3 \�me# � @ s� U d dl Z d dlZd dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dlm Z d dl mZ d dlm Z mZ d dlmZ d d lmZ d ZdZdZd d deegeg g d�Ze ee�Ze je�Zeee edd�dd�ZdS )� N)�parse_qs)� url_helper)�util)�Cloud)�Config)� MetaSchema�get_meta_doc)�ALL_DISTROS)�PER_INSTANCEZcc_rightscale_userdataZCLOUD_INIT_REMOTE_HOOKaI This module adds support for RightScale configuration hooks to cloud-init. RightScale adds an entry in the format ``CLOUD_INIT_REMOTE_HOOK=http://...`` to ec2 user-data. This module checks for this line in the raw userdata and retrieves any scripts linked by the RightScale user data and places them in the user scripts configuration directory, to be run later by ``cc_scripts_user``. .. note:: the ``CLOUD_INIT_REMOTE_HOOK`` config variable is present in the raw ec2 user data only, not in any cloud-config parts **Raw user data schema**:: CLOUD_INIT_REMOTE_HOOK=<url> zRightScale Userdataz&Support rightscale configuration hooks)�id�name�title�descriptionZdistrosZ frequencyZexamplesZactivate_by_schema_keys)r �cfg�cloud�args�returnc C s� t |dd �}| st|� r,tjd| � d S |� }y,t|�}| sJt|kr\tjd| t� d S W n$ tk r� tjtd|� � Y nX g }g }|j d�} |t } x�t | �D ]�\}}tjj | d| �} y6tj|�}|j� r�|jr�tj| |dd� |j| � W q� tk �r8 } z"|j|� tjtd t|| � W Y d d }~X q�X q�W |�rTtjd t|�� t|�t| �k�r�t| �t|� }tjd|� |�r�tjdt|�� |d �d S )N�get_userdata_rawz'Failed to get raw userdata in module %sz:Skipping module %s, did not find %s in parsed raw userdataz1Failed to parse query string %s into a dictionary�scriptszrightscale-%02ii� )�modez!%s failed to read %s and write %sz)Wrote out rightscale userdata to %s filesz%s urls were skipped or failedz2%s failed with exceptions, re-raising the last one� ���)�getattr�callable�LOG�debugr �MY_HOOKNAME� Exceptionr ZlogexcZ get_ipath_cur� enumerate�os�path�join�uhelpZreadurl�ok�contentsZ write_file�append�MY_NAME�lenZwarning)r r r r r ZudZmdictZ wrote_fnsZcaptured_excpsZ scripts_dZurls�iZurlZfnameZresp�eZskipped� r* �,/usr/lib/python3.6/cc_rightscale_userdata.py�handleJ sT $ r, )Zloggingr Zurllib.parser Z cloudinitr r"