[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $

return [
     * DataTables search options.
    'search'         => [
         * Smart search will enclose search keyword with wildcard string "%keyword%".
         * SQL: column LIKE "%keyword%"
        'smart'            => true,

         * Multi-term search will explode search keyword using spaces resulting into multiple term search.
        'multi_term'       => true,

         * Case insensitive will search the keyword in lower case format.
         * SQL: LOWER(column) LIKE LOWER(keyword)
        'case_insensitive' => true,

         * Wild card will add "%" in between every characters of the keyword.
         * SQL: column LIKE "%k%e%y%w%o%r%d%"
        'use_wildcards'    => false,

         * Perform a search which starts with the given keyword.
         * SQL: column LIKE "keyword%"
        'starts_with'      => false,

     * DataTables internal index id response column name.
    'index_column'   => 'DT_RowIndex',

     * List of available builders for DataTables.
     * This is where you can register your custom dataTables builder.
    'engines'        => [
        'eloquent'   => Yajra\DataTables\EloquentDataTable::class,
        'query'      => Yajra\DataTables\QueryDataTable::class,
        'collection' => Yajra\DataTables\CollectionDataTable::class,
        'resource' => Yajra\DataTables\ApiResourceDataTable::class,

     * DataTables accepted builder to engine mapping.
     * This is where you can override which engine a builder should use
     * Note, only change this if you know what you are doing!
    'builders'       => [
        //Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation::class => 'eloquent',
        //Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::class            => 'eloquent',
        //Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::class               => 'query',
        //Illuminate\Support\Collection::class                   => 'collection',

     * Nulls last sql pattern for PostgreSQL & Oracle.
     * For MySQL, use 'CASE WHEN :column IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, :column :direction'
    'nulls_last_sql' => ':column :direction NULLS LAST',

     * User friendly message to be displayed on user if error occurs.
     * Possible values:
     * null             - The exception message will be used on error response.
     * 'throw'          - Throws a \Yajra\DataTables\Exceptions\Exception. Use your custom error handler if needed.
     * 'custom message' - Any friendly message to be displayed to the user. You can also use translation key.
    'error'          => env('DATATABLES_ERROR', null),

     * Default columns definition of dataTable utility functions.
    'columns'        => [
         * List of columns hidden/removed on json response.
        'excess'    => ['rn', 'row_num'],

         * List of columns to be escaped. If set to *, all columns are escape.
         * Note: You can set the value to empty array to disable XSS protection.
        'escape'    => '*',

         * List of columns that are allowed to display html content.
         * Note: Adding columns to list will make us available to XSS attacks.
        'raw'       => ['action'],

         * List of columns are forbidden from being searched/sorted.
        'blacklist' => ['password', 'remember_token'],

         * List of columns that are only allowed fo search/sort.
         * If set to *, all columns are allowed.
        'whitelist' => '*',

     * JsonResponse header and options config.
    'json'           => [
        'header'  => [],
        'options' => 0,

     * Default condition to determine if a parameter is a callback or not.
     * Callbacks needs to start by those terms, or they will be cast to string.
    'callback' => ['$', '$.', 'function'],


Name Type Size Permission Actions
app.php File 7.77 KB 0644
auth.php File 4.19 KB 0644
broadcasting.php File 2.04 KB 0644
cache.php File 3.2 KB 0644
cors.php File 846 B 0644
database.php File 5.17 KB 0644
datatables.php File 4.02 KB 0644
filesystems.php File 2.31 KB 0644
firebase.php File 7.83 KB 0644
hashing.php File 1.54 KB 0644
logging.php File 3.7 KB 0644
mail.php File 3.69 KB 0644
models.php File 18.84 KB 0644
queue.php File 2.84 KB 0644
sanctum.php File 2.24 KB 0644
services.php File 979 B 0644
session.php File 6.86 KB 0644
view.php File 1.03 KB 0644