[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespacestdevelopcBs�eZdZdZejddgZejdgZeZ	d�Z
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	cCs�|jd�}|jrCd}|j|jf}t||��n|jg|_tj|�|j�|j	�|j
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jj|j��d|j�|_|j|j|j|j�|_dS(Ntegg_infos-Please rename %r to %r before using 'develop's*.eggs	.egg-linksA--egg-path must be a relative path from the install directory to tproject_name(tget_finalized_commandtbroken_egg_infoRRtegg_nametargsRtfinalize_optionstexpand_basedirstexpand_dirst
package_indextscantglobtostpathtjointinstall_dirtegg_linktegg_baseRRtabspathRRRRtdistt_resolve_setup_pathR(RteittemplateR tegg_link_fnttargetR((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyR!.s<	

cCs�|jtjd�jd�}|tjkrGd|jd�d}nttjj|||��}|ttj�kr�t	d|ttj���n|S(s�
        Generate a path from egg_base back to '.' where the
        setup script resides and ensure that path points to the
        setup path from $install_dir/$egg_path.
        t/s../isGCan't get a consistent path to setup script from installation directory(
path_to_setuptresolved((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyR/XscCs�tjr�t|jdt�r�|jddd�|jd�|jd�}t|j	�}|jdd|�|jd�|jddd�|jd�|jd�}||_
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( RtPY3tgetattrtdistributiontFalsetreinitialize_commandtrun_commandRRt	build_libRR.tlocationRRt	_providertinstall_site_pyt


	$cCs�tjj|j�r�tjd|j|j�t|j�}g|D]}|j�^qD}|j	�||j
|jgfkr�tjd|�dS|j
s�|j|j�n|jjr�tjd�ndS(NsRemoving %s (link to %s)s$Link points to %s: uninstall aborteds5Note: you must uninstall or replace scripts manually!(R'R(texistsR+RRNR,RPR7tcloseRRtwarnROtunlinkt
		cCs�||jk	rtj||�S|j|�x~|jjp>gD]j}tjjt	|��}tjj
|�}tj|��}|j
cCst|�}tj||�S(N(tVersionlessRequirementRRb(RR.((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyRb�s(RRsUninstall this source packageN(s	egg-path=Ns-Set the path to be used in the .egg-link file(t__name__t
__module__t__doc__tdescriptionRtuser_optionsRtboolean_optionsRDtcommand_consumes_argumentsRRR!tstaticmethodR/RRRaRb(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyR
				*	/		RkcBs)eZdZd�Zd�Zd�ZRS(sz
    Adapt a pkg_resources.Distribution to simply return the project
    name as the 'requirement' so that scripts will work across
    multiple versions.

    >>> dist = Distribution(project_name='foo', version='1.0')
    >>> str(dist.as_requirement())
    >>> adapted_dist = VersionlessRequirement(dist)
    >>> str(adapted_dist.as_requirement())
||_dS(N(t_VersionlessRequirement__dist(RR.((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyt__init__�scCst|j|�S(N(RBRt(Rtname((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyt__getattr__�scCs|jS(N(R(R((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pytas_requirement�s(RlRmRnRuRwRx(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyRk�s		(tdistutils.utilRt	distutilsRtdistutils.errorsRRR'R&Rdtsetuptools.externRt
pkg_resourcesRRRtsetuptools.command.easy_installRRKR	tDevelopInstallerR
tobjectRk(((s>/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.pyt<module>s�


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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