3 \�meS9 � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZmZm Z m Z ddljZddl mZmZmZ ddlmZ eje�ZG dd� d�ZG d d � d �ZG dd� d�ZG d d� d�ZdS )z.Module for ephemeral network context managers � N)�partial)�Any�Callable�Dict�List�Optional)�IscDhclient�NoDHCPLeaseError�maybe_perform_dhcp_discovery)�ProcessExecutionErrorc @ sT e Zd ZdZdeeeef d�dd�Zdd� Z dd � Z d d� Zdd � Zdd� Z dS )�EphemeralIPv4Networka� Context manager which sets up temporary static network configuration. No operations are performed if the provided interface already has the specified configuration. This can be verified with the connectivity_url_data. If unconnected, bring up the interface with valid ip, prefix and broadcast. If router is provided setup a default route for that interface. Upon context exit, clean up the interface leaving no configuration behind. N)�connectivity_url_datac C s� t ||||g�s$tdj||||���ytj|�| _W n2 tk rf } ztdj| ��| �W Y dd} ~ X nX || _|| _|| _|| _ || _ || _g | _|| _ dS )aX Setup context manager and validate call signature. @param interface: Name of the network interface to bring up. @param ip: IP address to assign to the interface. @param prefix_or_mask: Either netmask of the format X.X.X.X or an int prefix. @param broadcast: Broadcast address for the IPv4 network. @param router: Optionally the default gateway IP. @param connectivity_url_data: Optionally, a URL to verify if a usable connection already exists. @param static_routes: Optionally a list of static routes from DHCP z5Cannot init network on {0} with {1}/{2} and bcast {3}z4Cannot setup network, invalid prefix or netmask: {0}N)�all� ValueError�format�netZipv4_mask_to_net_prefix�prefixr � interface�ip� broadcast�router� static_routes�cleanup_cmds�distro) �selfr r r �prefix_or_maskr r r r �e� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/ephemeral.py�__init__ s&