return [
| Authentication Language Lines
| The following language lines are used during authentication for various
| messages that we need to display to the user. You are free to modify
| these language lines according to your application's requirements.
//Page titles
'app_name_admin' => 'Arusi',
'app_name' => 'Arusi',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'auth' => 'Auth',
'enter_recapture' => 'Enter recaptcha',
'reCaptcha' => 'ReCaptcha',
'ReCAPTCHA Failed' => 'ReCAPTCHA Failed',
'email' => 'Email',
'in' => 'In',
'login' => 'Login',
'password' => 'Password',
'sign_out' => 'Sign Out',
'remember' => 'Remember me',
'sign_in' => 'Sign In',
'success' => 'Success',
'successful' => 'Successful',
'welcome_back' => 'Welcome back to :attribute. Login to get started.',
'welcome' => 'Welcome',
//Main Menu
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'messaging' => 'Messaging',
'billing' => 'Billing',
'reports' => 'Reports',
'settings' => 'Settings',
'my_account' => 'My Account',
'activity' => 'Activity',
'api' => 'API',
'business' => 'Business',
'compose' => 'Compose',
'contacts' => 'Contacts',
'customer' => 'Customer',
'customers' => 'Customers',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'outbox' => 'Outbox',
'sent_sms' => 'Sent Sms',
'sms' => 'SMS',
'sms_queue' => 'SMS Queue',
'top_up' => 'Top Up',
'bulk_sms' => 'Bulk SMS',
'new_registrations' => 'New Signups',
'receive_payment' => 'Receive Payment',
'resource_payment' => 'Sender ID Payment',
'sms_payment' => 'SMS Bundle Payment',
'shortcodes' => 'Shortcodes',
'transactions' => 'Transactions',
'my_profile' => 'My Profile',
'developer' => 'Developer',
//Data Table
'customer_name' => 'Customer Name',
'main_contact' => 'Main Contact',
'code' => 'Code',
'cost' => 'Cost',
'client_ref' => 'Client Ref',
'created_date' => 'Created Date',
'created_by' => 'Created By',
'database' => 'Database Name',
'last_visit_date' => 'Last Visit Date',
'contact_name' => 'Contact Name',
'branch' => 'Company/Branch',
'type' => 'Type',
'trx_id' => 'Trx ID',
'status' => 'Status',
'active' => 'Active',
'account' => 'Account',
'all_time' => 'All times are in East Africa Time',
'amount' => 'Amount',
'actions' => 'Actions',
'add_new' => 'Create',
'add' => 'Add',
'address' => 'Address',
'airtel' => 'Airtel',
'all' => 'All',
'applications' => 'Applications',
'approvals' => 'Approvals',
'balance' => 'Balance',
'brand' => 'Brand',
'bulk_import' => 'Bulk Import',
'company' => 'Company',
'contact_details' => 'Contact Details',
'contact' => 'Contact',
'change' => 'Change',
'country' => 'Country',
'country 0f origin' => 'Country of origination',
'cry' => 'Currency',
'data_bulk_import' => 'Data Bulk Import',
'dark' => 'Dark',
'details' => 'Details',
'description' => 'Description',
'devices' => 'Devices',
'device' => 'Device',
'device_deleted' => 'Device deleted successfully!',
'device_not_found' => 'Device not found!',
'download_format' => 'Download Format',
'documentation' => 'Documentation',
'english' => 'English',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'enter_phone' => 'Enter Phone',
'expires_at' => 'Expiry Date',
'enter' => 'Enter',
'group' => 'Group',
'growth' => 'Growth',
'field_correction' => 'Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please check and try again.',
'file_error' => 'There are some errors with your file. Please consult administrator!',
'please_fill_all_required_fields' => 'Fill all required fields',
'first' => 'First',
'from' => 'From',
'full' => 'Full',
'failed' => 'Failed',
'for_top_up' => 'For top up, kindly visit any of our offices to make your payment.',
'generate' => 'Generate',
'general_settings' => 'General Settings',
'id' => 'ID',
'ids' => 'IDs',
'instructions_title' => 'Instructions :',
'instructions_1' => '1. Download the format file and fill it with proper data.',
'instructions_2' => '2. You can download the example file to understand how the data must be filled.',
'instructions_3' => '3. Once you have downloaded and filled the format file, upload it in the form below and submit.',
'instructions_nb1' => 'NB: Each raw represents one customer i.e. SHORT_NAME,PHONE and EMAIL cannot be repeated.',
'instructions_nb2' => 'NB: Required Fields are: FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, SHORT_NAME, ADDRESS, COUNTRY, PHONE, EMAIL, GROUP.',
'key' => 'Key',
'kick_start' => 'Kickstart your :attribute by adding your first :attribute1',
'kick_start_sms' => 'Kickstart your :attribute by sending your first :attribute1',
'language' => 'Language',
'last' => 'Last',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'message' => 'Message',
'mode' => 'Mode',
'model' => 'Model',
'msg_account_deactivated' => 'Sorry, Account Deactivated! Contact your administrator for assistance.',
'msg_account_not_ready' => 'Sorry, Account Is Not Ready for use! Contact your administrator for assistance.',
'msg_database_not_ready' => 'Sorry, Customer Database Not Ready!',
'msg_delete_not_allowed' => 'Delete not allowed because :attribute has existing :attribute1',
'msg_deleted_success' => ':attribute deleted successfully',
'msg_saved_success' => ':attribute saved successfully',
'msg_connect_success' => ':attribute connected successfully',
'msg_disconnect_success' => ':attribute disconnected successfully',
'msg_sent_success' => ':attribute sent successfully',
'msg_import_success' => ':attribute records imported successfully, :attribute2 Updated successfully, :attribute3 Failed',
'msg_updated_success' => ':attribute updated successfully',
'msg_generated_success' => ':attribute generated successfully',
'msg_item_found' => ':attribute found',
'msg_item_not_found' => ':attribute not found',
'msg_something_went_wrong' => 'Sorry, something went wrong, please try again later!',
'wrong_password' => 'Wrong Password!',
'msg_insufficient' => 'Sorry, you have insufficient balance to send :attribute SMS. Your SMS units balance is :attribute1',
'my' => 'My',
'member' => 'Member',
'month' => 'Month',
'months' => 'Months',
'name' => 'Name',
'never' => 'Never',
'new' => 'New',
'new_contact' => 'New Contact',
'new_customer' => 'New Customer',
'new_group' => 'New Group',
'no_data' => 'There are no :attribute added yet.',
'no_data_yet' => 'There are no :attribute yet.',
'past' => 'Past',
'pending' => 'Pending',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'payment' => 'Payment',
'picture' => 'Picture',
'recently' => 'Recently',
'recent' => 'Recent',
'regenerate' => 'Regenerate',
'read' => 'Read',
'request' => 'Request',
'revenue' => 'Revenue',
'report' => 'Report',
'sender' => 'Sender',
'host' => 'Host',
'senders' => 'Senders',
'sending' => 'Sending',
'safaricom' => 'Safaricom',
'select_country' => 'Select a Country',
'select_device' => 'Select Device',
'select_contacts' => 'Select Contacts',
'select_customer' => 'Select Customer',
'select_groups' => 'Select Groups',
'select_keyword' => 'Select Keyword to be replaced',
'send_to' => 'Send To',
'select' => 'Select',
'select_sender_code' => 'Select Sender Code',
'send_from' => 'Send From',
'scan_to_add' => 'Scan to Add',
'schedule' => 'Schedule',
'scheduled' => 'Scheduled',
'sent' => 'Sent',
'search' => 'Search',
'servers' => 'Servers',
'server' => 'Server',
'search_hint' => 'Search :attribute',
'short' => 'Short',
'since' => 'Since',
'sim_slots' => 'Sim Slots',
'statistics' => 'Statistics',
'sender_applied_successfully' => 'Request sent successfully! Our team will get back to you shortly!. Thank you!',
'others' => 'Others',
'phone_number' => 'Phone Number',
'quick' => 'Quick',
'renews_in' => 'Renews In',
'renewable' => 'Renewable',
'templates' => 'Templates',
'template' => 'Template',
'this' => 'This',
'three' => 'Three',
'total' => 'Total',
'transaction' => 'Transaction',
'to' => 'To',
'token' => 'Token',
'update_contact' => 'Update Contact',
'update_customer' => 'Update Customer',
'update_group' => 'Update Group',
'update_sender' => 'Update Sender',
'update_trx' => 'Update Transaction',
'units' => 'Units',
'user_type' => 'User Type',
'username' => 'Username',
'view' => 'View',
'welcome_to_module' => 'Welcome to :attribute Module',
'msg_change_factory_password' => 'For security, you are required to change the factory-default password!',