[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace Faker\Provider;

abstract class Text extends Base
    protected static $baseText = '';
    protected static $separator = ' ';
    protected static $separatorLen = 1;
    protected $explodedText;
    protected $consecutiveWords = [];
    protected static $textStartsWithUppercase = true;

     * Generate a text string by the Markov chain algorithm.
     * Depending on the $maxNbChars, returns a random valid looking text. The algorithm
     * generates a weighted table with the specified number of words as the index and the
     * possible following words as the value.
     * @example 'Alice, swallowing down her flamingo, and began by taking the little golden key'
     * @param int $maxNbChars Maximum number of characters the text should contain (minimum: 10)
     * @param int $indexSize  Determines how many words are considered for the generation of the next word.
     *                        The minimum is 1, and it produces a higher level of randomness, although the
     *                        generated text usually doesn't make sense. Higher index sizes (up to 5)
     *                        produce more correct text, at the price of less randomness.
     * @return string
    public function realText($maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2)
        return $this->realTextBetween((int) round($maxNbChars * 0.8), $maxNbChars, $indexSize);

     * Generate a text string by the Markov chain algorithm.
     * Depending on the $maxNbChars, returns a random valid looking text. The algorithm
     * generates a weighted table with the specified number of words as the index and the
     * possible following words as the value.
     * @example 'Alice, swallowing down her flamingo, and began by taking the little golden key'
     * @param int $minNbChars Minimum number of characters the text should contain (maximum: 8)
     * @param int $maxNbChars Maximum number of characters the text should contain (minimum: 10)
     * @param int $indexSize  Determines how many words are considered for the generation of the next word.
     *                        The minimum is 1, and it produces a higher level of randomness, although the
     *                        generated text usually doesn't make sense. Higher index sizes (up to 5)
     *                        produce more correct text, at the price of less randomness.
     * @return string
    public function realTextBetween($minNbChars = 160, $maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2)
        if ($minNbChars < 1) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('minNbChars must be at least 1');

        if ($maxNbChars < 10) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('maxNbChars must be at least 10');

        if ($indexSize < 1) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('indexSize must be at least 1');

        if ($indexSize > 5) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('indexSize must be at most 5');

        if ($minNbChars >= $maxNbChars) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('minNbChars must be smaller than maxNbChars');

        $words = $this->getConsecutiveWords($indexSize);
        $iterations = 0;

        do {

            if ($iterations >= 100) {
                throw new \OverflowException(sprintf('Maximum retries of %d reached without finding a valid real text', $iterations));

            $result = $this->generateText($maxNbChars, $words);
        } while (static::strlen($result) <= $minNbChars);

        return $result;

     * @param int   $maxNbChars
     * @param array $words
     * @return string
    protected function generateText($maxNbChars, $words)
        $result = [];
        $resultLength = 0;
        // take a random starting point
        $next = static::randomKey($words);

        while ($resultLength < $maxNbChars && isset($words[$next])) {
            // fetch a random word to append
            $word = static::randomElement($words[$next]);

            // calculate next index
            $currentWords = static::explode($next);
            $currentWords[] = $word;
            $next = static::implode($currentWords);

            // ensure text starts with an uppercase letter
            if ($resultLength == 0 && !static::validStart($word)) {

            // append the element
            $result[] = $word;
            $resultLength += static::strlen($word) + static::$separatorLen;

        // remove the element that caused the text to overflow

        // build result
        $result = static::implode($result);

        return static::appendEnd($result);

    protected function getConsecutiveWords($indexSize)
        if (!isset($this->consecutiveWords[$indexSize])) {
            $parts = $this->getExplodedText();
            $words = [];
            $index = [];

            for ($i = 0; $i < $indexSize; ++$i) {
                $index[] = array_shift($parts);

            for ($i = 0, $count = count($parts); $i < $count; ++$i) {
                $stringIndex = static::implode($index);

                if (!isset($words[$stringIndex])) {
                    $words[$stringIndex] = [];
                $word = $parts[$i];
                $words[$stringIndex][] = $word;
                $index[] = $word;
            // cache look up words for performance
            $this->consecutiveWords[$indexSize] = $words;

        return $this->consecutiveWords[$indexSize];

    protected function getExplodedText()
        if ($this->explodedText === null) {
            $this->explodedText = static::explode(preg_replace('/\s+/u', ' ', static::$baseText));

        return $this->explodedText;

    protected static function explode($text)
        return explode(static::$separator, $text);

    protected static function implode($words)
        return implode(static::$separator, $words);

    protected static function strlen($text)
        return function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($text, 'UTF-8') : strlen($text);

    protected static function validStart($word)
        $isValid = true;

        if (static::$textStartsWithUppercase) {
            $isValid = preg_match('/^\p{Lu}/u', $word);

        return $isValid;

    protected static function appendEnd($text)
        return preg_replace("/([ ,-:;\x{2013}\x{2014}]+$)/us", '', $text) . '.';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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Address.php File 3.49 KB 0644
Barcode.php File 2.19 KB 0644
Base.php File 20.44 KB 0644
Biased.php File 1.79 KB 0644
Color.php File 4.64 KB 0644
Company.php File 901 B 0644
DateTime.php File 11.88 KB 0644
File.php File 25.1 KB 0644
HtmlLorem.php File 9.98 KB 0644
Image.php File 6 KB 0644
Internet.php File 17.17 KB 0644
Lorem.php File 7.62 KB 0644
Medical.php File 648 B 0644
Miscellaneous.php File 13.13 KB 0644
Payment.php File 10.42 KB 0644
Person.php File 3.23 KB 0644
PhoneNumber.php File 6.45 KB 0644
Text.php File 6.65 KB 0644
UserAgent.php File 8.46 KB 0644
Uuid.php File 1.78 KB 0644