[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $


namespace NunoMaduro\Collision;

 * @internal
final class Highlighter
    public const TOKEN_DEFAULT = 'token_default';

    public const TOKEN_COMMENT = 'token_comment';

    public const TOKEN_STRING = 'token_string';

    public const TOKEN_HTML = 'token_html';

    public const TOKEN_KEYWORD = 'token_keyword';

    public const ACTUAL_LINE_MARK = 'actual_line_mark';

    public const LINE_NUMBER = 'line_number';

    private const ARROW_SYMBOL = '>';

    private const DELIMITER = '|';

    private const ARROW_SYMBOL_UTF8 = '➜';

    private const DELIMITER_UTF8 = '▕'; // '▶';

    private const LINE_NUMBER_DIVIDER = 'line_divider';

    private const MARKED_LINE_NUMBER = 'marked_line';

    private const WIDTH = 3;

     * Holds the theme.
    private const THEME = [
        self::TOKEN_STRING => ['light_gray'],
        self::TOKEN_COMMENT => ['dark_gray', 'italic'],
        self::TOKEN_KEYWORD => ['magenta', 'bold'],
        self::TOKEN_DEFAULT => ['default', 'bold'],
        self::TOKEN_HTML => ['blue', 'bold'],

        self::ACTUAL_LINE_MARK => ['red', 'bold'],
        self::LINE_NUMBER => ['dark_gray'],
        self::MARKED_LINE_NUMBER => ['italic', 'bold'],
        self::LINE_NUMBER_DIVIDER => ['dark_gray'],

    private ConsoleColor $color;

    private const DEFAULT_THEME = [
        self::TOKEN_STRING => 'red',
        self::TOKEN_COMMENT => 'yellow',
        self::TOKEN_KEYWORD => 'green',
        self::TOKEN_DEFAULT => 'default',
        self::TOKEN_HTML => 'cyan',

        self::ACTUAL_LINE_MARK => 'dark_gray',
        self::LINE_NUMBER => 'dark_gray',
        self::MARKED_LINE_NUMBER => 'dark_gray',
        self::LINE_NUMBER_DIVIDER => 'dark_gray',

    private string $delimiter = self::DELIMITER_UTF8;

    private string $arrow = self::ARROW_SYMBOL_UTF8;

    private const NO_MARK = '    ';

     * Creates an instance of the Highlighter.
    public function __construct(ConsoleColor $color = null, bool $UTF8 = true)
        $this->color = $color ?: new ConsoleColor();

        foreach (self::DEFAULT_THEME as $name => $styles) {
            if (! $this->color->hasTheme($name)) {
                $this->color->addTheme($name, $styles);

        foreach (self::THEME as $name => $styles) {
            $this->color->addTheme($name, $styles);
        if (! $UTF8) {
            $this->delimiter = self::DELIMITER;
            $this->arrow = self::ARROW_SYMBOL;
        $this->delimiter .= ' ';

     * Highlights the provided content.
    public function highlight(string $content, int $line): string
        return rtrim($this->getCodeSnippet($content, $line, 4, 4));

     * Highlights the provided content.
    public function getCodeSnippet(string $source, int $lineNumber, int $linesBefore = 2, int $linesAfter = 2): string
        $tokenLines = $this->getHighlightedLines($source);

        $offset = $lineNumber - $linesBefore - 1;
        $offset = max($offset, 0);
        $length = $linesAfter + $linesBefore + 1;
        $tokenLines = array_slice($tokenLines, $offset, $length, $preserveKeys = true);

        $lines = $this->colorLines($tokenLines);

        return $this->lineNumbers($lines, $lineNumber);

    private function getHighlightedLines(string $source): array
        $source = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $source);
        $tokens = $this->tokenize($source);

        return $this->splitToLines($tokens);

    private function tokenize(string $source): array
        $tokens = token_get_all($source);

        $output = [];
        $currentType = null;
        $buffer = '';
        $newType = null;

        foreach ($tokens as $token) {
            if (is_array($token)) {
                switch ($token[0]) {
                    case T_WHITESPACE:

                    case T_OPEN_TAG:
                    case T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO:
                    case T_CLOSE_TAG:
                    case T_STRING:
                    case T_VARIABLE:
                        // Constants
                    case T_DIR:
                    case T_FILE:
                    case T_METHOD_C:
                    case T_DNUMBER:
                    case T_LNUMBER:
                    case T_NS_C:
                    case T_LINE:
                    case T_CLASS_C:
                    case T_FUNC_C:
                    case T_TRAIT_C:
                        $newType = self::TOKEN_DEFAULT;

                    case T_COMMENT:
                    case T_DOC_COMMENT:
                        $newType = self::TOKEN_COMMENT;

                    case T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE:
                    case T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING:
                        $newType = self::TOKEN_STRING;

                    case T_INLINE_HTML:
                        $newType = self::TOKEN_HTML;

                        $newType = self::TOKEN_KEYWORD;
            } else {
                $newType = $token === '"' ? self::TOKEN_STRING : self::TOKEN_KEYWORD;

            if ($currentType === null) {
                $currentType = $newType;

            if ($currentType !== $newType) {
                $output[] = [$currentType, $buffer];
                $buffer = '';
                $currentType = $newType;

            $buffer .= is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token;

        if (isset($newType)) {
            $output[] = [$newType, $buffer];

        return $output;

    private function splitToLines(array $tokens): array
        $lines = [];

        $line = [];
        foreach ($tokens as $token) {
            foreach (explode("\n", $token[1]) as $count => $tokenLine) {
                if ($count > 0) {
                    $lines[] = $line;
                    $line = [];

                if ($tokenLine === '') {

                $line[] = [$token[0], $tokenLine];

        $lines[] = $line;

        return $lines;

    private function colorLines(array $tokenLines): array
        $lines = [];
        foreach ($tokenLines as $lineCount => $tokenLine) {
            $line = '';
            foreach ($tokenLine as $token) {
                [$tokenType, $tokenValue] = $token;
                if ($this->color->hasTheme($tokenType)) {
                    $line .= $this->color->apply($tokenType, $tokenValue);
                } else {
                    $line .= $tokenValue;
            $lines[$lineCount] = $line;

        return $lines;

    private function lineNumbers(array $lines, int $markLine = null): string
        $lineStrlen = strlen((string) ((int) array_key_last($lines) + 1));
        $lineStrlen = $lineStrlen < self::WIDTH ? self::WIDTH : $lineStrlen;
        $snippet = '';
        $mark = '  '.$this->arrow.' ';
        foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
            $coloredLineNumber = $this->coloredLineNumber(self::LINE_NUMBER, $i, $lineStrlen);

            if (null !== $markLine) {
                $snippet .=
                    ($markLine === $i + 1
                        ? $this->color->apply(self::ACTUAL_LINE_MARK, $mark)
                        : self::NO_MARK

                $coloredLineNumber =
                    ($markLine === $i + 1 ?
                        $this->coloredLineNumber(self::MARKED_LINE_NUMBER, $i, $lineStrlen) :
            $snippet .= $coloredLineNumber;

            $snippet .=
                $this->color->apply(self::LINE_NUMBER_DIVIDER, $this->delimiter);

            $snippet .= $line.PHP_EOL;

        return $snippet;

    private function coloredLineNumber(string $style, int $i, int $length): string
        return $this->color->apply($style, str_pad((string) ($i + 1), $length, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT));


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Adapters Folder 0755
Contracts Folder 0755
Exceptions Folder 0755
SolutionsRepositories Folder 0755
ArgumentFormatter.php File 1.17 KB 0644
ConsoleColor.php File 5.77 KB 0644
Coverage.php File 5.52 KB 0644
Handler.php File 994 B 0644
Highlighter.php File 8.15 KB 0644
Provider.php File 961 B 0644
Writer.php File 9.66 KB 0644