[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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rXtSXdS(s�Checks whether pip was installed by pip

    This is used not to display the upgrade message when pip is in fact
    installed by system package manager, such as dnf on Fedora.
    iNtpipt	INSTALLER(t
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    Limit the frequency of checks to once per week. State is stored either in
    the active virtualenv or in the user's USER_CACHE_DIR keyed off the prefix
    of the pip script path.
python -m pips�You are using pip version %s, however version %s is available.
You should consider upgrading via the '%s install --upgrade pip' command.s5There was an error checking the latest version of piptexc_infoi�i`'i�:	(R	tNonetpackaging_versiontparseR/tdatetimetutcnowRtstrptimeR$RtgetRtpip_json_urltraise_for_statustsortedtlistRt
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Name Type Size Permission Actions
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