3 \�me�$ � @ s6 U d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z mZ ddlmZ ed �Zd d dedged ged�gd�Ze ee�Z eje�Zedddg�ZdZdZd,Zed�dd�Zed�dd�Zee d�dd�Zed�d d!�Z ed�d"d#�Z!e d$�d%d&�Z"d'd(� Z#e$ee edd)�d*d+�Z%dS )-Z Wireguard� N)�dedent)�subp�util)�Cloud)�Config)� MetaSchema�get_meta_doc)�PER_INSTANCEaI Wireguard module provides a dynamic interface for configuring Wireguard (as a peer or server) in an easy way. This module takes care of: - writing interface configuration files - enabling and starting interfaces - installing wireguard-tools package - loading wireguard kernel module - executing readiness probes What's a readiness probe? The idea behind readiness probes is to ensure Wireguard connectivity before continuing the cloud-init process. This could be useful if you need access to specific services like an internal APT Repository Server (e.g Landscape) to install/update packages. Example: An edge device can't access the internet but uses cloud-init modules which will install packages (e.g landscape, packages, ubuntu_advantage). Those modules will fail due to missing internet connection. The "wireguard" module fixes that problem as it waits until all readinessprobes (which can be arbitrary commands - e.g. checking if a proxy server is reachable over Wireguard network) are finished before continuing the cloud-init "config" stage. .. note:: In order to use DNS with Wireguard you have to install ``resolvconf`` package or symlink it to systemd's ``resolvectl``, otherwise ``wg-quick`` commands will throw an error message that executable ``resolvconf`` is missing which leads wireguard module to fail. Zcc_wireguardz$Module to configure Wireguard tunnelZubuntu� wireguarda� # Configure one or more WG interfaces and provide optional readinessprobes wireguard: interfaces: - name: wg0 config_path: /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf content: | [Interface] PrivateKey = <private_key> Address = <address> [Peer] PublicKey = <public_key> Endpoint = <endpoint_ip>:<endpoint_ip_port> AllowedIPs = <allowedip1>, <allowedip2>, ... - name: wg1 config_path: /etc/wireguard/wg1.conf content: | [Interface] PrivateKey = <private_key> Address = <address> [Peer] PublicKey = <public_key> Endpoint = <endpoint_ip>:<endpoint_ip_port> AllowedIPs = <allowedip1> readinessprobe: - 'systemctl restart service' - 'curl https://webhook.endpoint/example' - 'nc -zv some-service-fqdn 443' )�id�name�title�descriptionZdistrosZ frequencyZactivate_by_schema_keysZexamplesr �config_path�contenti� � � � )�wg_intc C s� g }t jt| j� ��}|r8djt|��}|jd|� �� xPt| j� �D ]@\}}|dksf|dksf|dkrFt|t �sF|jd|� d|� �� qFW |r�t dt� tj|�� ���d S ) aR Validate user-provided wg:interfaces option values. This function supplements flexible jsonschema validation with specific value checks to aid in triage of invalid user-provided configuration. @param wg_int: Dict of configuration value under 'wg:interfaces'. @raises: ValueError describing invalid values provided. z, z%Missing required wg:interfaces keys: r r r z$Expected a string for wg:interfaces:z. Found z*Invalid wireguard interface configuration:N)�REQUIRED_WG_INT_KEYS� difference�set�keys�join�sorted�append�items� isinstance�str� ValueError�NL)r �errorsZmissingr �key�value� r$ �"/usr/lib/python3.6/cc_wireguard.py�supplemental_schema_validationh s r&