[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import sys
import json
import os

import pycriu

def inf(opts):
    if opts['in']:
        return open(opts['in'], 'rb')
        return sys.stdin

def outf(opts):
    if opts['out']:
        return open(opts['out'], 'w+')
        return sys.stdout

def dinf(opts, name):
    return open(os.path.join(opts['dir'], name))

def decode(opts):
    indent = None

        img = pycriu.images.load(inf(opts), opts['pretty'], opts['nopl'])
    except pycriu.images.MagicException as exc:
        print("Unknown magic %#x.\n"\
          "Maybe you are feeding me an image with "\
          "raw data(i.e. pages.img)?" % exc.magic, file=sys.stderr)

    if opts['pretty']:
        indent = 4

    f = outf(opts)
    json.dump(img, f, indent=indent)
    if f == sys.stdout:

def encode(opts):
    img = json.load(inf(opts))
    pycriu.images.dump(img, outf(opts))

def info(opts):
    infs = pycriu.images.info(inf(opts))
    json.dump(infs, sys.stdout, indent=4)

def get_task_id(p, val):
    return p[val] if val in p else p['ns_' + val][0]

# Explorers

class ps_item:
    def __init__(self, p, core):
        self.pid = get_task_id(p, 'pid')
        self.ppid = p['ppid']
        self.p = p
        self.core = core
        self.kids = []

def show_ps(p, opts, depth=0):
    print("%7d%7d%7d   %s%s" %
          (p.pid, get_task_id(p.p, 'pgid'), get_task_id(p.p, 'sid'), ' ' *
           (4 * depth), p.core['tc']['comm']))
    for kid in p.kids:
        show_ps(kid, opts, depth + 1)

def explore_ps(opts):
    pss = {}
    ps_img = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pstree.img'))
    for p in ps_img['entries']:
        core = pycriu.images.load(
            dinf(opts, 'core-%d.img' % get_task_id(p, 'pid')))
        ps = ps_item(p, core['entries'][0])
        pss[ps.pid] = ps

    # Build tree
    psr = None
    for pid in pss:
        p = pss[pid]
        if p.ppid == 0:
            psr = p

        pp = pss[p.ppid]

    print("%7s%7s%7s   %s" % ('PID', 'PGID', 'SID', 'COMM'))
    show_ps(psr, opts)

files_img = None

def ftype_find_in_files(opts, ft, fid):
    global files_img

    if files_img is None:
            files_img = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, "files.img"))['entries']
            files_img = []

    if len(files_img) == 0:
        return None

    for f in files_img:
        if f['id'] == fid:
            return f

    return None

def ftype_find_in_image(opts, ft, fid, img):
    f = ftype_find_in_files(opts, ft, fid)
    if f:
        return f[ft['field']]

    if ft['img'] == None:
        ft['img'] = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, img))['entries']
    for f in ft['img']:
        if f['id'] == fid:
            return f
    return None

def ftype_reg(opts, ft, fid):
    rf = ftype_find_in_image(opts, ft, fid, 'reg-files.img')
    return rf and rf['name'] or 'unknown path'

def ftype_pipe(opts, ft, fid):
    p = ftype_find_in_image(opts, ft, fid, 'pipes.img')
    return p and 'pipe[%d]' % p['pipe_id'] or 'pipe[?]'

def ftype_unix(opts, ft, fid):
    ux = ftype_find_in_image(opts, ft, fid, 'unixsk.img')
    if not ux:
        return 'unix[?]'

    n = ux['name'] and ' %s' % ux['name'] or ''
    return 'unix[%d (%d)%s]' % (ux['ino'], ux['peer'], n)

file_types = {
    'REG': {
        'get': ftype_reg,
        'img': None,
        'field': 'reg'
    'PIPE': {
        'get': ftype_pipe,
        'img': None,
        'field': 'pipe'
    'UNIXSK': {
        'get': ftype_unix,
        'img': None,
        'field': 'usk'

def ftype_gen(opts, ft, fid):
    return '%s.%d' % (ft['typ'], fid)

files_cache = {}

def get_file_str(opts, fd):
    key = (fd['type'], fd['id'])
    f = files_cache.get(key, None)
    if not f:
        ft = file_types.get(fd['type'], {'get': ftype_gen, 'typ': fd['type']})
        f = ft['get'](opts, ft, fd['id'])
        files_cache[key] = f

    return f

def explore_fds(opts):
    ps_img = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pstree.img'))
    for p in ps_img['entries']:
        pid = get_task_id(p, 'pid')
        idi = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'ids-%s.img' % pid))
        fdt = idi['entries'][0]['files_id']
        fdi = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'fdinfo-%d.img' % fdt))

        print("%d" % pid)
        for fd in fdi['entries']:
            print("\t%7d: %s" % (fd['fd'], get_file_str(opts, fd)))

        fdi = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'fs-%d.img' % pid))['entries'][0]
        print("\t%7s: %s" %
              ('cwd', get_file_str(opts, {
                  'type': 'REG',
                  'id': fdi['cwd_id']
        print("\t%7s: %s" %
              ('root', get_file_str(opts, {
                  'type': 'REG',
                  'id': fdi['root_id']

class vma_id:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__ids = {}
        self.__last = 1

    def get(self, iid):
        ret = self.__ids.get(iid, None)
        if not ret:
            ret = self.__last
            self.__last += 1
            self.__ids[iid] = ret

        return ret

def explore_mems(opts):
    ps_img = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pstree.img'))
    vids = vma_id()
    for p in ps_img['entries']:
        pid = get_task_id(p, 'pid')
        mmi = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'mm-%d.img' % pid))['entries'][0]

        print("%d" % pid)
        print("\t%-36s    %s" % ('exe',
                                 get_file_str(opts, {
                                     'type': 'REG',
                                     'id': mmi['exe_file_id']

        for vma in mmi['vmas']:
            st = vma['status']
            if st & (1 << 10):
                fn = ' ' + 'ips[%lx]' % vids.get(vma['shmid'])
            elif st & (1 << 8):
                fn = ' ' + 'shmem[%lx]' % vids.get(vma['shmid'])
            elif st & (1 << 11):
                fn = ' ' + 'packet[%lx]' % vids.get(vma['shmid'])
            elif st & ((1 << 6) | (1 << 7)):
                fn = ' ' + get_file_str(opts, {
                    'type': 'REG',
                    'id': vma['shmid']
                if vma['pgoff']:
                    fn += ' + %#lx' % vma['pgoff']
                if st & (1 << 7):
                    fn += ' (s)'
            elif st & (1 << 1):
                fn = ' [stack]'
            elif st & (1 << 2):
                fn = ' [vsyscall]'
            elif st & (1 << 3):
                fn = ' [vdso]'
            elif vma['flags'] & 0x0100:  # growsdown
                fn = ' [stack?]'
                fn = ''

            if not st & (1 << 0):
                fn += ' *'

            prot = vma['prot'] & 0x1 and 'r' or '-'
            prot += vma['prot'] & 0x2 and 'w' or '-'
            prot += vma['prot'] & 0x4 and 'x' or '-'

            astr = '%08lx-%08lx' % (vma['start'], vma['end'])
            print("\t%-36s%s%s" % (astr, prot, fn))

def explore_rss(opts):
    ps_img = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pstree.img'))
    for p in ps_img['entries']:
        pid = get_task_id(p, 'pid')
        vmas = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'mm-%d.img' %
        pms = pycriu.images.load(dinf(opts, 'pagemap-%d.img' % pid))['entries']

        print("%d" % pid)
        vmi = 0
        pvmi = -1
        for pm in pms[1:]:
            pstr = '\t%lx / %-8d' % (pm['vaddr'], pm['nr_pages'])
            while vmas[vmi]['end'] <= pm['vaddr']:
                vmi += 1

            pme = pm['vaddr'] + (pm['nr_pages'] << 12)
            vstr = ''
            while vmas[vmi]['start'] < pme:
                vma = vmas[vmi]
                if vmi == pvmi:
                    vstr += ' ~'
                    vstr += ' %08lx / %-8d' % (
                        vma['start'], (vma['end'] - vma['start']) >> 12)
                    if vma['status'] & ((1 << 6) | (1 << 7)):
                        vstr += ' ' + get_file_str(opts, {
                            'type': 'REG',
                            'id': vma['shmid']
                    pvmi = vmi
                vstr += '\n\t%23s' % ''
                vmi += 1

            vmi -= 1

            print('%-24s%s' % (pstr, vstr))

explorers = {
    'ps': explore_ps,
    'fds': explore_fds,
    'mems': explore_mems,
    'rss': explore_rss

def explore(opts):

def main():
    desc = 'CRiu Image Tool'
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description=desc, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)

    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
        help='Use crit CMD --help for command-specific help')

    # Decode
    decode_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
        'decode', help='convert criu image from binary type to json')
        'Multiline with indents and some numerical fields in field-specific format',
        help='criu image in binary format to be decoded (stdin by default)')
        help='where to put criu image in json format (stdout by default)')
    decode_parser.set_defaults(func=decode, nopl=False)

    # Encode
    encode_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
        'encode', help='convert criu image from json type to binary')
        help='criu image in json format to be encoded (stdin by default)')
        help='where to put criu image in binary format (stdout by default)')

    # Info
    info_parser = subparsers.add_parser('info', help='show info about image')

    # Explore
    x_parser = subparsers.add_parser('x', help='explore image dir')
    x_parser.add_argument('what', choices=['ps', 'fds', 'mems', 'rss'])

    # Show
    show_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
        'show', help="convert criu image from binary to human-readable json")
                             help='do not show entry payload (if exists)',
    show_parser.set_defaults(func=decode, pretty=True, out=None)

    opts = vars(parser.parse_args())

    if not opts:
        sys.stderr.write("crit: error: too few arguments\n")


if __name__ == '__main__':


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
__init__.py File 70 B 0644
__init__.pyc File 265 B 0644
__init__.pyo File 265 B 0644
cli.py File 10.74 KB 0644
cli.pyc File 12.42 KB 0644
cli.pyo File 12.42 KB 0644
criu.py File 8.26 KB 0644
criu.pyc File 11.06 KB 0644
criu.pyo File 11.06 KB 0644
rpc_pb2.py File 56.36 KB 0644
rpc_pb2.pyc File 27.15 KB 0644
rpc_pb2.pyo File 27.15 KB 0644