[ Avaa Bypassed ]



elspacio@ ~ $


 * Add support for ACL auth in RedisAdapter
 * Improve reliability and performance of `TagAwareAdapter` by making tag versions an integral part of item value


 * Remove `DoctrineProvider` and `DoctrineAdapter`
 * Remove support of Doctrine DBAL in `PdoAdapter`


 * Deprecate `DoctrineProvider` and `DoctrineAdapter` because these classes have been added to the `doctrine/cache` package
 * Add `DoctrineDbalAdapter` identical to `PdoAdapter` for `Doctrine\DBAL\Connection` or DBAL URL
 * Deprecate usage of `PdoAdapter` with `Doctrine\DBAL\Connection` or DBAL URL


 * added support for connecting to Redis Sentinel clusters when using the Redis PHP extension
 * add support for a custom serializer to the `ApcuAdapter` class


 * added integration with Messenger to allow computing cached values in a worker
 * allow ISO 8601 time intervals to specify default lifetime


 * added max-items + LRU + max-lifetime capabilities to `ArrayCache`
 * added `CouchbaseBucketAdapter`
 * added context `cache-adapter` to log messages


 * removed all PSR-16 implementations in the `Simple` namespace
 * removed `SimpleCacheAdapter`
 * removed `AbstractAdapter::unserialize()`
 * removed `CacheItem::getPreviousTags()`


 * added support for connecting to Redis Sentinel clusters
 * added argument `$prefix` to `AdapterInterface::clear()`
 * improved `RedisTagAwareAdapter` to support Redis server >= 2.8 and up to 4B items per tag
 * added `TagAwareMarshaller` for optimized data storage when using `AbstractTagAwareAdapter`
 * added `DeflateMarshaller` to compress serialized values
 * removed support for phpredis 4 `compression`
 * [BC BREAK] `RedisTagAwareAdapter` is not compatible with `RedisCluster` from `Predis` anymore, use `phpredis` instead
 * Marked the `CacheDataCollector` class as `@final`.
 * added `SodiumMarshaller` to encrypt/decrypt values using libsodium


 * removed `psr/simple-cache` dependency, run `composer require psr/simple-cache` if you need it
 * deprecated all PSR-16 adapters, use `Psr16Cache` or `Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface` implementations instead
 * deprecated `SimpleCacheAdapter`, use `Psr16Adapter` instead


 * added support for connecting to Redis clusters via DSN
 * added support for configuring multiple Memcached servers via DSN
 * added `MarshallerInterface` and `DefaultMarshaller` to allow changing the serializer and provide one that automatically uses igbinary when available
 * implemented `CacheInterface`, which provides stampede protection via probabilistic early expiration and should become the preferred way to use a cache
 * added sub-second expiry accuracy for backends that support it
 * added support for phpredis 4 `compression` and `tcp_keepalive` options
 * added automatic table creation when using Doctrine DBAL with PDO-based backends
 * throw `LogicException` when `CacheItem::tag()` is called on an item coming from a non tag-aware pool
 * deprecated `CacheItem::getPreviousTags()`, use `CacheItem::getMetadata()` instead
 * deprecated the `AbstractAdapter::unserialize()` and `AbstractCache::unserialize()` methods
 * added `CacheCollectorPass` (originally in `FrameworkBundle`)
 * added `CachePoolClearerPass` (originally in `FrameworkBundle`)
 * added `CachePoolPass` (originally in `FrameworkBundle`)
 * added `CachePoolPrunerPass` (originally in `FrameworkBundle`)


 * added using options from Memcached DSN
 * added PruneableInterface so PSR-6 or PSR-16 cache implementations can declare support for manual stale cache pruning
 * added prune logic to FilesystemTrait, PhpFilesTrait, PdoTrait, TagAwareAdapter and ChainTrait
 * now FilesystemAdapter, PhpFilesAdapter, FilesystemCache, PhpFilesCache, PdoAdapter, PdoCache, ChainAdapter, and
   ChainCache implement PruneableInterface and support manual stale cache pruning


 * added CacheItem::getPreviousTags() to get bound tags coming from the pool storage if any
 * added PSR-16 "Simple Cache" implementations for all existing PSR-6 adapters
 * added Psr6Cache and SimpleCacheAdapter for bidirectional interoperability between PSR-6 and PSR-16
 * added MemcachedAdapter (PSR-6) and MemcachedCache (PSR-16)
 * added TraceableAdapter (PSR-6) and TraceableCache (PSR-16)


 * added TagAwareAdapter for tags-based invalidation
 * added PdoAdapter with PDO and Doctrine DBAL support
 * added PhpArrayAdapter and PhpFilesAdapter for OPcache-backed shared memory storage (PHP 7+ only)
 * added NullAdapter


 * added the component with strict PSR-6 implementations
 * added ApcuAdapter, ArrayAdapter, FilesystemAdapter and RedisAdapter
 * added AbstractAdapter, ChainAdapter and ProxyAdapter
 * added DoctrineAdapter and DoctrineProvider for bidirectional interoperability with Doctrine Cache


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Adapter Folder 0755
DataCollector Folder 0755
DependencyInjection Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Marshaller Folder 0755
Messenger Folder 0755
Traits Folder 0755
CHANGELOG.md File 4.78 KB 0644
CacheItem.php File 5.78 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.04 KB 0644
LockRegistry.php File 6.79 KB 0644
PruneableInterface.php File 455 B 0644
Psr16Cache.php File 7.59 KB 0644
README.md File 942 B 0644
ResettableInterface.php File 418 B 0644
composer.json File 1.77 KB 0644