[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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	[-a list] [-r list] [-x list] [-l [-o outputListFileName]]
	[-s path] [-d path] [-w] [-m mode]
	[--auto_toc_prefix] [--auto_toc_prefix_with_type] [--toc_prefix]
	infilename [outfilename]

Read the input ICU .dat package file, modify it according to the options,
swap it to the desired platform properties (charset & endianness),
and optionally write the resulting ICU .dat package to the output file.
Items are removed, then added, then extracted and listed.
An ICU .dat package is written if items are removed or added,
or if the input and output filenames differ,
or if the --writepkg (-w) option is set.

If the input filename is "new" then an empty package is created.
If the output filename is missing, then it is automatically generated
from the input filename: If the input filename ends with an l, b, or e
matching its platform properties, then the output filename will
contain the letter from the -t (--type) option.

This tool can also be used to just swap a single ICU data file, replacing the
former icuswap tool. For this mode, provide the infilename (and optional
outfilename) for a non-package ICU data file.
Allowed options include -t, -w, -s and -d.
The filenames can be absolute, or relative to the source/dest dir paths.
Other options are not allowed in this mode.

	(Only the last occurrence of an option is used.)

	-h or -? or --help    print this message and exit

	-tl or --type l   output for little-endian/ASCII charset family
	-tb or --type b   output for big-endian/ASCII charset family
	-te or --type e   output for big-endian/EBCDIC charset family
	                  The output type defaults to the input type.

	-c or --copyright include the ICU copyright notice
	-C comment or --comment comment   include a comment string

	-a list or --add list      add items to the package
	-r list or --remove list   remove items from the package
	-x list or --extract list  extract items from the package
	The list can be a single item's filename,
	or a .txt filename with a list of item filenames,
	or an ICU .dat package filename.

	-w or --writepkg  write the output package even if no items are removed
	                  or added (e.g., for only swapping the data)

	-m mode or --matchmode mode  set the matching mode for item names with
	        noslash: the '*' wildcard does not match the '/' tree separator

	--ignore-deps     Do not fail if not all resource dependencies are met. Use this
	                  option if the missing resources come from another source.
	In the .dat package, the Table of Contents (ToC) contains an entry
	for each item of the form prefix/tree/itemname .
	The prefix normally matches the package basename, and icupkg checks that,
	but this is not necessary when ICU need not find and load the package by filename.
	ICU package names end with the platform type letter, and thus differ
	between platform types. This is not required for user data packages.

	--auto_toc_prefix            automatic ToC entries prefix
	                             Uses the prefix of the first entry of the
	                             input package, rather than its basename.
	                             Requires a non-empty input package.
	--auto_toc_prefix_with_type  auto_toc_prefix + adjust platform type
	                             Same as auto_toc_prefix but also checks that
	                             the prefix ends with the input platform
	                             type letter, and modifies it to the output
	                             platform type letter.
	                At most one of the auto_toc_prefix options
	                can be used at a time.
	--toc_prefix prefix          ToC prefix to be used in the output package
	                             Overrides the package basename
	                             and --auto_toc_prefix.
	                             Cannot be combined with --auto_toc_prefix_with_type.

	List file syntax: Items are listed on one or more lines and separated
	by whitespace (space+tab).
	Comments begin with # and are ignored. Empty lines are ignored.
	Lines where the first non-whitespace character is one of %s
	are also ignored, to reserve for future syntax.
	Items for removal or extraction may contain a single '*' wildcard
	character. The '*' matches zero or more characters.
	If --matchmode noslash (-m noslash) is set, then the '*'
	does not match '/'.

	Items must be listed relative to the package, and the --sourcedir or
	the --destdir path will be prepended.
	The paths are only prepended to item filenames while adding or
	extracting items, not to ICU .dat package or list filenames.
	Paths may contain '/' instead of the platform's
	file separator character, and are converted as appropriate.

	-s path or --sourcedir path  directory for the --add items
	-d path or --destdir path    directory for the --extract items

	-l or --list                 list the package items
	                             (after modifying the package)
	                             to stdout or to output list file
	-o path or --outlist path    path/filename for the --list output
 Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html icupkg: --auto_toc_prefix_with_type and also --toc_prefix
icupkg: --auto_toc_prefix[_with_type] but no input package
icupkg: unable to auto-generate an output filename if there is no input filename
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