[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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���o�o�	���o&�, p�������� 0@P`p�������� 0@P`p��rwcnfsuopen(filename, [flags, [mode]])  -> dbm_object
Open a dbm database and return a dbm object. The filename argument is
the name of the database file.

The optional flags argument can be 'r' (to open an existing database
for reading only -- default), 'w' (to open an existing database for
reading and writing), 'c' (which creates the database if it doesn't
exist), or 'n' (which always creates a new empty database).

Some versions of gdbm support additional flags which must be
appended to one of the flags described above. The module constant
'open_flags' is a string of valid additional flags. The 'f' flag
opens the database in fast mode; altered data will not automatically
be written to the disk after every change. This results in faster
writes to the database, but may result in an inconsistent database
if the program crashes while the database is still open. Use the
sync() method to force any unwritten data to be written to the disk.
The 's' flag causes all database operations to be synchronized to
disk. The 'u' flag disables locking of the database file.

The optional mode argument is the Unix mode of the file, used only
when the database has to be created. It defaults to octal 0666. sync() -> None
When the database has been opened in fast mode, this method forces
any unwritten data to be written to the disk.reorganize() -> None
If you have carried out a lot of deletions and would like to shrink
the space used by the GDBM file, this routine will reorganize the
database. GDBM will not shorten the length of a database file except
by using this reorganization; otherwise, deleted file space will be
kept and reused as new (key,value) pairs are added.nextkey(key) -> next_key
Returns the key that follows key in the traversal.
The following code prints every key in the database db, without having
to create a list in memory that contains them all:

      k = db.firstkey()
      while k != None:
          print k
          k = db.nextkey(k)firstkey() -> key
It's possible to loop over every key in the database using this method
and the nextkey() method. The traversal is ordered by GDBM's internal
hash values, and won't be sorted by the key values. This method
returns the starting key.has_key(key) -> boolean
Find out whether or not the database contains a given key.keys() -> list_of_keys
Get a list of all keys in the database.close() -> None
Closes the database.This object represents a GDBM database.
GDBM objects behave like mappings (dictionaries), except that keys and
values are always strings. Printing a GDBM object doesn't print the
keys and values, and the items() and values() methods are not

GDBM objects also support additional operations such as firstkey,
nextkey, reorganize, and sync.This module provides an interface to the GNU DBM (GDBM) library.

This module is quite similar to the dbm module, but uses GDBM instead to
provide some additional functionality. Please note that the file formats
created by GDBM and dbm are incompatible. 

GDBM objects behave like mappings (dictionaries), except that keys and
values are always strings. Printing a GDBM object doesn't print the
keys and values, and the items() and values() methods are not
supported.M#� 0 �#��9 �#� `9 # 9 �#�8 t# �6 �#p`5 �# "�4 0��0��# �p�> `> ��9 GA$3a18A#GA$3p1113�3#GA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: gcc-annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA!
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