3 \�me� � @ s� U d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z mZ ddlmZ eje�Zd Zd ZeZdgZdd ded�eed�ed�ed�gedgd�Ze ee�Z eee edd�dd�Zdd� ZdS )z0Apk Configure: Configures apk repositories file.� N)�dedent)� temp_utils� templater�util)�Cloud)�Config)� MetaSchema�get_meta_doc)�PER_INSTANCEz+https://alpine.global.ssl.fastly.net/alpinea ## template:jinja # # Created by cloud-init # # This file is written on first boot of an instance # {{ alpine_baseurl }}/{{ alpine_version }}/main {% if community_enabled -%} {{ alpine_baseurl }}/{{ alpine_version }}/community {% endif -%} {% if testing_enabled -%} {% if alpine_version != 'edge' %} # # Testing - using with non-Edge installation may cause problems! # {% endif %} {{ alpine_baseurl }}/edge/testing {% endif %} {% if local_repo != '' %} # # Local repo # {{ local_repo }}/{{ alpine_version }} {% endif %} ZalpineZcc_apk_configurez APK ConfigurezConfigure apk repositories filez� This module handles configuration of the /etc/apk/repositories file. .. note:: To ensure that apk configuration is valid yaml, any strings containing special characters, especially ``:`` should be quoted. z� # Keep the existing /etc/apk/repositories file unaltered. apk_repos: preserve_repositories: true z� # Create repositories file for Alpine v3.12 main and community # using default mirror site. apk_repos: alpine_repo: community_enabled: true version: 'v3.12' a� # Create repositories file for Alpine Edge main, community, and # testing using a specified mirror site and also a local repo. apk_repos: alpine_repo: base_url: 'https://some-alpine-mirror/alpine' community_enabled: true testing_enabled: true version: 'edge' local_repo_base_url: 'https://my-local-server/local-alpine' � apk_repos)�id�name�title�description�distrosZexamples� frequencyZactivate_by_schema_keys)r �cfg�cloud�args�returnc C s� |j d�}|stjd| � dS tj|dd�r<tjd| � dS |j d�}|sZtjd| � dS |j d �}|sxtjd | � dS |j dd�}t|||� dS ) a{ Call to handle apk_repos sections in cloud-config file. @param name: The module name "apk_configure" from cloud.cfg @param cfg: A nested dict containing the entire cloud config contents. @param cloud: The CloudInit object in use. @param log: Pre-initialized Python logger object to use for logging. @param _args: Any module arguments from cloud.cfg r z6Skipping module named %s, no 'apk_repos' section foundNZpreserve_repositoriesFz8Skipping module named %s, 'preserve_repositories' is set�alpine_repoz>Skipping module named %s, no 'alpine_repo' configuration found�versionz@Skipping module named %s, 'version' not specified in alpine_repoZlocal_repo_base_url� )�get�LOG�debugr Zget_cfg_option_bool�_write_repositories_file)r r r r Zapk_sectionr �alpine_version� local_repo� r �&/usr/lib/python3.6/cc_apk_configure.py�handleo s. r! c C sx d}| j dt�}||| j d�| j d�|d�}tjddd�}|d }tj|td � tjd|� t j |||� tj|� dS ) a Write the /etc/apk/repositories file with the specified entries. @param alpine_repo: A nested dict of the alpine_repo configuration. @param alpine_version: A string of the Alpine version to use. @param local_repo: A string containing the base URL of a local repo. z/etc/apk/repositoriesZbase_url�community_enabled�testing_enabled)�alpine_baseurlr r"