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# Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc.
# Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com>
# Author: Juerg Hafliger <juerg.haefliger@hp.com>
# Author: Joshua Harlow <harlowja@yahoo-inc.com>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.

"""Cloud-Init DataSource for OVF

This module provides a cloud-init datasource for OVF data.

import base64
import logging
import os
import re
from xml.dom import minidom

from cloudinit import safeyaml, sources, subp, util

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DataSourceOVF(sources.DataSource):
    dsname = "OVF"

    def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
        sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
        self.seed = None
        self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, "ovf")
        self.environment = None
        self.cfg = {}
        self.supported_seed_starts = ("/", "file://")
        self._network_config = None

    def __str__(self):
        root = sources.DataSource.__str__(self)
        return "%s [seed=%s]" % (root, self.seed)

    def _get_data(self):
        found = []
        md = {}
        ud = ""
        vd = ""

        defaults = {
            "instance-id": "iid-dsovf",

        (seedfile, contents) = get_ovf_env(self.paths.seed_dir)

        if seedfile:
            # Found a seed dir
            seed = os.path.join(self.paths.seed_dir, seedfile)
            (md, ud, cfg) = read_ovf_environment(contents)
            self.environment = contents
            np = [
                ("com.vmware.guestInfo", transport_vmware_guestinfo),
                ("iso", transport_iso9660),
            name = None
            for name, transfunc in np:
                contents = transfunc()
                if contents:
            if contents:
                (md, ud, cfg) = read_ovf_environment(contents, True)
                self.environment = contents
                if "network-config" in md and md["network-config"]:
                    self._network_config = md["network-config"]

        # There was no OVF transports found
        if len(found) == 0:
            return False

        if "seedfrom" in md and md["seedfrom"]:
            seedfrom = md["seedfrom"]
            seedfound = False
            for proto in self.supported_seed_starts:
                if seedfrom.startswith(proto):
                    seedfound = proto
            if not seedfound:
                LOG.debug("Seed from %s not supported by %s", seedfrom, self)
                return False

            (md_seed, ud, vd) = util.read_seeded(seedfrom, timeout=None)
            LOG.debug("Using seeded cache data from %s", seedfrom)

            md = util.mergemanydict([md, md_seed])

        # Now that we have exhausted any other places merge in the defaults
        md = util.mergemanydict([md, defaults])

        self.seed = ",".join(found)
        self.metadata = md
        self.userdata_raw = ud
        self.vendordata_raw = vd
        self.cfg = cfg
        return True

    def _get_subplatform(self):
        return "ovf (%s)" % self.seed

    def get_public_ssh_keys(self):
        if "public-keys" not in self.metadata:
            return []
        pks = self.metadata["public-keys"]
        if isinstance(pks, (list)):
            return pks
            return [pks]

    # The data sources' config_obj is a cloud-config formatted
    # object that came to it from ways other than cloud-config
    # because cloud-config content would be handled elsewhere
    def get_config_obj(self):
        return self.cfg

    def network_config(self):
        return self._network_config

class DataSourceOVFNet(DataSourceOVF):
    def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths):
        DataSourceOVF.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths)
        self.seed_dir = os.path.join(paths.seed_dir, "ovf-net")
        self.supported_seed_starts = ("http://", "https://")

# This will return a dict with some content
#  meta-data, user-data, some config
def read_ovf_environment(contents, read_network=False):
    props = get_properties(contents)
    md = {}
    cfg = {}
    ud = None
    cfg_props = ["password"]
    md_props = ["seedfrom", "local-hostname", "public-keys", "instance-id"]
    network_props = ["network-config"]
    for prop, val in props.items():
        if prop == "hostname":
            prop = "local-hostname"
        if prop in md_props:
            md[prop] = val
        elif prop in cfg_props:
            cfg[prop] = val
        elif prop in network_props and read_network:
                network_config = base64.b64decode(val.encode())
                md[prop] = safeload_yaml_or_dict(network_config).get("network")
            except Exception:
                LOG.debug("Ignore network-config in wrong format")
        elif prop == "user-data":
                ud = base64.b64decode(val.encode())
            except Exception:
                ud = val.encode()
    return (md, ud, cfg)

# Returns tuple of filename (in 'dirname', and the contents of the file)
# on "not found", returns 'None' for filename and False for contents
def get_ovf_env(dirname):
    env_names = ("ovf-env.xml", "ovf_env.xml", "OVF_ENV.XML", "OVF-ENV.XML")
    for fname in env_names:
        full_fn = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
        if os.path.isfile(full_fn):
                contents = util.load_file(full_fn)
                return (fname, contents)
            except Exception:
                util.logexc(LOG, "Failed loading ovf file %s", full_fn)
    return (None, False)

def maybe_cdrom_device(devname):
    """Test if devname matches known list of devices which may contain iso9660

    Be helpful in accepting either knames (with no leading /dev/) or full path
    names, but do not allow paths outside of /dev/, like /dev/foo/bar/xxx.
    if not devname:
        return False
    elif not isinstance(devname, str):
        raise ValueError("Unexpected input for devname: %s" % devname)

    # resolve '..' and multi '/' elements
    devname = os.path.normpath(devname)

    # drop leading '/dev/'
    if devname.startswith("/dev/"):
        # partition returns tuple (before, partition, after)
        devname = devname.partition("/dev/")[-1]

    # ignore leading slash (/sr0), else fail on / in name (foo/bar/xvdc)
    if devname.startswith("/"):
        devname = devname.split("/")[-1]
    elif devname.count("/") > 0:
        return False

    # if empty string
    if not devname:
        return False

    # default_regex matches values in /lib/udev/rules.d/60-cdrom_id.rules
    # KERNEL!="sr[0-9]*|hd[a-z]|xvd*", GOTO="cdrom_end"
    default_regex = r"^(sr[0-9]+|hd[a-z]|xvd.*)"
    devname_regex = os.environ.get("CLOUD_INIT_CDROM_DEV_REGEX", default_regex)
    cdmatch = re.compile(devname_regex)

    return cdmatch.match(devname) is not None

# Transport functions are called with no arguments and return
# either None (indicating not present) or string content of an ovf-env.xml
def transport_iso9660(require_iso=True):
    # Go through mounts to see if it was already mounted
    mounts = util.mounts()
    for dev, info in mounts.items():
        fstype = info["fstype"]
        if fstype != "iso9660" and require_iso:
        if not maybe_cdrom_device(dev):
        mp = info["mountpoint"]
        (_fname, contents) = get_ovf_env(mp)
        if contents is not False:
            return contents

    if require_iso:
        mtype = "iso9660"
        mtype = None

    # generate a list of devices with mtype filesystem, filter by regex
    devs = [
        for dev in util.find_devs_with("TYPE=%s" % mtype if mtype else None)
        if maybe_cdrom_device(dev)
    for dev in devs:
            (_fname, contents) = util.mount_cb(dev, get_ovf_env, mtype=mtype)
        except util.MountFailedError:
            LOG.debug("%s not mountable as iso9660", dev)

        if contents is not False:
            return contents

    return None

def exec_vmware_rpctool(rpctool, arg):
    cmd = [rpctool, arg]
    (stdout, stderr) = subp.subp(cmd)
    return (cmd, stdout, stderr)

def exec_vmtoolsd(rpctool, arg):
    cmd = [rpctool, "--cmd", arg]
    (stdout, stderr) = subp.subp(cmd)
    return (cmd, stdout, stderr)

def transport_vmware_guestinfo():
    rpctool, rpctool_fn = None, None
    vmtoolsd = subp.which("vmtoolsd")
    vmware_rpctool = subp.which("vmware-rpctool")

    # Default to using vmware-rpctool if it is available.
    if vmware_rpctool:
        rpctool, rpctool_fn = vmware_rpctool, exec_vmware_rpctool
        LOG.debug("discovered vmware-rpctool: %s", vmware_rpctool)

    if vmtoolsd:
        # Default to using vmtoolsd if it is available and vmware-rpctool is
        # not.
        if not vmware_rpctool:
            rpctool, rpctool_fn = vmtoolsd, exec_vmtoolsd
        LOG.debug("discovered vmtoolsd: %s", vmtoolsd)

    # If neither vmware-rpctool nor vmtoolsd are available, then nothing can
    # be done.
    if not rpctool:
        LOG.debug("no rpctool discovered")
        return None

    def query_guestinfo(rpctool, rpctool_fn):
        LOG.info("query guestinfo.ovfEnv with %s", rpctool)
            cmd, stdout, _ = rpctool_fn(rpctool, "info-get guestinfo.ovfEnv")
            if stdout:
                return stdout
            LOG.debug("cmd %s exited 0 with empty stdout", cmd)
            return None
        except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error:
            if error.exit_code != 1:
                LOG.warning("%s exited with code %d", rpctool, error.exit_code)
            raise error

        # The first attempt to query guestinfo could occur via either
        # vmware-rpctool *or* vmtoolsd.
        return query_guestinfo(rpctool, rpctool_fn)
    except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error:
        # The second attempt to query guestinfo can only occur with
        # vmtoolsd.

        # If the first attempt at getting the data was with vmtoolsd, then
        # no second attempt is made.
        if vmtoolsd and rpctool == vmtoolsd:
            # The fallback failed, log the error.
                LOG, "vmtoolsd failed to get guestinfo.ovfEnv: %s", error
            return None

        if not vmtoolsd:
            LOG.info("vmtoolsd fallback option not present")
            return None

            LOG.info("fallback to vmtoolsd")
            return query_guestinfo(vmtoolsd, exec_vmtoolsd)
        except subp.ProcessExecutionError as error:
            # The fallback failed, log the error.
                LOG, "vmtoolsd failed to get guestinfo.ovfEnv: %s", error

    return None

def find_child(node, filter_func):
    ret = []
    if not node.hasChildNodes():
        return ret
    for child in node.childNodes:
        if filter_func(child):
    return ret

def get_properties(contents):
    dom = minidom.parseString(contents)
    if dom.documentElement.localName != "Environment":
        raise XmlError("No Environment Node")

    if not dom.documentElement.hasChildNodes():
        raise XmlError("No Child Nodes")

    envNsURI = "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1"

    # could also check here that elem.namespaceURI ==
    #   "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/environment/1"
    propSections = find_child(
        dom.documentElement, lambda n: n.localName == "PropertySection"

    if len(propSections) == 0:
        raise XmlError("No 'PropertySection's")

    props = {}
    propElems = find_child(
        propSections[0], (lambda n: n.localName == "Property")

    for elem in propElems:
        key = elem.attributes.getNamedItemNS(envNsURI, "key").value
        val = elem.attributes.getNamedItemNS(envNsURI, "value").value
        props[key] = val

    return props

class XmlError(Exception):

# Used to match classes to dependencies
datasources = (
    (DataSourceOVF, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM,)),
    (DataSourceOVFNet, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)),

# Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies
def get_datasource_list(depends):
    return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources)

def safeload_yaml_or_dict(data):
    The meta data could be JSON or YAML. Since YAML is a strict superset of
    JSON, we will unmarshal the data as YAML. If data is None then a new
    dictionary is returned.
    if not data:
        return {}
    return safeyaml.load(data)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
azure Folder 0755
helpers Folder 0755
DataSourceAkamai.py File 12.67 KB 0644
DataSourceAliYun.py File 2.97 KB 0644
DataSourceAltCloud.py File 8.23 KB 0644
DataSourceAzure.py File 72.94 KB 0644
DataSourceBigstep.py File 1.9 KB 0644
DataSourceCloudSigma.py File 3.86 KB 0644
DataSourceCloudStack.py File 8.09 KB 0644
DataSourceConfigDrive.py File 10.97 KB 0644
DataSourceDigitalOcean.py File 4.14 KB 0644
DataSourceEc2.py File 35.75 KB 0644
DataSourceExoscale.py File 8.79 KB 0644
DataSourceGCE.py File 13.82 KB 0644
DataSourceHetzner.py File 5.31 KB 0644
DataSourceIBMCloud.py File 14.03 KB 0644
DataSourceLXD.py File 17.05 KB 0644
DataSourceMAAS.py File 15.13 KB 0644
DataSourceNWCS.py File 4.38 KB 0644
DataSourceNoCloud.py File 13 KB 0644
DataSourceNone.py File 1.34 KB 0644
DataSourceOVF.py File 12.66 KB 0644
DataSourceOpenNebula.py File 15.76 KB 0644
DataSourceOpenStack.py File 10.33 KB 0644
DataSourceOracle.py File 14.59 KB 0644
DataSourceRbxCloud.py File 7.84 KB 0644
DataSourceScaleway.py File 15.43 KB 0644
DataSourceSmartOS.py File 33.97 KB 0644
DataSourceUpCloud.py File 5.48 KB 0644
DataSourceVMware.py File 36.04 KB 0644
DataSourceVultr.py File 4.48 KB 0644
__init__.py File 42.99 KB 0644