[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
from __future__ import absolute_import

from email.parser import FeedParser
import logging
import os

from pip.basecommand import Command
from pip.status_codes import SUCCESS, ERROR
from pip._vendor import pkg_resources
from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ShowCommand(Command):
    """Show information about one or more installed packages."""
    name = 'show'
    usage = """
      %prog [options] <package> ..."""
    summary = 'Show information about installed packages.'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(ShowCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
            '-f', '--files',
            help='Show the full list of installed files for each package.')

        self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts)

    def run(self, options, args):
        if not args:
            logger.warning('ERROR: Please provide a package name or names.')
            return ERROR
        query = args

        results = search_packages_info(query)
        if not print_results(
                results, list_files=options.files, verbose=options.verbose):
            return ERROR
        return SUCCESS

def search_packages_info(query):
    Gather details from installed distributions. Print distribution name,
    version, location, and installed files. Installed files requires a
    pip generated 'installed-files.txt' in the distributions '.egg-info'
    installed = {}
    for p in pkg_resources.working_set:
        installed[canonicalize_name(p.project_name)] = p

    query_names = [canonicalize_name(name) for name in query]

    for dist in [installed[pkg] for pkg in query_names if pkg in installed]:
        package = {
            'name': dist.project_name,
            'version': dist.version,
            'location': dist.location,
            'requires': [dep.project_name for dep in dist.requires()],
        file_list = None
        metadata = None
        if isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution):
            # RECORDs should be part of .dist-info metadatas
            if dist.has_metadata('RECORD'):
                lines = dist.get_metadata_lines('RECORD')
                paths = [l.split(',')[0] for l in lines]
                paths = [os.path.join(dist.location, p) for p in paths]
                file_list = [os.path.relpath(p, dist.location) for p in paths]

            if dist.has_metadata('METADATA'):
                metadata = dist.get_metadata('METADATA')
            # Otherwise use pip's log for .egg-info's
            if dist.has_metadata('installed-files.txt'):
                paths = dist.get_metadata_lines('installed-files.txt')
                paths = [os.path.join(dist.egg_info, p) for p in paths]
                file_list = [os.path.relpath(p, dist.location) for p in paths]

            if dist.has_metadata('PKG-INFO'):
                metadata = dist.get_metadata('PKG-INFO')

        if dist.has_metadata('entry_points.txt'):
            entry_points = dist.get_metadata_lines('entry_points.txt')
            package['entry_points'] = entry_points

        if dist.has_metadata('INSTALLER'):
            for line in dist.get_metadata_lines('INSTALLER'):
                if line.strip():
                    package['installer'] = line.strip()

        # @todo: Should pkg_resources.Distribution have a
        # `get_pkg_info` method?
        feed_parser = FeedParser()
        pkg_info_dict = feed_parser.close()
        for key in ('metadata-version', 'summary',
                    'home-page', 'author', 'author-email', 'license'):
            package[key] = pkg_info_dict.get(key)

        # It looks like FeedParser cannot deal with repeated headers
        classifiers = []
        for line in metadata.splitlines():
            if line.startswith('Classifier: '):
                classifiers.append(line[len('Classifier: '):])
        package['classifiers'] = classifiers

        if file_list:
            package['files'] = sorted(file_list)
        yield package

def print_results(distributions, list_files=False, verbose=False):
    Print the informations from installed distributions found.
    results_printed = False
    for i, dist in enumerate(distributions):
        results_printed = True
        if i > 0:
        logger.info("Name: %s", dist.get('name', ''))
        logger.info("Version: %s", dist.get('version', ''))
        logger.info("Summary: %s", dist.get('summary', ''))
        logger.info("Home-page: %s", dist.get('home-page', ''))
        logger.info("Author: %s", dist.get('author', ''))
        logger.info("Author-email: %s", dist.get('author-email', ''))
        logger.info("License: %s", dist.get('license', ''))
        logger.info("Location: %s", dist.get('location', ''))
        logger.info("Requires: %s", ', '.join(dist.get('requires', [])))
        if verbose:
            logger.info("Metadata-Version: %s",
                        dist.get('metadata-version', ''))
            logger.info("Installer: %s", dist.get('installer', ''))
            for classifier in dist.get('classifiers', []):
                logger.info("  %s", classifier)
            for entry in dist.get('entry_points', []):
                logger.info("  %s", entry.strip())
        if list_files:
            for line in dist.get('files', []):
                logger.info("  %s", line.strip())
            if "files" not in dist:
                logger.info("Cannot locate installed-files.txt")
    return results_printed


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__init__.py File 2.19 KB 0644
__init__.pyc File 2.57 KB 0644
__init__.pyo File 2.57 KB 0644
check.py File 1.35 KB 0644
check.pyc File 1.56 KB 0644
check.pyo File 1.56 KB 0644
completion.py File 2.4 KB 0644
completion.pyc File 2.83 KB 0644
completion.pyo File 2.83 KB 0644
download.py File 7.63 KB 0644
download.pyc File 6.03 KB 0644
download.pyo File 6.03 KB 0644
freeze.py File 2.77 KB 0644
freeze.pyc File 3.12 KB 0644
freeze.pyo File 3.12 KB 0644
hash.py File 1.56 KB 0644
hash.pyc File 2.35 KB 0644
hash.pyo File 2.35 KB 0644
help.py File 982 B 0644
help.pyc File 1.32 KB 0644
help.pyo File 1.32 KB 0644
install.py File 17.86 KB 0644
install.pyc File 11.81 KB 0644
install.pyo File 11.81 KB 0644
list.py File 11.1 KB 0644
list.pyc File 10.88 KB 0644
list.pyo File 10.83 KB 0644
search.py File 4.4 KB 0644
search.pyc File 4.84 KB 0644
search.pyo File 4.84 KB 0644
show.py File 5.75 KB 0644
show.pyc File 5.61 KB 0644
show.pyo File 5.61 KB 0644
uninstall.py File 2.82 KB 0644
uninstall.pyc File 2.97 KB 0644
uninstall.pyo File 2.97 KB 0644
wheel.py File 7.55 KB 0644
wheel.pyc File 6.22 KB 0644
wheel.pyo File 6.22 KB 0644