[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $
 * List Table API: WP_Terms_List_Table class
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Administration
 * @since 3.1.0

 * Core class used to implement displaying terms in a list table.
 * @since 3.1.0
 * @see WP_List_Table
class WP_Terms_List_Table extends WP_List_Table {

	public $callback_args;

	private $level;

	 * Constructor.
	 * @since 3.1.0
	 * @see WP_List_Table::__construct() for more information on default arguments.
	 * @global string $post_type Global post type.
	 * @global string $taxonomy  Global taxonomy.
	 * @global string $action
	 * @global object $tax
	 * @param array $args An associative array of arguments.
	public function __construct( $args = array() ) {
		global $post_type, $taxonomy, $action, $tax;

				'plural'   => 'tags',
				'singular' => 'tag',
				'screen'   => isset( $args['screen'] ) ? $args['screen'] : null,

		$action    = $this->screen->action;
		$post_type = $this->screen->post_type;
		$taxonomy  = $this->screen->taxonomy;

		if ( empty( $taxonomy ) ) {
			$taxonomy = 'post_tag';

		if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) {
			wp_die( __( 'Invalid taxonomy.' ) );

		$tax = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );

		// @todo Still needed? Maybe just the show_ui part.
		if ( empty( $post_type ) || ! in_array( $post_type, get_post_types( array( 'show_ui' => true ) ), true ) ) {
			$post_type = 'post';

	 * @return bool
	public function ajax_user_can() {
		return current_user_can( get_taxonomy( $this->screen->taxonomy )->cap->manage_terms );

	public function prepare_items() {
		$taxonomy = $this->screen->taxonomy;

		$tags_per_page = $this->get_items_per_page( "edit_{$taxonomy}_per_page" );

		if ( 'post_tag' === $taxonomy ) {
			 * Filters the number of terms displayed per page for the Tags list table.
			 * @since 2.8.0
			 * @param int $tags_per_page Number of tags to be displayed. Default 20.
			$tags_per_page = apply_filters( 'edit_tags_per_page', $tags_per_page );

			 * Filters the number of terms displayed per page for the Tags list table.
			 * @since 2.7.0
			 * @deprecated 2.8.0 Use {@see 'edit_tags_per_page'} instead.
			 * @param int $tags_per_page Number of tags to be displayed. Default 20.
			$tags_per_page = apply_filters_deprecated( 'tagsperpage', array( $tags_per_page ), '2.8.0', 'edit_tags_per_page' );
		} elseif ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) {
			 * Filters the number of terms displayed per page for the Categories list table.
			 * @since 2.8.0
			 * @param int $tags_per_page Number of categories to be displayed. Default 20.
			$tags_per_page = apply_filters( 'edit_categories_per_page', $tags_per_page );

		$search = ! empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ? trim( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) : '';

		$args = array(
			'taxonomy'   => $taxonomy,
			'search'     => $search,
			'page'       => $this->get_pagenum(),
			'number'     => $tags_per_page,
			'hide_empty' => 0,

		if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) ) {
			$args['orderby'] = trim( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['orderby'] ) );

		if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['order'] ) ) {
			$args['order'] = trim( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['order'] ) );

		$args['offset'] = ( $args['page'] - 1 ) * $args['number'];

		// Save the values because 'number' and 'offset' can be subsequently overridden.
		$this->callback_args = $args;

		if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) && ! isset( $args['orderby'] ) ) {
			// We'll need the full set of terms then.
			$args['number'] = 0;
			$args['offset'] = $args['number'];

		$this->items = get_terms( $args );

				'total_items' => wp_count_terms(
						'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
						'search'   => $search,
				'per_page'    => $tags_per_page,

	public function no_items() {
		echo get_taxonomy( $this->screen->taxonomy )->labels->not_found;

	 * @return array
	protected function get_bulk_actions() {
		$actions = array();

		if ( current_user_can( get_taxonomy( $this->screen->taxonomy )->cap->delete_terms ) ) {
			$actions['delete'] = __( 'Delete' );

		return $actions;

	 * @return string
	public function current_action() {
		if ( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['delete_tags'] ) && 'delete' === $_REQUEST['action'] ) {
			return 'bulk-delete';

		return parent::current_action();

	 * @return string[] Array of column titles keyed by their column name.
	public function get_columns() {
		$columns = array(
			'cb'          => '<input type="checkbox" />',
			'name'        => _x( 'Name', 'term name' ),
			'description' => __( 'Description' ),
			'slug'        => __( 'Slug' ),

		if ( 'link_category' === $this->screen->taxonomy ) {
			$columns['links'] = __( 'Links' );
		} else {
			$columns['posts'] = _x( 'Count', 'Number/count of items' );

		return $columns;

	 * @return array
	protected function get_sortable_columns() {
		$taxonomy = $this->screen->taxonomy;

		if ( ! isset( $_GET['orderby'] ) && is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) ) {
			$name_orderby_text = __( 'Table ordered hierarchically.' );
		} else {
			$name_orderby_text = __( 'Table ordered by Name.' );

		return array(
			'name'        => array( 'name', false, _x( 'Name', 'term name' ), $name_orderby_text, 'asc' ),
			'description' => array( 'description', false, __( 'Description' ), __( 'Table ordered by Description.' ) ),
			'slug'        => array( 'slug', false, __( 'Slug' ), __( 'Table ordered by Slug.' ) ),
			'posts'       => array( 'count', false, _x( 'Count', 'Number/count of items' ), __( 'Table ordered by Posts Count.' ) ),
			'links'       => array( 'count', false, __( 'Links' ), __( 'Table ordered by Links.' ) ),

	public function display_rows_or_placeholder() {
		$taxonomy = $this->screen->taxonomy;

		$number = $this->callback_args['number'];
		$offset = $this->callback_args['offset'];

		// Convert it to table rows.
		$count = 0;

		if ( empty( $this->items ) || ! is_array( $this->items ) ) {
			echo '<tr class="no-items"><td class="colspanchange" colspan="' . $this->get_column_count() . '">';
			echo '</td></tr>';

		if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) && ! isset( $this->callback_args['orderby'] ) ) {
			if ( ! empty( $this->callback_args['search'] ) ) {// Ignore children on searches.
				$children = array();
			} else {
				$children = _get_term_hierarchy( $taxonomy );

			 * Some funky recursion to get the job done (paging & parents mainly) is contained within.
			 * Skip it for non-hierarchical taxonomies for performance sake.
			$this->_rows( $taxonomy, $this->items, $children, $offset, $number, $count );
		} else {
			foreach ( $this->items as $term ) {
				$this->single_row( $term );

	 * @param string $taxonomy
	 * @param array  $terms
	 * @param array  $children
	 * @param int    $start
	 * @param int    $per_page
	 * @param int    $count
	 * @param int    $parent_term
	 * @param int    $level
	private function _rows( $taxonomy, $terms, &$children, $start, $per_page, &$count, $parent_term = 0, $level = 0 ) {

		$end = $start + $per_page;

		foreach ( $terms as $key => $term ) {

			if ( $count >= $end ) {

			if ( $term->parent !== $parent_term && empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) {

			// If the page starts in a subtree, print the parents.
			if ( $count === $start && $term->parent > 0 && empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) {
				$my_parents = array();
				$parent_ids = array();
				$p          = $term->parent;

				while ( $p ) {
					$my_parent    = get_term( $p, $taxonomy );
					$my_parents[] = $my_parent;
					$p            = $my_parent->parent;

					if ( in_array( $p, $parent_ids, true ) ) { // Prevent parent loops.

					$parent_ids[] = $p;

				unset( $parent_ids );

				$num_parents = count( $my_parents );

				while ( $my_parent = array_pop( $my_parents ) ) {
					echo "\t";
					$this->single_row( $my_parent, $level - $num_parents );

			if ( $count >= $start ) {
				echo "\t";
				$this->single_row( $term, $level );


			unset( $terms[ $key ] );

			if ( isset( $children[ $term->term_id ] ) && empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) {
				$this->_rows( $taxonomy, $terms, $children, $start, $per_page, $count, $term->term_id, $level + 1 );

	 * @global string $taxonomy Global taxonomy.
	 * @param WP_Term $tag   Term object.
	 * @param int     $level
	public function single_row( $tag, $level = 0 ) {
		global $taxonomy;
		$tag = sanitize_term( $tag, $taxonomy );

		$this->level = $level;

		if ( $tag->parent ) {
			$count = count( get_ancestors( $tag->term_id, $taxonomy, 'taxonomy' ) );
			$level = 'level-' . $count;
		} else {
			$level = 'level-0';

		echo '<tr id="tag-' . $tag->term_id . '" class="' . $level . '">';
		$this->single_row_columns( $tag );
		echo '</tr>';

	 * @since 5.9.0 Renamed `$tag` to `$item` to match parent class for PHP 8 named parameter support.
	 * @param WP_Term $item Term object.
	 * @return string
	public function column_cb( $item ) {
		// Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method.
		$tag = $item;

		if ( current_user_can( 'delete_term', $tag->term_id ) ) {
			return sprintf(
				'<input type="checkbox" name="delete_tags[]" value="%1$s" id="cb-select-%1$s" />' .
				'<label for="cb-select-%1$s"><span class="screen-reader-text">%2$s</span></label>',
				/* translators: Hidden accessibility text. %s: Taxonomy term name. */
				sprintf( __( 'Select %s' ), $tag->name )

		return '&nbsp;';

	 * @param WP_Term $tag Term object.
	 * @return string
	public function column_name( $tag ) {
		$taxonomy = $this->screen->taxonomy;

		$pad = str_repeat( '&#8212; ', max( 0, $this->level ) );

		 * Filters display of the term name in the terms list table.
		 * The default output may include padding due to the term's
		 * current level in the term hierarchy.
		 * @since 2.5.0
		 * @see WP_Terms_List_Table::column_name()
		 * @param string $pad_tag_name The term name, padded if not top-level.
		 * @param WP_Term $tag         Term object.
		$name = apply_filters( 'term_name', $pad . ' ' . $tag->name, $tag );

		$qe_data = get_term( $tag->term_id, $taxonomy, OBJECT, 'edit' );

		$uri = wp_doing_ajax() ? wp_get_referer() : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

		$edit_link = get_edit_term_link( $tag, $taxonomy, $this->screen->post_type );

		if ( $edit_link ) {
			$edit_link = add_query_arg(
				urlencode( wp_unslash( $uri ) ),
			$name      = sprintf(
				'<a class="row-title" href="%s" aria-label="%s">%s</a>',
				esc_url( $edit_link ),
				/* translators: %s: Taxonomy term name. */
				esc_attr( sprintf( __( '&#8220;%s&#8221; (Edit)' ), $tag->name ) ),

		$output = sprintf(
			'<strong>%s</strong><br />',

		/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php */
		$quick_edit_enabled = apply_filters( 'quick_edit_enabled_for_taxonomy', true, $taxonomy );

		if ( $quick_edit_enabled ) {
			$output .= '<div class="hidden" id="inline_' . $qe_data->term_id . '">';
			$output .= '<div class="name">' . $qe_data->name . '</div>';

			/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php */
			$output .= '<div class="slug">' . apply_filters( 'editable_slug', $qe_data->slug, $qe_data ) . '</div>';
			$output .= '<div class="parent">' . $qe_data->parent . '</div></div>';

		return $output;

	 * Gets the name of the default primary column.
	 * @since 4.3.0
	 * @return string Name of the default primary column, in this case, 'name'.
	protected function get_default_primary_column_name() {
		return 'name';

	 * Generates and displays row action links.
	 * @since 4.3.0
	 * @since 5.9.0 Renamed `$tag` to `$item` to match parent class for PHP 8 named parameter support.
	 * @param WP_Term $item        Tag being acted upon.
	 * @param string  $column_name Current column name.
	 * @param string  $primary     Primary column name.
	 * @return string Row actions output for terms, or an empty string
	 *                if the current column is not the primary column.
	protected function handle_row_actions( $item, $column_name, $primary ) {
		if ( $primary !== $column_name ) {
			return '';

		// Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method.
		$tag = $item;

		$taxonomy = $this->screen->taxonomy;
		$uri      = wp_doing_ajax() ? wp_get_referer() : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

		$actions = array();

		if ( current_user_can( 'edit_term', $tag->term_id ) ) {
			$actions['edit'] = sprintf(
				'<a href="%s" aria-label="%s">%s</a>',
						urlencode( wp_unslash( $uri ) ),
						get_edit_term_link( $tag, $taxonomy, $this->screen->post_type )
				/* translators: %s: Taxonomy term name. */
				esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Edit &#8220;%s&#8221;' ), $tag->name ) ),
				__( 'Edit' )

			 * Filters whether Quick Edit should be enabled for the given taxonomy.
			 * @since 6.4.0
			 * @param bool   $enable   Whether to enable the Quick Edit functionality. Default true.
			 * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
			$quick_edit_enabled = apply_filters( 'quick_edit_enabled_for_taxonomy', true, $taxonomy );

			if ( $quick_edit_enabled ) {
				$actions['inline hide-if-no-js'] = sprintf(
					'<button type="button" class="button-link editinline" aria-label="%s" aria-expanded="false">%s</button>',
					/* translators: %s: Taxonomy term name. */
					esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Quick edit &#8220;%s&#8221; inline' ), $tag->name ) ),
					__( 'Quick&nbsp;Edit' )

		if ( current_user_can( 'delete_term', $tag->term_id ) ) {
			$actions['delete'] = sprintf(
				'<a href="%s" class="delete-tag aria-button-if-js" aria-label="%s">%s</a>',
				wp_nonce_url( "edit-tags.php?action=delete&amp;taxonomy=$taxonomy&amp;tag_ID=$tag->term_id", 'delete-tag_' . $tag->term_id ),
				/* translators: %s: Taxonomy term name. */
				esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Delete &#8220;%s&#8221;' ), $tag->name ) ),
				__( 'Delete' )

		if ( is_term_publicly_viewable( $tag ) ) {
			$actions['view'] = sprintf(
				'<a href="%s" aria-label="%s">%s</a>',
				get_term_link( $tag ),
				/* translators: %s: Taxonomy term name. */
				esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View &#8220;%s&#8221; archive' ), $tag->name ) ),
				__( 'View' )

		 * Filters the action links displayed for each term in the Tags list table.
		 * @since 2.8.0
		 * @since 3.0.0 Deprecated in favor of {@see '{$taxonomy}_row_actions'} filter.
		 * @since 5.4.2 Restored (un-deprecated).
		 * @param string[] $actions An array of action links to be displayed. Default
		 *                          'Edit', 'Quick Edit', 'Delete', and 'View'.
		 * @param WP_Term  $tag     Term object.
		$actions = apply_filters( 'tag_row_actions', $actions, $tag );

		 * Filters the action links displayed for each term in the terms list table.
		 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the taxonomy slug.
		 * Possible hook names include:
		 *  - `category_row_actions`
		 *  - `post_tag_row_actions`
		 * @since 3.0.0
		 * @param string[] $actions An array of action links to be displayed. Default
		 *                          'Edit', 'Quick Edit', 'Delete', and 'View'.
		 * @param WP_Term  $tag     Term object.
		$actions = apply_filters( "{$taxonomy}_row_actions", $actions, $tag );

		return $this->row_actions( $actions );

	 * @param WP_Term $tag Term object.
	 * @return string
	public function column_description( $tag ) {
		if ( $tag->description ) {
			return $tag->description;
		} else {
			return '<span aria-hidden="true">&#8212;</span><span class="screen-reader-text">' .
				/* translators: Hidden accessibility text. */
				__( 'No description' ) .

	 * @param WP_Term $tag Term object.
	 * @return string
	public function column_slug( $tag ) {
		/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/edit-tag-form.php */
		return apply_filters( 'editable_slug', $tag->slug, $tag );

	 * @param WP_Term $tag Term object.
	 * @return string
	public function column_posts( $tag ) {
		$count = number_format_i18n( $tag->count );

		$tax = get_taxonomy( $this->screen->taxonomy );

		$ptype_object = get_post_type_object( $this->screen->post_type );
		if ( ! $ptype_object->show_ui ) {
			return $count;

		if ( $tax->query_var ) {
			$args = array( $tax->query_var => $tag->slug );
		} else {
			$args = array(
				'taxonomy' => $tax->name,
				'term'     => $tag->slug,

		if ( 'post' !== $this->screen->post_type ) {
			$args['post_type'] = $this->screen->post_type;

		if ( 'attachment' === $this->screen->post_type ) {
			return "<a href='" . esc_url( add_query_arg( $args, 'upload.php' ) ) . "'>$count</a>";

		return "<a href='" . esc_url( add_query_arg( $args, 'edit.php' ) ) . "'>$count</a>";

	 * @param WP_Term $tag Term object.
	 * @return string
	public function column_links( $tag ) {
		$count = number_format_i18n( $tag->count );

		if ( $count ) {
			$count = "<a href='link-manager.php?cat_id=$tag->term_id'>$count</a>";

		return $count;

	 * @since 5.9.0 Renamed `$tag` to `$item` to match parent class for PHP 8 named parameter support.
	 * @param WP_Term $item        Term object.
	 * @param string  $column_name Name of the column.
	 * @return string
	public function column_default( $item, $column_name ) {
		// Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method.
		$tag = $item;

		 * Filters the displayed columns in the terms list table.
		 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$this->screen->taxonomy`,
		 * refers to the slug of the current taxonomy.
		 * Possible hook names include:
		 *  - `manage_category_custom_column`
		 *  - `manage_post_tag_custom_column`
		 * @since 2.8.0
		 * @param string $string      Custom column output. Default empty.
		 * @param string $column_name Name of the column.
		 * @param int    $term_id     Term ID.
		return apply_filters( "manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_column", '', $column_name, $tag->term_id );

	 * Outputs the hidden row displayed when inline editing
	 * @since 3.1.0
	public function inline_edit() {
		$tax = get_taxonomy( $this->screen->taxonomy );

		if ( ! current_user_can( $tax->cap->edit_terms ) ) {

		<form method="get">
		<table style="display: none"><tbody id="inlineedit">

			<tr id="inline-edit" class="inline-edit-row" style="display: none">
			<td colspan="<?php echo $this->get_column_count(); ?>" class="colspanchange">
			<div class="inline-edit-wrapper">

				<legend class="inline-edit-legend"><?php _e( 'Quick Edit' ); ?></legend>
				<div class="inline-edit-col">
					<span class="title"><?php _ex( 'Name', 'term name' ); ?></span>
					<span class="input-text-wrap"><input type="text" name="name" class="ptitle" value="" /></span>

					<span class="title"><?php _e( 'Slug' ); ?></span>
					<span class="input-text-wrap"><input type="text" name="slug" class="ptitle" value="" /></span>

			$core_columns = array(
				'cb'          => true,
				'description' => true,
				'name'        => true,
				'slug'        => true,
				'posts'       => true,

			list( $columns ) = $this->get_column_info();

			foreach ( $columns as $column_name => $column_display_name ) {
				if ( isset( $core_columns[ $column_name ] ) ) {

				/** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php */
				do_action( 'quick_edit_custom_box', $column_name, 'edit-tags', $this->screen->taxonomy );

			<div class="inline-edit-save submit">
				<button type="button" class="save button button-primary"><?php echo $tax->labels->update_item; ?></button>
				<button type="button" class="cancel button"><?php _e( 'Cancel' ); ?></button>
				<span class="spinner"></span>

				<?php wp_nonce_field( 'taxinlineeditnonce', '_inline_edit', false ); ?>
				<input type="hidden" name="taxonomy" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->screen->taxonomy ); ?>" />
				<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $this->screen->post_type ); ?>" />

					'<p class="error"></p>',
						'type'               => 'error',
						'additional_classes' => array( 'notice-alt', 'inline', 'hidden' ),
						'paragraph_wrap'     => false,




Name Type Size Permission Actions
admin-filters.php File 7.89 KB 0644
admin.php File 3.54 KB 0644
ajax-actions.php File 148.07 KB 0644
bookmark.php File 11.34 KB 0644
class-automatic-upgrader-skin.php File 3.58 KB 0644
class-bulk-plugin-upgrader-skin.php File 2.53 KB 0644
class-bulk-theme-upgrader-skin.php File 2.6 KB 0644
class-bulk-upgrader-skin.php File 6.59 KB 0644
class-core-upgrader.php File 14.83 KB 0644
class-custom-background.php File 21.11 KB 0644
class-custom-image-header.php File 47.91 KB 0644
class-file-upload-upgrader.php File 4.07 KB 0644
class-ftp-pure.php File 5.3 KB 0644
class-ftp-sockets.php File 8.28 KB 0644
class-ftp.php File 26.66 KB 0644
class-language-pack-upgrader-skin.php File 2.8 KB 0644
class-language-pack-upgrader.php File 15.2 KB 0644
class-pclzip.php File 192.09 KB 0644
class-plugin-installer-skin.php File 11.77 KB 0644
class-plugin-upgrader-skin.php File 3.2 KB 0644
class-plugin-upgrader.php File 22.7 KB 0644
class-theme-installer-skin.php File 12.44 KB 0644
class-theme-upgrader-skin.php File 4.08 KB 0644
class-theme-upgrader.php File 26.08 KB 0644
class-walker-category-checklist.php File 4.97 KB 0644
class-walker-nav-menu-checklist.php File 5.5 KB 0644
class-walker-nav-menu-edit.php File 13.85 KB 0644
class-wp-ajax-upgrader-skin.php File 4.09 KB 0644
class-wp-application-passwords-list-table.php File 6.79 KB 0644
class-wp-automatic-updater.php File 59.7 KB 0644
class-wp-comments-list-table.php File 32.15 KB 0644
class-wp-community-events.php File 18.33 KB 0644
class-wp-debug-data.php File 63.76 KB 0644
class-wp-filesystem-base.php File 23.84 KB 0644
class-wp-filesystem-direct.php File 17.72 KB 0644
class-wp-filesystem-ftpext.php File 22.56 KB 0644
class-wp-filesystem-ftpsockets.php File 18.05 KB 0644
class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php File 22.76 KB 0644
class-wp-importer.php File 7.29 KB 0644
class-wp-internal-pointers.php File 4.47 KB 0644
class-wp-links-list-table.php File 9.02 KB 0644
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