[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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events for reporting.

The events here are designed to be used with reporting.
They can be published to registered handlers with report_event.
�N)�List)�available_handlers�instantiated_handler_registry)�ReportingHandlerZfinish�startZ	cloudinitc@seZdZdd�ZdS)�_namesetcCs||kr|Std|��dS)Nz%s not a valid value)�AttributeError)�self�name�r�/usr/lib/python3.6/events.py�__getattr__sz_nameset.__getattr__N)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__r
rrrrrsr�SUCCESS�WARN�FAILc@s.eZdZdZedfdd�Zdd�Zdd�ZdS)	�ReportingEventz"Encapsulation of event formatting.NcCs2||_||_||_||_|dkr(tj�}||_dS)N)�
�description�origin�time�	timestamp)r	rr
rrrrrr�__init__)szReportingEvent.__init__cCsdj|j|j|j�S)z"The event represented as a string.z
{0}: {1}: {2})�formatrr
r)r	rrr�	as_string9szReportingEvent.as_stringcCs|j|j|j|j|jd�S)z&The event represented as a dictionary.)r
rrrr)r	rrr�as_dict?s
zReportingEvent.as_dict)rrr�__doc__�DEFAULT_EVENT_ORIGINrrrrrrrr&s
rcs8eZdZejdf�fdd�	Zdd�Z�fdd�Z�ZS)�FinishReportingEventNcsDtt|�jt||�||_|dkr&g}||_|tkr@td|��dS)NzInvalid result: %s)�superr r�FINISH_EVENT_TYPE�result�
ValueError)r	r
rr#r$)�	__class__rrrKs

zFinishReportingEvent.__init__cCsdj|j|j|j|j�S)Nz{0}: {1}: {2}: {3})rrr
r#r)r	rrrrXszFinishReportingEvent.as_stringcs0tt|�j�}|j|d<|jr,t|j�|d<|S)z'The event represented as json friendly.r#�files)r!r rr#r$�_collect_file_info)r	�data)r'rrr]s

zFinishReportingEvent.as_dict)	rrrr%rrrr�
__classcell__rr)r'rr Jsr csX�si��fdd�tjj�D�}ttjj��}x$|D]}t|�|krFq4|j|�q4WdS)a�Report an event to all registered event handlers
    except those whose type is in excluded_handler_types.

    This should generally be called via one of the other functions in
    the reporting module.

    :param excluded_handler_types:
         List of handlers types to exclude from reporting the event to.
    :param event_type:
        The type of the event; this should be a constant from the
        reporting module.
    csh|]\}}|�kr|�qSrr)�.0Z	hndl_typeZhndl_cls)�excluded_handler_typesrr�	<setcomp>vszreport_event.<locals>.<setcomp>N)rZregistered_items�items�listr�values�typeZ
publish_event)�eventr-Zexcluded_handler_classesZhandlersZhandlerr)r-r�report_eventfs
r4cCst||||d�}t|�S)zVReport a "finish" event.

    See :py:func:`.report_event` for parameter details.
    )r$)r r4)�
event_name�event_descriptionr#r$r3rrr�report_finish_event�sr7cCstt||�}t|�S)a'Report a "start" event.

    :param event_name:
        The name of the event; this should be a topic which events would
        share (e.g. it will be the same for start and finish events).

    :param event_description:
        A human-readable description of the event that has occurred.
    )r�START_EVENT_TYPEr4)r5r6r3rrr�report_start_event�s
r9c@s�eZdZdZdddejdfdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zd	d
�Z	e
dd��Zejd
d��Ze
jdd��Z
dd�Zdd�ZdS)�ReportEventStackaKContext Manager for using :py:func:`report_event`

    This enables calling :py:func:`report_start_event` and
    :py:func:`report_finish_event` through a context manager.

    :param name:
        the name of the event

    :param description:
        the event's description, passed on to :py:func:`report_start_event`

    :param message:
        the description to use for the finish event. defaults to

    :param parent:
    :type parent: :py:class:ReportEventStack or None
        The parent of this event.  The parent is populated with
        results of all its children.  The name used in reporting
        is <parent.name>/<name>

    :param reporting_enabled:
        Indicates if reporting events should be generated.
        If not provided, defaults to the parent's value, or True if no parent
        is provided.

    :param result_on_exception:
        The result value to set if an exception is caught. default
        value is FAIL.

    :param post_files:
        Can hold filepaths of files that are to get posted/created
        regarding a given event. Something like success or failure information
        in a given log file. For each filepath, if it's a valid regular file
        it will get: read & encoded as base64 at the close of the event.
        Default value, if None, is an empty list.
    NcCs�||_||_||_||_||_tj|_|dkr2g}||_|dkrP|rL|j	}nd}||_	|rndj
|j|f�|_n|j|_i|_dS)NT�/)
r�message�result_on_exceptionr%rr#r$�reporting_enabled�join�fullname�children)r	r
rr=r<r?r>r$rrrr�s(
zReportEventStack.__init__cCsd|j|j|jfS)Nz.ReportEventStack(%s, %s, reporting_enabled=%s))r
rr?)r	rrr�__repr__�szReportEventStack.__repr__cCs4tj|_|jrt|j|j�|jr0d|jj|j	<|S)N)NN)
)r	rrr�	__enter__�szReportEventStack.__enter__cCsPxBtjtjfD]2}x,|jj�D]\}\}}||kr||jfSqWqW|j|jfS)N)r%rrrBr/r=r#)r	Zcand_result�_name�valueZ_msgrrr�_childrens_finish_info�s
z'ReportEventStack._childrens_finish_infocCs|jS)N)�_result)r	rrrr#szReportEventStack.resultcCs|tkrtd|��||_dS)Nz'%s' not a valid result)r%r&rH)r	rFrrrr#scCs|jdk	r|jS|jS)N)�_messager)r	rrrr=s
||_dS)N)rI)r	rFrrrr=scCs|r|j|jfS|j�S)N)r>r=rG)r	�excrrr�_finish_infoszReportEventStack._finish_infocCsD|j|�\}}|jr&||f|jj|j<|jr@t|j|||jd�dS)N)r$)rKr<rBr
r?r7rAr$)r	�exc_type�	exc_value�	tracebackr#�msgrrr�__exit__szReportEventStack.__exit__)rrrrr%rrrCrDrG�propertyr#�setterr=rKrPrrrrr:�s%r:c
Csj|sdSg}xX|D]P}tjj|�s(d}n(t|d��}tj|j��j�}WdQRX|j||dd��qW|S)N�rb�base64)�path�content�encoding)	�osrU�isfile�openrTZ	b64encode�read�decode�append)r(�retZfnamerV�fprrrr)(s
r))rrr)N)rrTZos.pathrXrZtypingrZcloudinit.reportingrrZcloudinit.reporting.handlersrr"r8r�setrr%rr r4rr7r9r:r)rrrr�<module>
s&$


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 1.3 KB 0644
__init__.cpython-36.pyc File 1.3 KB 0644
events.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 8.45 KB 0644
events.cpython-36.pyc File 8.45 KB 0644
handlers.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc File 12.11 KB 0644
handlers.cpython-36.pyc File 12.11 KB 0644