3 \�me�5 � @ s� U d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlm Z m Z mZ ddlm Z ddlmZ ddlmZmZ ddlmZmZ dd lmZ d Zddd eegeed�ed�ed�gdgd�Zeee�Z dddi i ddgdd�Zddgd�ddgd�ddgd�d�Zeje�Zejd�Z ejd�Z!ed �d!d"�Z"d8d#d$�Z#d9d%d&�Z$e%ee%d'�d(d)�Z&d*d+� Z'd:d,d-�Z(G d.d/� d/�Z)d;d0d1�Z*e dd2�d3d4�Z+e,ee e-dd5�d6d7�Z.dS )<z-Rsyslog: Configure system logging via rsyslog� N)�dedent)�log�subp�util)�Cloud)�Config)� MetaSchema�get_meta_doc)�ALL_DISTROS�Distro)�PER_INSTANCEam This module configures remote system logging using rsyslog. Configuration for remote servers can be specified in ``configs``, but for convenience it can be specified as key value pairs in ``remotes``. This module can install rsyslog if not already present on the system using the ``install_rsyslog``, ``packages``, and ``check_exe`` options. Installation may not work on systems where this module runs before networking is up. .. note:: On BSD cloud-init will attempt to disable and stop the base system syslogd. This may fail on a first run. We recommend creating images with ``service syslogd disable``. Z cc_rsyslogZRsyslogz$Configure system logging via rsyslogz� rsyslog: remotes: maas: juju: service_reload_command: auto a7 rsyslog: config_dir: /opt/etc/rsyslog.d config_filename: 99-late-cloud-config.conf configs: - "*.* @@" - content: "*.* @@" filename: 01-example.conf - content: | *.* @@syslogd.example.com remotes: maas: juju: service_reload_command: [your, syslog, restart, command] a # default (no) configuration with package installation on FreeBSD rsyslog: config_dir: /usr/local/etc/rsyslog.d check_exe: "rsyslogd" packages: ["rsyslogd"] install_rsyslog: True �rsyslog)�id�name�title�descriptionZdistrosZ frequencyZexamplesZactivate_by_schema_keysz/etc/rsyslog.dz20-cloud-config.conf�autoZrsyslogdF)� config_dir�config_filename�service_reload_command�remotes�configs� check_exe�packages�install_rsyslogz/usr/local/etc/rsyslog.d)r r zsysutils/rsyslogz/usr/pkg/etc/rsyslog.d)ZfreebsdZopenbsdZnetbsdz[ ]*[#]+[ ]*z_^(?P<proto>[@]{0,2})(([\[](?P<bracket_addr>[^\]]*)[\]])|(?P<addr>[^:]*))([:](?P<port>[0-9]+))?$)�distroc C s4 t }tjt�}| j|kr0tj||| j gdd�}|S )z�Construct a distro-specific rsyslog config dictionary by merging distro specific changes into base config. @param distro: String providing the distro class name. @returns: Dict of distro configurations for ntp clients. T)�reverse)�DISTRO_OVERRIDES�copy�RSYSLOG_CONFIGZosfamilyr Z mergemanydictr )r Zdcfg�cfg� r! � /usr/lib/python3.6/cc_rsyslog.py�distro_default_rsyslog_config� s r# c C s( t j|�rdS |dkrdg}| |� dS )ai Install rsyslog package if not already installed. @param install_func: function. This parameter is invoked with the contents of the packages parameter. @param packages: list. This parameter defaults to ['rsyslog']. @param check_exe: string. The name of a binary that indicates the package the specified package is already installed. Nr )r Zwhich)Zinstall_funcr r r! r! r"