keylist_in = keylist
    if keylist is None:
        keylist = allvars
        keylist_in = []

    setup = "\n".join(

    def varprinter(vlist):
        # output '\0'.join(['_start_', key=value NULL for vars in vlist]
        return "\n".join(
                'printf "%s\\0" _start_',
                "for __v in %s; do" % " ".join(vlist),
                '   printf "%s=%s\\0" "$__v" "${!__v}";',

    # the rendered 'bcmd' is bash syntax that does
    # setup: declare variables we use (so they show up in 'all')
    # varprinter(allvars): print all variables known at beginning
    # content: execute the provided content
    # varprinter(keylist): print all variables known after content
    # output is then a null terminated array of:
    #   literal '_start_'
    #   key=value (for each preset variable)
    #   literal '_start_'
    #   key=value (for each post set variable)
    bcmd = (
        "unset IFS\n"
        + setup
        + varprinter(allvars)
        + "{\n%s\n\n:\n} > /dev/null\n" % content
        + "unset IFS\n"
        + varprinter(keylist)
        + "\n"

    cmd = []
    if asuser is not None:
        cmd = switch_user_cb(asuser)


    (output, _error) = subp.subp(cmd, data=bcmd)

    # exclude vars in bash that change on their own or that we used
    excluded = (
    preset = {}
    ret = {}
    target = None
    output = output[0:-1]  # remove trailing null

    # go through output.  First _start_ is for 'preset', second for 'target'.
    # Add to ret only things were changed and not in excluded.
    for line in output.split("\x00"):
            (key, val) = line.split("=", 1)
            if target is preset:
                preset[key] = val
            elif key not in excluded and (
                key in keylist_in or preset.get(key) != val
                ret[key] = val
        except ValueError:
            if line != "_start_":
            if target is None:
                target = preset
            elif target is preset:
                target = ret

    return ret

def read_context_disk_dir(source_dir, distro, asuser=None):
    read source_dir and return a tuple with metadata dict and user-data
    string populated.  If not a valid dir, raise a NonContextDiskDir
    found = {}
    for af in CONTEXT_DISK_FILES:
        fn = os.path.join(source_dir, af)
        if os.path.isfile(fn):
            found[af] = fn

    if not found:
        raise NonContextDiskDir("%s: %s" % (source_dir, "no files found"))

    context = {}
    results = {"userdata": None, "metadata": {}}

    if "context.sh" in found:
        if asuser is not None:
            except KeyError as e:
                raise BrokenContextDiskDir(
                    "configured user '{user}' does not exist".format(
                ) from e
            path = os.path.join(source_dir, "context.sh")
            content = util.load_file(path)
            context = parse_shell_config(content, asuser=asuser)
        except subp.ProcessExecutionError as e:
            raise BrokenContextDiskDir(
                "Error processing context.sh: %s" % (e)
            ) from e
        except IOError as e:
            raise NonContextDiskDir(
                "Error reading context.sh: %s" % (e)
            ) from e
        raise NonContextDiskDir("Missing context.sh")

    if not context:
        return results

    results["metadata"] = context

    # process single or multiple SSH keys
    ssh_key_var = None
    if "SSH_KEY" in context:
        ssh_key_var = "SSH_KEY"
    elif "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY" in context:
        ssh_key_var = "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY"

    if ssh_key_var:
        lines = context.get(ssh_key_var).splitlines()
        results["metadata"]["public-keys"] = [
            line for line in lines if len(line) and not line.startswith("#")

    # custom hostname -- try hostname or leave cloud-init
    # itself create hostname from IP address later
        if k in context:
            results["metadata"]["local-hostname"] = context[k]

    # raw user data
    if "USER_DATA" in context:
        results["userdata"] = context["USER_DATA"]
    elif "USERDATA" in context:
        results["userdata"] = context["USERDATA"]

    # b64decode user data if necessary (default)
    if "userdata" in results:
        encoding = context.get(
            "USERDATA_ENCODING", context.get("USER_DATA_ENCODING")
        if encoding == "base64":
                results["userdata"] = atomic_helper.b64d(results["userdata"])
            except TypeError:
                LOG.warning("Failed base64 decoding of userdata")

    # generate Network Configuration v2
    # only if there are any required context variables
    # http://docs.opennebula.org/5.4/operation/references/template.html#context-section
    ipaddr_keys = [k for k in context if re.match(r"^ETH\d+_IP.*$", k)]
    if ipaddr_keys:
        onet = OpenNebulaNetwork(context, distro)
        results["network-interfaces"] = onet.gen_conf()

    return results

def get_physical_nics_by_mac(distro):
    devs = net.get_interfaces_by_mac()
    return dict(
        [(m, n) for m, n in devs.items() if distro.networking.is_physical(n)]

# Legacy: Must be present in case we load an old pkl object
DataSourceOpenNebulaNet = DataSourceOpenNebula

# Used to match classes to dependencies
datasources = [
    (DataSourceOpenNebula, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM,)),

# Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies
def get_datasource_list(depends):
    return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
azure Folder 0755
helpers Folder 0755
DataSourceAkamai.py File 12.67 KB 0644
DataSourceAliYun.py File 2.97 KB 0644
DataSourceAltCloud.py File 8.23 KB 0644
DataSourceAzure.py File 72.94 KB 0644
DataSourceBigstep.py File 1.9 KB 0644
DataSourceCloudSigma.py File 3.86 KB 0644
DataSourceCloudStack.py File 8.09 KB 0644
DataSourceConfigDrive.py File 10.97 KB 0644
DataSourceDigitalOcean.py File 4.14 KB 0644
DataSourceEc2.py File 35.75 KB 0644
DataSourceExoscale.py File 8.79 KB 0644
DataSourceGCE.py File 13.82 KB 0644
DataSourceHetzner.py File 5.31 KB 0644
DataSourceIBMCloud.py File 14.03 KB 0644
DataSourceLXD.py File 17.05 KB 0644
DataSourceMAAS.py File 15.13 KB 0644
DataSourceNWCS.py File 4.38 KB 0644
DataSourceNoCloud.py File 13 KB 0644
DataSourceNone.py File 1.34 KB 0644
DataSourceOVF.py File 12.66 KB 0644
DataSourceOpenNebula.py File 15.76 KB 0644
DataSourceOpenStack.py File 10.33 KB 0644
DataSourceOracle.py File 14.59 KB 0644
DataSourceRbxCloud.py File 7.84 KB 0644
DataSourceScaleway.py File 15.43 KB 0644
DataSourceSmartOS.py File 33.97 KB 0644
DataSourceUpCloud.py File 5.48 KB 0644
DataSourceVMware.py File 36.04 KB 0644
DataSourceVultr.py File 4.48 KB 0644
__init__.py File 42.99 KB 0644