3 \�me� � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZm Z ej e�ZdZ ddgZi ddi d �Zd d� ZG dd � d ej�Zdd� ZeejejffgZdd� ZdS )zb This file contains code used to gather the user data passed to an instance on RHEVm and vSphere. � N)�dmi�sources�subp�utilz/etc/sysconfig/cloud-infoZmodprobeZfloppyi� Z localhost)zblock-device-mappingzinstance-idzlocal-hostnameZ placementc C sp | d }| d }yt j|�j� }W nH tk rj yt j|�j� }W n tk rd t jtd� dS X Y nX |S )an Description: This callback will be applied by util.mount_cb() on the mounted file. Deltacloud file name contains deltacloud. Those not using Deltacloud but instead instrumenting the injection, could drop deltacloud from the file name. Input: mount_dir - Mount directory Returns: User Data z/deltacloud-user-data.txtz/user-data.txtz Failed accessing user data file.N)r � load_file�strip�IOError�logexc�LOG)Z mount_dirZdeltacloud_user_data_fileZuser_data_fileZ user_data� r �(/usr/lib/python3.6/DataSourceAltCloud.py�read_user_data_callback&