[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

namespace Egulias\EmailValidator;

use Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer;
use Doctrine\Common\Lexer\Token;

/** @extends AbstractLexer<int, string> */
class EmailLexer extends AbstractLexer
    //ASCII values
    public const S_EMPTY            = -1;
    public const C_NUL              = 0;
    public const S_HTAB             = 9;
    public const S_LF               = 10;
    public const S_CR               = 13;
    public const S_SP               = 32;
    public const EXCLAMATION        = 33;
    public const S_DQUOTE           = 34;
    public const NUMBER_SIGN        = 35;
    public const DOLLAR             = 36;
    public const PERCENTAGE         = 37;
    public const AMPERSAND          = 38;
    public const S_SQUOTE           = 39;
    public const S_OPENPARENTHESIS  = 40;
    public const S_CLOSEPARENTHESIS = 41;
    public const ASTERISK           = 42;
    public const S_PLUS             = 43;
    public const S_COMMA            = 44;
    public const S_HYPHEN           = 45;
    public const S_DOT              = 46;
    public const S_SLASH            = 47;
    public const S_COLON            = 58;
    public const S_SEMICOLON        = 59;
    public const S_LOWERTHAN        = 60;
    public const S_EQUAL            = 61;
    public const S_GREATERTHAN      = 62;
    public const QUESTIONMARK       = 63;
    public const S_AT               = 64;
    public const S_OPENBRACKET      = 91;
    public const S_BACKSLASH        = 92;
    public const S_CLOSEBRACKET     = 93;
    public const CARET              = 94;
    public const S_UNDERSCORE       = 95;
    public const S_BACKTICK         = 96;
    public const S_OPENCURLYBRACES  = 123;
    public const S_PIPE             = 124;
    public const S_CLOSECURLYBRACES = 125;
    public const S_TILDE            = 126;
    public const C_DEL              = 127;
    public const INVERT_QUESTIONMARK = 168;
    public const INVERT_EXCLAMATION = 173;
    public const GENERIC            = 300;
    public const S_IPV6TAG          = 301;
    public const INVALID            = 302;
    public const CRLF               = 1310;
    public const S_DOUBLECOLON      = 5858;
    public const ASCII_INVALID_FROM = 127;
    public const ASCII_INVALID_TO   = 199;

     * US-ASCII visible characters not valid for atext (@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.2.3)
     * @var array
    protected $charValue = [
        '{'    => self::S_OPENCURLYBRACES,
        '}'    => self::S_CLOSECURLYBRACES,
        '('    => self::S_OPENPARENTHESIS,
        ')'    => self::S_CLOSEPARENTHESIS,
        '<'    => self::S_LOWERTHAN,
        '>'    => self::S_GREATERTHAN,
        '['    => self::S_OPENBRACKET,
        ']'    => self::S_CLOSEBRACKET,
        ':'    => self::S_COLON,
        ';'    => self::S_SEMICOLON,
        '@'    => self::S_AT,
        '\\'   => self::S_BACKSLASH,
        '/'    => self::S_SLASH,
        ','    => self::S_COMMA,
        '.'    => self::S_DOT,
        "'"    => self::S_SQUOTE,
        "`"    => self::S_BACKTICK,
        '"'    => self::S_DQUOTE,
        '-'    => self::S_HYPHEN,
        '::'   => self::S_DOUBLECOLON,
        ' '    => self::S_SP,
        "\t"   => self::S_HTAB,
        "\r"   => self::S_CR,
        "\n"   => self::S_LF,
        "\r\n" => self::CRLF,
        'IPv6' => self::S_IPV6TAG,
        ''     => self::S_EMPTY,
        '\0'   => self::C_NUL,
        '*'    => self::ASTERISK,
        '!'    => self::EXCLAMATION,
        '&'    => self::AMPERSAND,
        '^'    => self::CARET,
        '$'    => self::DOLLAR,
        '%'    => self::PERCENTAGE,
        '~'    => self::S_TILDE,
        '|'    => self::S_PIPE,
        '_'    => self::S_UNDERSCORE,
        '='    => self::S_EQUAL,
        '+'    => self::S_PLUS,
        '¿'    => self::INVERT_QUESTIONMARK,
        '?'    => self::QUESTIONMARK,
        '#'    => self::NUMBER_SIGN,
        '¡'    => self::INVERT_EXCLAMATION,

    public const INVALID_CHARS_REGEX = "/[^\p{S}\p{C}\p{Cc}]+/iu";

    public const VALID_UTF8_REGEX = '/\p{Cc}+/u';

    public const CATCHABLE_PATTERNS = [
        '[a-zA-Z]+[46]?', //ASCII and domain literal
        '[^\x00-\x7F]',  //UTF-8

    public const NON_CATCHABLE_PATTERNS = [

    public const MODIFIERS = 'iu';

    /** @var bool */
    protected $hasInvalidTokens = false;

     * @var Token<int, string>
    protected Token $previous;

     * The last matched/seen token.
     * @var Token<int, string>
    public Token $current;

     * @var Token<int, string>
    private Token $nullToken;

    /** @var string */
    private $accumulator = '';

    /** @var bool */
    private $hasToRecord = false;

    public function __construct()
        /** @var Token<int, string> $nullToken */
        $nullToken = new Token('', self::S_EMPTY, 0);
        $this->nullToken = $nullToken;

        $this->current = $this->previous = $this->nullToken;
        $this->lookahead = null;

    public function reset(): void
        $this->hasInvalidTokens = false;
        $this->current = $this->previous = $this->nullToken;

     * @param int $type
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
     * @return boolean
     * @psalm-suppress InvalidScalarArgument
    public function find($type): bool
        $search = clone $this;

        if (!$search->lookahead) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException($type . ' not found');
        return true;

     * moveNext
     * @return boolean
    public function moveNext(): bool
        if ($this->hasToRecord && $this->previous === $this->nullToken) {
            $this->accumulator .= $this->current->value;

        $this->previous = $this->current;

        if ($this->lookahead === null) {
            $this->lookahead = $this->nullToken;

        $hasNext = parent::moveNext();
        $this->current = $this->token ?? $this->nullToken;

        if ($this->hasToRecord) {
            $this->accumulator .= $this->current->value;

        return $hasNext;

     * Retrieve token type. Also processes the token value if necessary.
     * @param string $value
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     * @return integer
    protected function getType(&$value): int
        $encoded = $value;

        if (mb_detect_encoding($value, 'auto', true) !== 'UTF-8') {
            $encoded = mb_convert_encoding($value, 'UTF-8', 'Windows-1252');

        if ($this->isValid($encoded)) {
            return $this->charValue[$encoded];

        if ($this->isNullType($encoded)) {
            return self::C_NUL;

        if ($this->isInvalidChar($encoded)) {
            $this->hasInvalidTokens = true;
            return self::INVALID;

        return self::GENERIC;

    protected function isValid(string $value): bool
        return isset($this->charValue[$value]);

    protected function isNullType(string $value): bool
        return $value === "\0";

    protected function isInvalidChar(string $value): bool
        return !preg_match(self::INVALID_CHARS_REGEX, $value);

    protected function isUTF8Invalid(string $value): bool
        return preg_match(self::VALID_UTF8_REGEX, $value) !== false;

    public function hasInvalidTokens(): bool
        return $this->hasInvalidTokens;

     * getPrevious
     * @return Token<int, string>
    public function getPrevious(): Token
        return $this->previous;

     * Lexical catchable patterns.
     * @return string[]
    protected function getCatchablePatterns(): array
        return self::CATCHABLE_PATTERNS;

     * Lexical non-catchable patterns.
     * @return string[]
    protected function getNonCatchablePatterns(): array
        return self::NON_CATCHABLE_PATTERNS;

    protected function getModifiers(): string
        return self::MODIFIERS;

    public function getAccumulatedValues(): string
        return $this->accumulator;

    public function startRecording(): void
        $this->hasToRecord = true;

    public function stopRecording(): void
        $this->hasToRecord = false;

    public function clearRecorded(): void
        $this->accumulator = '';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Parser Folder 0755
Result Folder 0755
Validation Folder 0755
Warning Folder 0755
EmailLexer.php File 8.53 KB 0644
EmailParser.php File 2.33 KB 0644
EmailValidator.php File 1.21 KB 0644
MessageIDParser.php File 2.3 KB 0644
Parser.php File 1.75 KB 0644