[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\Mime;

use Symfony\Component\Mime\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\AbstractPart;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\DataPart;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\File;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\Multipart\AlternativePart;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\Multipart\MixedPart;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\Multipart\RelatedPart;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\TextPart;

 * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
class Email extends Message
    public const PRIORITY_HIGHEST = 1;
    public const PRIORITY_HIGH = 2;
    public const PRIORITY_NORMAL = 3;
    public const PRIORITY_LOW = 4;
    public const PRIORITY_LOWEST = 5;

    private const PRIORITY_MAP = [
        self::PRIORITY_HIGHEST => 'Highest',
        self::PRIORITY_HIGH => 'High',
        self::PRIORITY_NORMAL => 'Normal',
        self::PRIORITY_LOW => 'Low',
        self::PRIORITY_LOWEST => 'Lowest',

     * @var resource|string|null
    private $text;

    private ?string $textCharset = null;

     * @var resource|string|null
    private $html;

    private ?string $htmlCharset = null;
    private array $attachments = [];
    private ?AbstractPart $cachedBody = null; // Used to avoid wrong body hash in DKIM signatures with multiple parts (e.g. HTML + TEXT) due to multiple boundaries.

     * @return $this
    public function subject(string $subject): static
        return $this->setHeaderBody('Text', 'Subject', $subject);

    public function getSubject(): ?string
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Subject');

     * @return $this
    public function date(\DateTimeInterface $dateTime): static
        return $this->setHeaderBody('Date', 'Date', $dateTime);

    public function getDate(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Date');

     * @return $this
    public function returnPath(Address|string $address): static
        return $this->setHeaderBody('Path', 'Return-Path', Address::create($address));

    public function getReturnPath(): ?Address
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Return-Path');

     * @return $this
    public function sender(Address|string $address): static
        return $this->setHeaderBody('Mailbox', 'Sender', Address::create($address));

    public function getSender(): ?Address
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Sender');

     * @return $this
    public function addFrom(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('From', $addresses);

     * @return $this
    public function from(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('From', $addresses);

     * @return Address[]
    public function getFrom(): array
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('From') ?: [];

     * @return $this
    public function addReplyTo(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('Reply-To', $addresses);

     * @return $this
    public function replyTo(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('Reply-To', $addresses);

     * @return Address[]
    public function getReplyTo(): array
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Reply-To') ?: [];

     * @return $this
    public function addTo(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('To', $addresses);

     * @return $this
    public function to(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('To', $addresses);

     * @return Address[]
    public function getTo(): array
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('To') ?: [];

     * @return $this
    public function addCc(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('Cc', $addresses);

     * @return $this
    public function cc(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('Cc', $addresses);

     * @return Address[]
    public function getCc(): array
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Cc') ?: [];

     * @return $this
    public function addBcc(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('Bcc', $addresses);

     * @return $this
    public function bcc(Address|string ...$addresses): static
        return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('Bcc', $addresses);

     * @return Address[]
    public function getBcc(): array
        return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Bcc') ?: [];

     * Sets the priority of this message.
     * The value is an integer where 1 is the highest priority and 5 is the lowest.
     * @return $this
    public function priority(int $priority): static
        if ($priority > 5) {
            $priority = 5;
        } elseif ($priority < 1) {
            $priority = 1;

        return $this->setHeaderBody('Text', 'X-Priority', sprintf('%d (%s)', $priority, self::PRIORITY_MAP[$priority]));

     * Get the priority of this message.
     * The returned value is an integer where 1 is the highest priority and 5
     * is the lowest.
    public function getPriority(): int
        [$priority] = sscanf($this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('X-Priority') ?? '', '%[1-5]');

        return $priority ?? 3;

     * @param resource|string|null $body
     * @return $this
    public function text($body, string $charset = 'utf-8'): static
        if (null !== $body && !\is_string($body) && !\is_resource($body)) {
            throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The body must be a string, a resource or null (got "%s").', get_debug_type($body)));

        $this->cachedBody = null;
        $this->text = $body;
        $this->textCharset = $charset;

        return $this;

     * @return resource|string|null
    public function getTextBody()
        return $this->text;

    public function getTextCharset(): ?string
        return $this->textCharset;

     * @param resource|string|null $body
     * @return $this
    public function html($body, string $charset = 'utf-8'): static
        if (null !== $body && !\is_string($body) && !\is_resource($body)) {
            throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The body must be a string, a resource or null (got "%s").', get_debug_type($body)));

        $this->cachedBody = null;
        $this->html = $body;
        $this->htmlCharset = $charset;

        return $this;

     * @return resource|string|null
    public function getHtmlBody()
        return $this->html;

    public function getHtmlCharset(): ?string
        return $this->htmlCharset;

     * @param resource|string $body
     * @return $this
    public function attach($body, string $name = null, string $contentType = null): static
        return $this->addPart(new DataPart($body, $name, $contentType));

     * @return $this
    public function attachFromPath(string $path, string $name = null, string $contentType = null): static
        return $this->addPart(new DataPart(new File($path), $name, $contentType));

     * @param resource|string $body
     * @return $this
    public function embed($body, string $name = null, string $contentType = null): static
        return $this->addPart((new DataPart($body, $name, $contentType))->asInline());

     * @return $this
    public function embedFromPath(string $path, string $name = null, string $contentType = null): static
        return $this->addPart((new DataPart(new File($path), $name, $contentType))->asInline());

     * @return $this
     * @deprecated since Symfony 6.2, use addPart() instead
    public function attachPart(DataPart $part): static
        @trigger_deprecation('symfony/mime', '6.2', 'The "%s()" method is deprecated, use "addPart()" instead.', __METHOD__);

        return $this->addPart($part);

     * @return $this
    public function addPart(DataPart $part): static
        $this->cachedBody = null;
        $this->attachments[] = $part;

        return $this;

     * @return DataPart[]
    public function getAttachments(): array
        return $this->attachments;

    public function getBody(): AbstractPart
        if (null !== $body = parent::getBody()) {
            return $body;

        return $this->generateBody();

    public function ensureValidity()

        if ('1' === $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('X-Unsent')) {
            throw new LogicException('Cannot send messages marked as "draft".');


    private function ensureBodyValid(): void
        if (null === $this->text && null === $this->html && !$this->attachments) {
            throw new LogicException('A message must have a text or an HTML part or attachments.');

     * Generates an AbstractPart based on the raw body of a message.
     * The most "complex" part generated by this method is when there is text and HTML bodies
     * with related images for the HTML part and some attachments:
     * multipart/mixed
     *         |
     *         |------------> multipart/related
     *         |                      |
     *         |                      |------------> multipart/alternative
     *         |                      |                      |
     *         |                      |                       ------------> text/plain (with content)
     *         |                      |                      |
     *         |                      |                       ------------> text/html (with content)
     *         |                      |
     *         |                       ------------> image/png (with content)
     *         |
     *          ------------> application/pdf (with content)
    private function generateBody(): AbstractPart
        if (null !== $this->cachedBody) {
            return $this->cachedBody;


        [$htmlPart, $otherParts, $relatedParts] = $this->prepareParts();

        $part = null === $this->text ? null : new TextPart($this->text, $this->textCharset);
        if (null !== $htmlPart) {
            if (null !== $part) {
                $part = new AlternativePart($part, $htmlPart);
            } else {
                $part = $htmlPart;

        if ($relatedParts) {
            $part = new RelatedPart($part, ...$relatedParts);

        if ($otherParts) {
            if ($part) {
                $part = new MixedPart($part, ...$otherParts);
            } else {
                $part = new MixedPart(...$otherParts);

        return $this->cachedBody = $part;

    private function prepareParts(): ?array
        $names = [];
        $htmlPart = null;
        $html = $this->html;
        if (null !== $html) {
            $htmlPart = new TextPart($html, $this->htmlCharset, 'html');
            $html = $htmlPart->getBody();

            $regexes = [
            $tmpMatches = [];
            foreach ($regexes as $regex) {
                preg_match_all('/'.$regex.'/i', $html, $tmpMatches);
                $names = array_merge($names, $tmpMatches[2], $tmpMatches[3]);
            $names = array_filter(array_unique($names));

        $otherParts = $relatedParts = [];
        foreach ($this->attachments as $part) {
            foreach ($names as $name) {
                if ($name !== $part->getName()) {
                if (isset($relatedParts[$name])) {
                    continue 2;

                $html = str_replace('cid:'.$name, 'cid:'.$part->getContentId(), $html, $count);
                $relatedParts[$name] = $part;

                continue 2;

            $otherParts[] = $part;
        if (null !== $htmlPart) {
            $htmlPart = new TextPart($html, $this->htmlCharset, 'html');

        return [$htmlPart, $otherParts, array_values($relatedParts)];

     * @return $this
    private function setHeaderBody(string $type, string $name, $body): static
        $this->getHeaders()->setHeaderBody($type, $name, $body);

        return $this;

    private function addListAddressHeaderBody(string $name, array $addresses)
        if (!$header = $this->getHeaders()->get($name)) {
            return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody($name, $addresses);

        return $this;

     * @return $this
    private function setListAddressHeaderBody(string $name, array $addresses): static
        $addresses = Address::createArray($addresses);
        $headers = $this->getHeaders();
        if ($header = $headers->get($name)) {
        } else {
            $headers->addMailboxListHeader($name, $addresses);

        return $this;

     * @internal
    public function __serialize(): array
        if (\is_resource($this->text)) {
            $this->text = (new TextPart($this->text))->getBody();

        if (\is_resource($this->html)) {
            $this->html = (new TextPart($this->html))->getBody();

        return [$this->text, $this->textCharset, $this->html, $this->htmlCharset, $this->attachments, parent::__serialize()];

     * @internal
    public function __unserialize(array $data): void
        [$this->text, $this->textCharset, $this->html, $this->htmlCharset, $this->attachments, $parentData] = $data;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Crypto Folder 0755
DependencyInjection Folder 0755
Encoder Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Header Folder 0755
HtmlToTextConverter Folder 0755
Part Folder 0755
Resources Folder 0755
Test Folder 0755
Address.php File 3.63 KB 0644
BodyRendererInterface.php File 418 B 0644
CHANGELOG.md File 807 B 0644
CharacterStream.php File 9.15 KB 0644
DraftEmail.php File 1.1 KB 0644
Email.php File 14.96 KB 0644
FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser.php File 2.4 KB 0644
FileinfoMimeTypeGuesser.php File 1.77 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.04 KB 0644
Message.php File 4.35 KB 0644
MessageConverter.php File 5.03 KB 0644
MimeTypeGuesserInterface.php File 826 B 0644
MimeTypes.php File 176.52 KB 0644
MimeTypesInterface.php File 777 B 0644
README.md File 459 B 0644
RawMessage.php File 1.48 KB 0644
composer.json File 1.36 KB 0644