[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
from __future__ import absolute_import

import locale
import logging
import os
import optparse
import warnings

import sys
import re

# 2016-06-17 barry@debian.org: urllib3 1.14 added optional support for socks,
# but if invoked (i.e. imported), it will issue a warning to stderr if socks
# isn't available.  requests unconditionally imports urllib3's socks contrib
# module, triggering this warning.  The warning breaks DEP-8 tests (because of
# the stderr output) and is just plain annoying in normal usage.  I don't want
# to add socks as yet another dependency for pip, nor do I want to allow-stder
# in the DEP-8 tests, so just suppress the warning.  pdb tells me this has to
# be done before the import of pip.vcs.
from pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions import DependencyWarning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DependencyWarning)  # noqa

# We want to inject the use of SecureTransport as early as possible so that any
# references or sessions or what have you are ensured to have it, however we
# only want to do this in the case that we're running on macOS and the linked
# OpenSSL is too old to handle TLSv1.2
    import ssl
except ImportError:
    if (sys.platform == "darwin" and
            getattr(ssl, "OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER", 0) < 0x1000100f):  # OpenSSL 1.0.1
            from pip._vendor.urllib3.contrib import securetransport
        except (ImportError, OSError):

from pip.exceptions import InstallationError, CommandError, PipError
from pip.utils import get_installed_distributions, get_prog
from pip.utils import deprecation, dist_is_editable
from pip.vcs import git, mercurial, subversion, bazaar  # noqa
from pip.baseparser import ConfigOptionParser, UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter
from pip.commands import get_summaries, get_similar_commands
from pip.commands import commands_dict
from pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

# assignment for flake8 to be happy

# This fixes a peculiarity when importing via __import__ - as we are
# initialising the pip module, "from pip import cmdoptions" is recursive
# and appears not to work properly in that situation.
import pip.cmdoptions
cmdoptions = pip.cmdoptions

# The version as used in the setup.py and the docs conf.py
__version__ = "9.0.3"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Hide the InsecureRequestWarning from urllib3
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=InsecureRequestWarning)

def autocomplete():
    """Command and option completion for the main option parser (and options)
    and its subcommands (and options).

    Enable by sourcing one of the completion shell scripts (bash, zsh or fish).
    # Don't complete if user hasn't sourced bash_completion file.
    if 'PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE' not in os.environ:
    cwords = os.environ['COMP_WORDS'].split()[1:]
    cword = int(os.environ['COMP_CWORD'])
        current = cwords[cword - 1]
    except IndexError:
        current = ''

    subcommands = [cmd for cmd, summary in get_summaries()]
    options = []
    # subcommand
        subcommand_name = [w for w in cwords if w in subcommands][0]
    except IndexError:
        subcommand_name = None

    parser = create_main_parser()
    # subcommand options
    if subcommand_name:
        # special case: 'help' subcommand has no options
        if subcommand_name == 'help':
        # special case: list locally installed dists for uninstall command
        if subcommand_name == 'uninstall' and not current.startswith('-'):
            installed = []
            lc = current.lower()
            for dist in get_installed_distributions(local_only=True):
                if dist.key.startswith(lc) and dist.key not in cwords[1:]:
            # if there are no dists installed, fall back to option completion
            if installed:
                for dist in installed:

        subcommand = commands_dict[subcommand_name]()
        options += [(opt.get_opt_string(), opt.nargs)
                    for opt in subcommand.parser.option_list_all
                    if opt.help != optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP]

        # filter out previously specified options from available options
        prev_opts = [x.split('=')[0] for x in cwords[1:cword - 1]]
        options = [(x, v) for (x, v) in options if x not in prev_opts]
        # filter options by current input
        options = [(k, v) for k, v in options if k.startswith(current)]
        for option in options:
            opt_label = option[0]
            # append '=' to options which require args
            if option[1]:
                opt_label += '='
        # show main parser options only when necessary
        if current.startswith('-') or current.startswith('--'):
            opts = [i.option_list for i in parser.option_groups]
            opts = (o for it in opts for o in it)

            subcommands += [i.get_opt_string() for i in opts
                            if i.help != optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP]

        print(' '.join([x for x in subcommands if x.startswith(current)]))

def create_main_parser():
    parser_kw = {
        'usage': '\n%prog <command> [options]',
        'add_help_option': False,
        'formatter': UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(),
        'name': 'global',
        'prog': get_prog(),

    parser = ConfigOptionParser(**parser_kw)

    pip_pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
    parser.version = 'pip %s from %s (python %s)' % (
        __version__, pip_pkg_dir, sys.version[:3])

    # add the general options
    gen_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group(cmdoptions.general_group, parser)

    parser.main = True  # so the help formatter knows

    # create command listing for description
    command_summaries = get_summaries()
    description = [''] + ['%-27s %s' % (i, j) for i, j in command_summaries]
    parser.description = '\n'.join(description)

    return parser

def parseopts(args):
    parser = create_main_parser()

    # Note: parser calls disable_interspersed_args(), so the result of this
    # call is to split the initial args into the general options before the
    # subcommand and everything else.
    # For example:
    #  args: ['--timeout=5', 'install', '--user', 'INITools']
    #  general_options: ['--timeout==5']
    #  args_else: ['install', '--user', 'INITools']
    general_options, args_else = parser.parse_args(args)

    # --version
    if general_options.version:

    # pip || pip help -> print_help()
    if not args_else or (args_else[0] == 'help' and len(args_else) == 1):

    # the subcommand name
    cmd_name = args_else[0]

    if cmd_name not in commands_dict:
        guess = get_similar_commands(cmd_name)

        msg = ['unknown command "%s"' % cmd_name]
        if guess:
            msg.append('maybe you meant "%s"' % guess)

        raise CommandError(' - '.join(msg))

    # all the args without the subcommand
    cmd_args = args[:]

    return cmd_name, cmd_args

def check_isolated(args):
    isolated = False

    if "--isolated" in args:
        isolated = True

    return isolated

def main(args=None):
    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv[1:]

    # Configure our deprecation warnings to be sent through loggers


        cmd_name, cmd_args = parseopts(args)
    except PipError as exc:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s" % exc)

    # Needed for locale.getpreferredencoding(False) to work
    # in pip.utils.encoding.auto_decode
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
    except locale.Error as e:
        # setlocale can apparently crash if locale are uninitialized
        logger.debug("Ignoring error %s when setting locale", e)
    command = commands_dict[cmd_name](isolated=check_isolated(cmd_args))
    return command.main(cmd_args)

# ###########################################################
# # Writing freeze files

class FrozenRequirement(object):

    def __init__(self, name, req, editable, comments=()):
        self.name = name
        self.req = req
        self.editable = editable
        self.comments = comments

    _rev_re = re.compile(r'-r(\d+)$')
    _date_re = re.compile(r'-(20\d\d\d\d\d\d)$')

    def from_dist(cls, dist, dependency_links):
        location = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(dist.location))
        comments = []
        from pip.vcs import vcs, get_src_requirement
        if dist_is_editable(dist) and vcs.get_backend_name(location):
            editable = True
                req = get_src_requirement(dist, location)
            except InstallationError as exc:
                    "Error when trying to get requirement for VCS system %s, "
                    "falling back to uneditable format", exc
                req = None
            if req is None:
                    'Could not determine repository location of %s', location
                    '## !! Could not determine repository location'
                req = dist.as_requirement()
                editable = False
            editable = False
            req = dist.as_requirement()
            specs = req.specs
            assert len(specs) == 1 and specs[0][0] in ["==", "==="], \
                'Expected 1 spec with == or ===; specs = %r; dist = %r' % \
                (specs, dist)
            version = specs[0][1]
            ver_match = cls._rev_re.search(version)
            date_match = cls._date_re.search(version)
            if ver_match or date_match:
                svn_backend = vcs.get_backend('svn')
                if svn_backend:
                    svn_location = svn_backend().get_location(
                if not svn_location:
                        'Warning: cannot find svn location for %s', req)
                        '## FIXME: could not find svn URL in dependency_links '
                        'for this package:'
                        '# Installing as editable to satisfy requirement %s:' %
                    if ver_match:
                        rev = ver_match.group(1)
                        rev = '{%s}' % date_match.group(1)
                    editable = True
                    req = '%s@%s#egg=%s' % (
        return cls(dist.project_name, req, editable, comments)

    def egg_name(dist):
        name = dist.egg_name()
        match = re.search(r'-py\d\.\d$', name)
        if match:
            name = name[:match.start()]
        return name

    def __str__(self):
        req = self.req
        if self.editable:
            req = '-e %s' % req
        return '\n'.join(list(self.comments) + [str(req)]) + '\n'

if __name__ == '__main__':


Name Type Size Permission Actions
_vendor Folder 0755
commands Folder 0755
compat Folder 0755
models Folder 0755
operations Folder 0755
req Folder 0755
utils Folder 0755
vcs Folder 0755
__init__.py File 11.65 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 9.35 KB 0644
__init__.pyo File 9.17 KB 0644
__main__.py File 584 B 0644
__main__.pyc File 484 B 0644
__main__.pyo File 484 B 0644
basecommand.py File 11.63 KB 0644
basecommand.pyc File 8.73 KB 0644
basecommand.pyo File 8.73 KB 0644
baseparser.py File 10.22 KB 0644
baseparser.pyc File 10.49 KB 0644
baseparser.pyo File 10.46 KB 0644
cmdoptions.py File 16.09 KB 0644
cmdoptions.pyc File 15.26 KB 0644
cmdoptions.pyo File 15.26 KB 0644
download.py File 32.08 KB 0644
download.pyc File 25.33 KB 0644
download.pyo File 25.21 KB 0644
exceptions.py File 7.93 KB 0644
exceptions.pyc File 12.16 KB 0644
exceptions.pyo File 12.16 KB 0644
index.py File 39.01 KB 0644
index.pyc File 34.32 KB 0644
index.pyo File 34.24 KB 0644
locations.py File 5.49 KB 0644
locations.pyc File 4.66 KB 0644
locations.pyo File 4.57 KB 0644
pep425tags.py File 10.72 KB 0644
pep425tags.pyc File 9.26 KB 0644
pep425tags.pyo File 9.26 KB 0644
status_codes.py File 156 B 0644
status_codes.pyc File 393 B 0644
status_codes.pyo File 393 B 0644
wheel.py File 31.53 KB 0644
wheel.pyc File 24.84 KB 0644
wheel.pyo File 24.63 KB 0644