* This file is part of the MultiPartParser package.
* (c) Romain Cambien <romain@cambien.net>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Riverline\MultiPartParser;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
* Class StreamedPartTest
class StreamedPartTest extends TestCase
* Test a multipart with invalid stream resource
public function testInvalidStreamResource()
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Input is not a stream");
new StreamedPart('invalid stream resource');
* Test a multipart with invalid EOL character length
public function testInvalidEOLCharacterLength()
$this->expectExceptionMessage("EOL Length is not an integer");
new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/no_boundary.txt', 'r'), 'invalid EOL character length');
* Test a multipart document without boundary header
public function testNoBoundaryPart()
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't find boundary in content type");
new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/no_boundary.txt', 'r'));
* Test a multipart document without first boundary
public function testNoFirstBoundaryPart()
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't find multi-part content");
new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/no_first_boundary.txt', 'r'));
* Test a multipart document without last boundary
public function testNoLastBoundaryPart()
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't find multi-part content");
new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/no_last_boundary.txt', 'r'));
* Test a document without multipart
public function testNoMultiPart()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/no_multipart.txt', 'r'));
self::assertEquals('bar', $part->getBody());
'user-agent' => 'curl/7.21.2 (x86_64-apple-darwin)',
'host' => 'localhost:8080',
'accept' => '*/*',
'expect' => '100-continue',
'content-type' => 'text/plain',
), $part->getHeaders());
* Test that is not possible to get a body for a multi part document
public function testCantGetBodyForAMultiPartMessage()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/simple_multipart.txt', 'r'));
$this->expectExceptionMessage("MultiPart content, there aren't body");
* Test multipart without new line at the end
public function testNoNewLineAtTheEndOfTheParts()
$content = "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=delimiter\r\n".
"\r\n" .
"--delimiter\r\n" .
"Content-Type:mime/type\r\n" .
"\r\n" .
"Content\r\n" .
$stream = fopen('php://temp', 'rw');
fwrite($stream, $content);
$part = new StreamedPart($stream);
/** @var Part[] $parts */
$parts = $part->getParts();
self::assertEquals('Content', $parts[0]->getBody());
* Test multipart without new line at the end
public function testNoNewLineAtTheEndOfThePartsWhenNewLineIsOneCharacterLong()
$content = "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=delimiter\n".
"\n" .
"--delimiter\n" .
"Content-Type:mime/type\n" .
"\n" .
"Content\n" .
$stream = fopen('php://temp', 'rw');
fwrite($stream, $content);
$part = new StreamedPart($stream, 1);
/** @var Part[] $parts */
$parts = $part->getParts();
self::assertEquals('Content', $parts[0]->getBody());
* Test that is not possible to get parts for a not multi part document
public function testCantGetPartsForANotMultiPartMessage()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/no_multipart.txt', 'r'));
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Not MultiPart content, there aren't any parts");
* Test a simple multipart document
public function testSimpleMultiPart()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/simple_multipart.txt', 'r'));
self::assertCount(3, $part->getParts());
/** @var Part[] $parts */
$parts = $part->getParts();
self::assertEquals('image/png', $parts[0]->getMimeType());
self::assertEquals('bar', $parts[1]->getBody());
self::assertEquals('rfc', $parts[2]->getBody());
* Test multi line header
public function testMultiLineHeader()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/simple_multipart.txt', 'r'));
self::assertEquals('line one line two with space line three with tab', $part->getHeader('X-Multi-Line'));
* Test filter by name on a simple multipart document
public function testFilterByName()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/simple_multipart.txt', 'r'));
self::assertCount(1, $part->getPartsByName('foo'));
* Test correct part content (e.g. \r of separator not part of body)
public function testPartContent()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/simple_multipart.txt', 'r'));
$foo = $part->getPartsByName('foo');
self::assertEquals("bar", $foo[0]->getBody());
* Test RFC 5987 encoded header
public function testRFC5987Header()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/simple_multipart.txt', 'r'));
$parts = $part->getParts();
$header = $parts[2]->getHeader('Content-Disposition');
self::assertEquals('£ rates', StreamedPart::getHeaderOption($header, 'text1'));
self::assertEquals('£ and € rates', StreamedPart::getHeaderOption($header, 'text2'));
* Test header helpers
public function testHeaderHelpers()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/simple_multipart.txt', 'r'));
$parts = $part->getParts();
$header = $parts[1]->getHeader('Content-Disposition');
self::assertEquals('form-data', StreamedPart::getHeaderValue($header));
self::assertEquals('foo', StreamedPart::getHeaderOption($header, 'name'));
* Test file helper
public function testFileHelper()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/simple_multipart.txt', 'r'));
$parts = $part->getParts();
self::assertEquals('a.png', $parts[0]->getFileName());
* Test a nested multipart document
public function testNestedMultiPart()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/nested_multipart.txt', 'r'));
$parts = $part->getParts();
* Test a email document with base64 encoding
public function testEmailBase64()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/email_base64.txt', 'r'));
self::assertEquals('This is thé subject', $part->getHeader('Subject'));
/** @var Part[] $parts */
$parts = $part->getParts();
self::assertEquals('This is the content', $parts[0]->getBody());
self::assertEquals('This is the côntént', $parts[1]->getBody());
* Test a quoted printable decoding
public function testQuotedPrintable()
$part = new StreamedPart(fopen(__DIR__ . '/_data/quoted_printable.txt', 'r'));
self::assertEquals('Добро_пожаловать_на Site.ru', $part->getHeader('Subject'));
/** @var Part[] $parts */
$parts = $part->getParts();
self::assertEquals('This is the content', $parts[0]->getBody());
self::assertEquals('This is the côntént', $parts[1]->getBody());