{ "name": "illuminate/queue", "description": "The Illuminate Queue package.", "license": "MIT", "homepage": "https://laravel.com", "support": { "issues": "https://github.com/laravel/framework/issues", "source": "https://github.com/laravel/framework" }, "authors": [ { "name": "Taylor Otwell", "email": "taylor@laravel.com" } ], "require": { "php": "^8.1", "illuminate/collections": "^10.0", "illuminate/console": "^10.0", "illuminate/container": "^10.0", "illuminate/contracts": "^10.0", "illuminate/database": "^10.0", "illuminate/filesystem": "^10.0", "illuminate/pipeline": "^10.0", "illuminate/support": "^10.0", "laravel/serializable-closure": "^1.2.2", "ramsey/uuid": "^4.7", "symfony/process": "^6.2" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Illuminate\\Queue\\": "" } }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "10.x-dev" } }, "suggest": { "ext-pdo": "Required to use the database queue worker.", "ext-filter": "Required to use the SQS queue worker.", "ext-mbstring": "Required to use the database failed job providers.", "ext-pcntl": "Required to use all features of the queue worker.", "ext-posix": "Required to use all features of the queue worker.", "aws/aws-sdk-php": "Required to use the SQS queue driver and DynamoDb failed job storage (^3.235.5).", "illuminate/redis": "Required to use the Redis queue driver (^10.0).", "pda/pheanstalk": "Required to use the Beanstalk queue driver (^4.0)." }, "config": { "sort-packages": true }, "minimum-stability": "dev" }
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
Capsule | Folder | 0755 |
Connectors | Folder | 0755 |
Console | Folder | 0755 |
Events | Folder | 0755 |
Failed | Folder | 0755 |
Jobs | Folder | 0755 |
Middleware | Folder | 0755 |
BeanstalkdQueue.php | File | 5.22 KB | 0644 |
CallQueuedClosure.php | File | 2.5 KB | 0644 |
CallQueuedHandler.php | File | 8.07 KB | 0644 |
DatabaseQueue.php | File | 11.56 KB | 0644 |
InteractsWithQueue.php | File | 1.77 KB | 0644 |
InvalidPayloadException.php | File | 375 B | 0644 |
LICENSE.md | File | 1.05 KB | 0644 |
Listener.php | File | 5.64 KB | 0644 |
ListenerOptions.php | File | 902 B | 0644 |
LuaScripts.php | File | 4.34 KB | 0644 |
ManuallyFailedException.php | File | 125 B | 0644 |
MaxAttemptsExceededException.php | File | 130 B | 0644 |
NullQueue.php | File | 1.39 KB | 0644 |
Queue.php | File | 10.48 KB | 0644 |
QueueManager.php | File | 6.89 KB | 0644 |
QueueServiceProvider.php | File | 9.3 KB | 0644 |
README.md | File | 1.19 KB | 0644 |
RedisQueue.php | File | 9.8 KB | 0644 |
SerializesAndRestoresModelIdentifiers.php | File | 3.67 KB | 0644 |
SerializesModels.php | File | 2.4 KB | 0644 |
SqsQueue.php | File | 6.04 KB | 0644 |
SyncQueue.php | File | 3.86 KB | 0644 |
Worker.php | File | 25.24 KB | 0644 |
WorkerOptions.php | File | 2.37 KB | 0644 |
composer.json | File | 1.78 KB | 0644 |