return [
| Default Configurations
| In this section you may define the default configuration for each model
| that will be generated from any database.
'*' => [
| Model Files Location
| We need a location to store your new generated files. All files will be
| placed within this directory. When you turn on base files, they will
| be placed within a Base directory inside this location.
'path' => app_path('Models'),
| Model Namespace
| Every generated model will belong to this namespace. It is suggested
| that this namespace should follow PSR-4 convention and be very
| similar to the path of your models defined above.
'namespace' => 'App\Models',
| Parent Class
| All Eloquent models should inherit from Eloquent Model class. However,
| you can define a custom Eloquent model that suits your needs.
| As an example one custom model has been added for you which
| will allow you to create custom database castings.
'parent' => Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::class,
| Traits
| Sometimes you may want to append certain traits to all your models.
| If that is what you need, you may list them bellow.
| As an example we have a BitBooleans trait which will treat MySQL bit
| data type as booleans. You might probably not need it, but it is
| an example of how you can customize your models.
'use' => [
// Reliese\Database\Eloquent\BitBooleans::class,
// Reliese\Database\Eloquent\BlamableBehavior::class,
| Model Connection
| If you wish your models had appended the connection from which they
| were generated, you should set this value to true and your
| models will have the connection property filled.
'connection' => false,
| Timestamps
| If your tables have CREATED_AT and UPDATED_AT timestamps you may
| enable them and your models will fill their values as needed.
| You can also specify which fields should be treated as timestamps
| in case you don't follow the naming convention Eloquent uses.
| If your table doesn't have these fields, timestamps will be
| disabled for your model.
'timestamps' => true,
// 'timestamps' => [
// 'enabled' => true,
// 'fields' => [
// 'CREATED_AT' => 'created_at',
// 'UPDATED_AT' => 'updated_at',
// ]
// ],
| Soft Deletes
| If your tables support soft deletes with a DELETED_AT attribute,
| you can enable them here. You can also specify which field
| should be treated as a soft delete attribute in case you
| don't follow the naming convention Eloquent uses.
| If your table doesn't have this field, soft deletes will be
| disabled for your model.
'soft_deletes' => true,
// 'soft_deletes' => [
// 'enabled' => true,
// 'field' => 'deleted_at',
// ],
| Date Format
| Here you may define your models' date format. The following format
| is the default format Eloquent uses. You won't see it in your
| models unless you change it to a more convenient value.
'date_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
| Pagination
| Here you may define how many models Eloquent should display when
| paginating them. The default number is 15, so you might not
| see this number in your models unless you change it.
'per_page' => 15,
| Base Files
| By default, your models will be generated in your models path, but
| when you generate them again they will be replaced by new ones.
| You may want to customize your models and, at the same time, be
| able to generate them as your tables change. For that, you
| can enable base files. These files will be replaced whenever
| you generate them, but your customized files will not be touched.
'base_files' => false,
| Snake Attributes
| Eloquent treats your model attributes as snake cased attributes, but
| if you have camel-cased fields in your database you can disable
| that behaviour and use camel case attributes in your models.
'snake_attributes' => true,
| Indent options
| As default indention is done with tabs, but you can change it by setting
| this to the amount of spaces you that you want to use for indentation.
| Usually you will use 4 spaces instead of tabs.
'indent_with_space' => 0,
| Qualified Table Names
| If some of your tables have cross-database relationships (probably in
| MySQL), you can make sure your models take into account their
| respective database schema.
| Can Either be NULL, FALSE or TRUE
| TRUE: Schema name will be prepended on the table
| FALSE:Table name will be set without schema name.
| NULL: Table name will follow laravel pattern,
| i.e if class name(plural) matches table name, then table name will not be added
'qualified_tables' => false,
| Hidden Attributes
| When casting your models into arrays or json, the need to hide some
| attributes sometimes arise. If your tables have some fields you
| want to hide, you can define them bellow.
| Some fields were defined for you.
'hidden' => [
'*secret*', '*password', '*token',
| Mass Assignment Guarded Attributes
| You may want to protect some fields from mass assignment. You can
| define them bellow. Some fields were defined for you.
| Your fillable attributes will be those which are not in the list
| excluding your models' primary keys.
'guarded' => [
// 'created_by', 'updated_by'
| Casts
| You may want to specify which of your table fields should be casted as
| something different than a string. For instance, you may want a
| text field be casted as an array or and object.
| You may define column patterns which will be casted using the value
| assigned. We have defined some fields for you. Feel free to
| modify them to fit your needs.
'casts' => [
'*_json' => 'json',
| Excluded Tables
| When performing the generation of models you may want to skip some of
| them, because you don't want a model for them or any other reason.
| You can define those tables bellow. The migrations table was
| filled for you, since you may not want a model for it.
'except' => [
| Specified Tables
| You can specify specific tables. This will generate the models only
| for selected tables, ignoring the rest.
'only' => [
// 'users',
| Table Prefix
| If you have a prefix on your table names but don't want it in the model
| and relation names, specify it here.
'table_prefix' => '',
| Lower table name before doing studly
| If tables names are capitalised using studly produces incorrect name
| this can help fix it ie TABLE_NAME now becomes TableName
'lower_table_name_first' => false,
| Model Names
| By default the generator will create models with names that match your tables.
| However, if you wish to manually override the naming, you can specify a mapping
| here between table and model names.
| Example:
| A table called 'billing_invoices' will generate a model called `BillingInvoice`,
| but you'd prefer it to generate a model called 'Invoice'. Therefore, you'd add
| the following array key and value:
| 'billing_invoices' => 'Invoice',
'model_names' => [
| Relation Name Strategy
| How the relations should be named in your models.
| 'related' Use the related table as the relation name.
| (post.author --> user.id)
generates Post::user() and User::posts()
| 'foreign_key' Use the foreign key as the relation name.
| This can help to provide more meaningful relationship names, and avoids naming conflicts
| if you have more than one relationship between two tables.
| (post.author_id --> user.id)
| generates Post::author() and User::posts_where_author()
| (post.editor_id --> user.id)
| generates Post::editor() and User::posts_where_editor()
| ID suffixes can be omitted from foreign keys.
| (post.author --> user.id)
| (post.editor --> user.id)
| generates the same as above.
| Where the foreign key matches the related table name, it behaves as per the 'related' strategy.
| (post.user_id --> user.id)
| generates Post::user() and User::posts()
'relation_name_strategy' => 'related',
// 'relation_name_strategy' => 'foreign_key',
| Determines need or not to generate constants with properties names like
| ...
| const AGE = 'age';
| const USER_NAME = 'user_name';
| ...
| that later can be used in QueryBuilder like
| ...
| $builder->select([User::USER_NAME])->where(User::AGE, '<=', 18);
| ...
| that helps to avoid typos in strings when typing field names and allows to use
| code competition with available model's field names.
'with_property_constants' => false,
| Disable Pluralization Name
| You can disable pluralization tables and relations
'pluralize' => true,
| Disable Pluralization Except For Certain Tables
| You can enable pluralization for certain tables
'override_pluralize_for' => [
| Move $fillable property to base files
| When base_files is true you can set fillable_in_base_files to true
| if you want the $fillable to be generated in base files
'fillable_in_base_files' => false,
| Generate return types for relation methods.
| When enable_return_types is set to true, return type declarations are added
| to all generated relation methods for your models.
| NOTE: This requires PHP 7.0 or later.
'enable_return_types' => false,
| Database Specifics
| In this section you may define the default configuration for each model
| that will be generated from a specific database. You can also nest
| table specific configurations.
| These values will override those defined in the section above.
// 'shop' => [
// 'path' => app_path(),
// 'namespace' => 'App',
// 'snake_attributes' => false,
// 'qualified_tables' => true,
// 'use' => [
// Reliese\Database\Eloquent\BitBooleans::class,
// ],
// 'except' => ['migrations'],
// 'only' => ['users'],
// // Table Specifics Bellow:
// 'user' => [
// // Don't use any default trait
// 'use' => [],
// ]
// ],
| Connection Specifics
| In this section you may define the default configuration for each model
| that will be generated from a specific connection. You can also nest
| database and table specific configurations.
| You may wish to use connection specific config for setting a parent
| model with a read only setup, or enforcing a different set of rules
| for a connection, e.g. using snake_case naming over CamelCase naming.
| This supports nesting with the following key configuration values, in
| reverse precedence order (i.e. the last one found becomes the value).
| connections.{connection_name}.property
| connections.{connection_name}.{database_name}.property
| connections.{connection_name}.{table_name}.property
| connections.{connection_name}.{database_name}.{table_name}.property
| These values will override those defined in the section above.
// 'connections' => [
// 'read_only_external' => [
// 'parent' => \App\Models\ReadOnlyModel::class,
// 'connection' => true,
// 'users' => [
// 'connection' => false,
// ],
// 'my_other_database' => [
// 'password_resets' => [
// 'connection' => false,
// ]
// ]
// ],
// ],