3 \�me� � @ s� U d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZmZ ddl m Z ddlmZ ddl mZmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ d Zddd eegeed�gdgd�Zeee�Z eje�ZG dd� d�Zeee edd�dd�ZdS )z&Salt Minion: Setup and run salt minion� N)�dedent)�safeyaml�subp�util)�Cloud)�Config)� MetaSchema�get_meta_doc)�ALL_DISTROS)�PER_INSTANCEa. This module installs, configures and starts salt minion. If the ``salt_minion`` key is present in the config parts, then salt minion will be installed and started. Configuration for salt minion can be specified in the ``conf`` key under ``salt_minion``. Any conf values present there will be assigned in ``/etc/salt/minion``. The public and private keys to use for salt minion can be specified with ``public_key`` and ``private_key`` respectively. Optionally if you have a custom package name, service name or config directory you can specify them with ``pkg_name``, ``service_name`` and ``config_dir``. Salt keys can be manually generated by: ``salt-key --gen-keys=GEN_KEYS``, where ``GEN_KEYS`` is the name of the keypair, e.g. 'minion'. The keypair will be copied to ``/etc/salt/pki`` on the minion instance. Zcc_salt_minionzSalt MinionzSetup and run salt minionai salt_minion: pkg_name: salt-minion service_name: salt-minion config_dir: /etc/salt conf: file_client: local fileserver_backend: - gitfs gitfs_remotes: - https://github.com/_user_/_repo_.git master: salt.example.com grains: role: - web public_key: | ------BEGIN PUBLIC KEY------- <key data> ------END PUBLIC KEY------- private_key: | ------BEGIN PRIVATE KEY------ <key data> ------END PRIVATE KEY------- pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki/minion �salt_minion)�id�name�title�descriptionZdistrosZ frequencyZexamplesZactivate_by_schema_keysc @ s e Zd ZdZdd� ZdS )� SaltConstantsz> defines default distribution specific salt variables c C sh t j� rd| _d| _d| _nd| _d| _d| _t j|d| j�| _t j|d| j�| _t j|d| j�| _d S ) Nzpy-saltr z/usr/local/etc/saltzsalt-minionz /etc/salt�pkg_nameZ config_dirZservice_name)r Z is_FreeBSDr �srv_name�conf_dirZget_cfg_option_str)�self�cfg� r �$/usr/lib/python3.6/cc_salt_minion.py�__init__T s zSaltConstants.__init__N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r r r r O s r )r r �cloud�args�returnc C s� d|krt jd| � d S |d }t|d�}|jj|jg� tj|j� d }d|kr~t j j|jd�}|jd�}tj |tj|�� d|kr�t j j|jd�}tj|jd��} tj || � d|ko�d|k�rXt j j|jd �} t j j| �s�t j j|jd �} |jd| �}tjd��L tj|� t j j|d �}t j j|d�} tj ||d � tj | |d � W d Q R X t|�ol|jd�dk� }|jj|�r�dnd|j� |jj|�r�dnd|j� |�s�tjdddgdd� d S )Nr z?Skipping module named %s, no 'salt_minion' key in configuration)r ZconfZminionZgrainsZ public_keyZprivate_keyz pki/minionZpki�pki_dir�? z minion.pubz minion.pemZfile_clientZlocal�enable�disableZrestart�stopz salt-callz--localzstate.applyF)Zcapture)�LOG�debugr ZdistroZinstall_packagesr r Z ensure_dirr �os�path�join�getZ write_filer �dumps�isdir�umask�boolZmanage_servicer r )r r r r Zs_cfg�constZminion_dataZ minion_configZ grains_configZgrains_dataZpki_dir_defaultr! Zpub_nameZpem_nameZ minion_daemonr r r �handlej sJ r1 )r Zloggingr( �textwrapr Z cloudinitr r r Zcloudinit.cloudr Zcloudinit.configr Zcloudinit.config.schemar r Zcloudinit.distrosr Zcloudinit.settingsr ZMODULE_DESCRIPTION�metaZ getLoggerr r&