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 * This file is part of the Carbon package.
 * (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Carbon;

use Carbon\Traits\Date;
use Carbon\Traits\DeprecatedProperties;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeZone;

 * A simple API extension for DateTimeImmutable.
 * @mixin DeprecatedProperties
 * <autodoc generated by `composer phpdoc`>
 * @property      int                 $year
 * @property      int                 $yearIso
 * @property      int                 $month
 * @property      int                 $day
 * @property      int                 $hour
 * @property      int                 $minute
 * @property      int                 $second
 * @property      int                 $micro
 * @property      int                 $microsecond
 * @property      int|float|string    $timestamp                                                                           seconds since the Unix Epoch
 * @property      string              $englishDayOfWeek                                                                    the day of week in English
 * @property      string              $shortEnglishDayOfWeek                                                               the abbreviated day of week in English
 * @property      string              $englishMonth                                                                        the month in English
 * @property      string              $shortEnglishMonth                                                                   the abbreviated month in English
 * @property      int                 $milliseconds
 * @property      int                 $millisecond
 * @property      int                 $milli
 * @property      int                 $week                                                                                1 through 53
 * @property      int                 $isoWeek                                                                             1 through 53
 * @property      int                 $weekYear                                                                            year according to week format
 * @property      int                 $isoWeekYear                                                                         year according to ISO week format
 * @property      int                 $dayOfYear                                                                           1 through 366
 * @property      int                 $age                                                                                 does a diffInYears() with default parameters
 * @property      int                 $offset                                                                              the timezone offset in seconds from UTC
 * @property      int                 $offsetMinutes                                                                       the timezone offset in minutes from UTC
 * @property      int                 $offsetHours                                                                         the timezone offset in hours from UTC
 * @property      CarbonTimeZone      $timezone                                                                            the current timezone
 * @property      CarbonTimeZone      $tz                                                                                  alias of $timezone
 * @property-read int                 $dayOfWeek                                                                           0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
 * @property-read int                 $dayOfWeekIso                                                                        1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
 * @property-read int                 $weekOfYear                                                                          ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
 * @property-read int                 $daysInMonth                                                                         number of days in the given month
 * @property-read string              $latinMeridiem                                                                       "am"/"pm" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin lowercase mark)
 * @property-read string              $latinUpperMeridiem                                                                  "AM"/"PM" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin uppercase mark)
 * @property-read string              $timezoneAbbreviatedName                                                             the current timezone abbreviated name
 * @property-read string              $tzAbbrName                                                                          alias of $timezoneAbbreviatedName
 * @property-read string              $dayName                                                                             long name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
 * @property-read string              $shortDayName                                                                        short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
 * @property-read string              $minDayName                                                                          very short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
 * @property-read string              $monthName                                                                           long name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
 * @property-read string              $shortMonthName                                                                      short name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
 * @property-read string              $meridiem                                                                            lowercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language
 * @property-read string              $upperMeridiem                                                                       uppercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language
 * @property-read int                 $noZeroHour                                                                          current hour from 1 to 24
 * @property-read int                 $weeksInYear                                                                         51 through 53
 * @property-read int                 $isoWeeksInYear                                                                      51 through 53
 * @property-read int                 $weekOfMonth                                                                         1 through 5
 * @property-read int                 $weekNumberInMonth                                                                   1 through 5
 * @property-read int                 $firstWeekDay                                                                        0 through 6
 * @property-read int                 $lastWeekDay                                                                         0 through 6
 * @property-read int                 $daysInYear                                                                          365 or 366
 * @property-read int                 $quarter                                                                             the quarter of this instance, 1 - 4
 * @property-read int                 $decade                                                                              the decade of this instance
 * @property-read int                 $century                                                                             the century of this instance
 * @property-read int                 $millennium                                                                          the millennium of this instance
 * @property-read bool                $dst                                                                                 daylight savings time indicator, true if DST, false otherwise
 * @property-read bool                $local                                                                               checks if the timezone is local, true if local, false otherwise
 * @property-read bool                $utc                                                                                 checks if the timezone is UTC, true if UTC, false otherwise
 * @property-read string              $timezoneName                                                                        the current timezone name
 * @property-read string              $tzName                                                                              alias of $timezoneName
 * @property-read string              $locale                                                                              locale of the current instance
 * @method        bool                isUtc()                                                                              Check if the current instance has UTC timezone. (Both isUtc and isUTC cases are valid.)
 * @method        bool                isLocal()                                                                            Check if the current instance has non-UTC timezone.
 * @method        bool                isValid()                                                                            Check if the current instance is a valid date.
 * @method        bool                isDST()                                                                              Check if the current instance is in a daylight saving time.
 * @method        bool                isSunday()                                                                           Checks if the instance day is sunday.
 * @method        bool                isMonday()                                                                           Checks if the instance day is monday.
 * @method        bool                isTuesday()                                                                          Checks if the instance day is tuesday.
 * @method        bool                isWednesday()                                                                        Checks if the instance day is wednesday.
 * @method        bool                isThursday()                                                                         Checks if the instance day is thursday.
 * @method        bool                isFriday()                                                                           Checks if the instance day is friday.
 * @method        bool                isSaturday()                                                                         Checks if the instance day is saturday.
 * @method        bool                isSameYear(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                        Checks if the given date is in the same year as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentYear()                                                                      Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextYear()                                                                         Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment next year.
 * @method        bool                isLastYear()                                                                         Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment last year.
 * @method        bool                isSameWeek(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                        Checks if the given date is in the same week as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentWeek()                                                                      Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextWeek()                                                                         Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment next week.
 * @method        bool                isLastWeek()                                                                         Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment last week.
 * @method        bool                isSameDay(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                         Checks if the given date is in the same day as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentDay()                                                                       Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextDay()                                                                          Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment next day.
 * @method        bool                isLastDay()                                                                          Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment last day.
 * @method        bool                isSameHour(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                        Checks if the given date is in the same hour as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentHour()                                                                      Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextHour()                                                                         Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment next hour.
 * @method        bool                isLastHour()                                                                         Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment last hour.
 * @method        bool                isSameMinute(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                      Checks if the given date is in the same minute as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentMinute()                                                                    Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextMinute()                                                                       Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment next minute.
 * @method        bool                isLastMinute()                                                                       Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment last minute.
 * @method        bool                isSameSecond(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                      Checks if the given date is in the same second as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentSecond()                                                                    Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextSecond()                                                                       Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment next second.
 * @method        bool                isLastSecond()                                                                       Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment last second.
 * @method        bool                isSameMicro(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                       Checks if the given date is in the same microsecond as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentMicro()                                                                     Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextMicro()                                                                        Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment next microsecond.
 * @method        bool                isLastMicro()                                                                        Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment last microsecond.
 * @method        bool                isSameMicrosecond(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                 Checks if the given date is in the same microsecond as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentMicrosecond()                                                               Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextMicrosecond()                                                                  Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment next microsecond.
 * @method        bool                isLastMicrosecond()                                                                  Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment last microsecond.
 * @method        bool                isCurrentMonth()                                                                     Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextMonth()                                                                        Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment next month.
 * @method        bool                isLastMonth()                                                                        Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment last month.
 * @method        bool                isCurrentQuarter()                                                                   Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextQuarter()                                                                      Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment next quarter.
 * @method        bool                isLastQuarter()                                                                      Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment last quarter.
 * @method        bool                isSameDecade(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                      Checks if the given date is in the same decade as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentDecade()                                                                    Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextDecade()                                                                       Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment next decade.
 * @method        bool                isLastDecade()                                                                       Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment last decade.
 * @method        bool                isSameCentury(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                     Checks if the given date is in the same century as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentCentury()                                                                   Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextCentury()                                                                      Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment next century.
 * @method        bool                isLastCentury()                                                                      Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment last century.
 * @method        bool                isSameMillennium(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null)                  Checks if the given date is in the same millennium as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
 * @method        bool                isCurrentMillennium()                                                                Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment.
 * @method        bool                isNextMillennium()                                                                   Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment next millennium.
 * @method        bool                isLastMillennium()                                                                   Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment last millennium.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     years(int $value)                                                                    Set current instance year to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     year(int $value)                                                                     Set current instance year to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setYears(int $value)                                                                 Set current instance year to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setYear(int $value)                                                                  Set current instance year to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     months(int $value)                                                                   Set current instance month to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     month(int $value)                                                                    Set current instance month to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMonths(int $value)                                                                Set current instance month to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMonth(int $value)                                                                 Set current instance month to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     days(int $value)                                                                     Set current instance day to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     day(int $value)                                                                      Set current instance day to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setDays(int $value)                                                                  Set current instance day to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setDay(int $value)                                                                   Set current instance day to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     hours(int $value)                                                                    Set current instance hour to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     hour(int $value)                                                                     Set current instance hour to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setHours(int $value)                                                                 Set current instance hour to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setHour(int $value)                                                                  Set current instance hour to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     minutes(int $value)                                                                  Set current instance minute to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     minute(int $value)                                                                   Set current instance minute to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMinutes(int $value)                                                               Set current instance minute to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMinute(int $value)                                                                Set current instance minute to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     seconds(int $value)                                                                  Set current instance second to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     second(int $value)                                                                   Set current instance second to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setSeconds(int $value)                                                               Set current instance second to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setSecond(int $value)                                                                Set current instance second to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     millis(int $value)                                                                   Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     milli(int $value)                                                                    Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMillis(int $value)                                                                Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMilli(int $value)                                                                 Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     milliseconds(int $value)                                                             Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     millisecond(int $value)                                                              Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMilliseconds(int $value)                                                          Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMillisecond(int $value)                                                           Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     micros(int $value)                                                                   Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     micro(int $value)                                                                    Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMicros(int $value)                                                                Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMicro(int $value)                                                                 Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     microseconds(int $value)                                                             Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     microsecond(int $value)                                                              Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMicroseconds(int $value)                                                          Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     setMicrosecond(int $value)                                                           Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYears(int $value = 1)                                                             Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYear()                                                                            Add one year to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYears(int $value = 1)                                                             Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYear()                                                                            Sub one year to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYearsWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                 Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYearWithOverflow()                                                                Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYearsWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                 Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYearWithOverflow()                                                                Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYearsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                              Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYearWithoutOverflow()                                                             Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYearsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                              Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYearWithoutOverflow()                                                             Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYearsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                               Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYearWithNoOverflow()                                                              Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYearsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                               Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYearWithNoOverflow()                                                              Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYearsNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                   Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addYearNoOverflow()                                                                  Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYearsNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                   Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subYearNoOverflow()                                                                  Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonths(int $value = 1)                                                            Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonth()                                                                           Add one month to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonths(int $value = 1)                                                            Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonth()                                                                           Sub one month to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonthsWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonthWithOverflow()                                                               Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonthsWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonthWithOverflow()                                                               Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonthsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                             Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonthWithoutOverflow()                                                            Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonthsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                             Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonthWithoutOverflow()                                                            Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonthsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                              Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonthWithNoOverflow()                                                             Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonthsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                              Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonthWithNoOverflow()                                                             Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonthsNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                  Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMonthNoOverflow()                                                                 Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonthsNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                  Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMonthNoOverflow()                                                                 Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDays(int $value = 1)                                                              Add days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDay()                                                                             Add one day to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDays(int $value = 1)                                                              Sub days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDay()                                                                             Sub one day to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addHours(int $value = 1)                                                             Add hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addHour()                                                                            Add one hour to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subHours(int $value = 1)                                                             Sub hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subHour()                                                                            Sub one hour to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMinutes(int $value = 1)                                                           Add minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMinute()                                                                          Add one minute to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMinutes(int $value = 1)                                                           Sub minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMinute()                                                                          Sub one minute to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addSeconds(int $value = 1)                                                           Add seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addSecond()                                                                          Add one second to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subSeconds(int $value = 1)                                                           Sub seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subSecond()                                                                          Sub one second to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillis(int $value = 1)                                                            Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMilli()                                                                           Add one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillis(int $value = 1)                                                            Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMilli()                                                                           Sub one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMilliseconds(int $value = 1)                                                      Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillisecond()                                                                     Add one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMilliseconds(int $value = 1)                                                      Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillisecond()                                                                     Sub one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMicros(int $value = 1)                                                            Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMicro()                                                                           Add one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMicros(int $value = 1)                                                            Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMicro()                                                                           Sub one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMicroseconds(int $value = 1)                                                      Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMicrosecond()                                                                     Add one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMicroseconds(int $value = 1)                                                      Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMicrosecond()                                                                     Sub one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillennia(int $value = 1)                                                         Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillennium()                                                                      Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillennia(int $value = 1)                                                         Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillennium()                                                                      Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillenniaWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                             Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillenniumWithOverflow()                                                          Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillenniaWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                             Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillenniumWithOverflow()                                                          Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillenniaWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                          Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillenniumWithoutOverflow()                                                       Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillenniaWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                          Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillenniumWithoutOverflow()                                                       Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillenniaWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                           Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillenniumWithNoOverflow()                                                        Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillenniaWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                           Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillenniumWithNoOverflow()                                                        Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillenniaNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                               Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addMillenniumNoOverflow()                                                            Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillenniaNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                               Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subMillenniumNoOverflow()                                                            Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturies(int $value = 1)                                                         Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCentury()                                                                         Add one century to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturies(int $value = 1)                                                         Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCentury()                                                                         Sub one century to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturiesWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                             Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturyWithOverflow()                                                             Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturiesWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                             Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturyWithOverflow()                                                             Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturiesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                          Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturyWithoutOverflow()                                                          Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturiesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                          Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturyWithoutOverflow()                                                          Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturiesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                           Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturyWithNoOverflow()                                                           Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturiesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                           Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturyWithNoOverflow()                                                           Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturiesNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                               Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addCenturyNoOverflow()                                                               Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturiesNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                               Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subCenturyNoOverflow()                                                               Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecades(int $value = 1)                                                           Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecade()                                                                          Add one decade to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecades(int $value = 1)                                                           Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecade()                                                                          Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecadesWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                               Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecadeWithOverflow()                                                              Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecadesWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                               Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecadeWithOverflow()                                                              Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecadesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                            Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecadeWithoutOverflow()                                                           Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecadesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                            Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecadeWithoutOverflow()                                                           Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecadesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                             Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecadeWithNoOverflow()                                                            Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecadesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                             Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecadeWithNoOverflow()                                                            Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecadesNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                 Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addDecadeNoOverflow()                                                                Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecadesNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                 Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subDecadeNoOverflow()                                                                Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuarters(int $value = 1)                                                          Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuarter()                                                                         Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuarters(int $value = 1)                                                          Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuarter()                                                                         Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuartersWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                              Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuarterWithOverflow()                                                             Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuartersWithOverflow(int $value = 1)                                              Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuarterWithOverflow()                                                             Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuartersWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                           Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuarterWithoutOverflow()                                                          Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuartersWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1)                                           Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuarterWithoutOverflow()                                                          Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuartersWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                            Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuarterWithNoOverflow()                                                           Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuartersWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                            Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuarterWithNoOverflow()                                                           Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuartersNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addQuarterNoOverflow()                                                               Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuartersNoOverflow(int $value = 1)                                                Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subQuarterNoOverflow()                                                               Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addWeeks(int $value = 1)                                                             Add weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addWeek()                                                                            Add one week to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subWeeks(int $value = 1)                                                             Sub weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subWeek()                                                                            Sub one week to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addWeekdays(int $value = 1)                                                          Add weekdays (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addWeekday()                                                                         Add one weekday to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subWeekdays(int $value = 1)                                                          Sub weekdays (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subWeekday()                                                                         Sub one weekday to the instance (using date interval).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMicros(int $value = 1)                                                        Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMicro()                                                                       Add one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMicros(int $value = 1)                                                        Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMicro()                                                                       Sub one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        microsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                        Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each microsecond or every X microseconds if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMicroseconds(int $value = 1)                                                  Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMicrosecond()                                                                 Add one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMicroseconds(int $value = 1)                                                  Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMicrosecond()                                                                 Sub one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        microsecondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                  Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each microsecond or every X microseconds if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMillis(int $value = 1)                                                        Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMilli()                                                                       Add one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMillis(int $value = 1)                                                        Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMilli()                                                                       Sub one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        millisUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                        Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millisecond or every X milliseconds if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMilliseconds(int $value = 1)                                                  Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMillisecond()                                                                 Add one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMilliseconds(int $value = 1)                                                  Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMillisecond()                                                                 Sub one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        millisecondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                  Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millisecond or every X milliseconds if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealSeconds(int $value = 1)                                                       Add seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealSecond()                                                                      Add one second to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealSeconds(int $value = 1)                                                       Sub seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealSecond()                                                                      Sub one second to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        secondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                       Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each second or every X seconds if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMinutes(int $value = 1)                                                       Add minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMinute()                                                                      Add one minute to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMinutes(int $value = 1)                                                       Sub minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMinute()                                                                      Sub one minute to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        minutesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                       Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each minute or every X minutes if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealHours(int $value = 1)                                                         Add hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealHour()                                                                        Add one hour to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealHours(int $value = 1)                                                         Sub hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealHour()                                                                        Sub one hour to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        hoursUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                         Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each hour or every X hours if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealDays(int $value = 1)                                                          Add days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealDay()                                                                         Add one day to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealDays(int $value = 1)                                                          Sub days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealDay()                                                                         Sub one day to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        daysUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                          Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each day or every X days if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealWeeks(int $value = 1)                                                         Add weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealWeek()                                                                        Add one week to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealWeeks(int $value = 1)                                                         Sub weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealWeek()                                                                        Sub one week to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        weeksUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                         Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each week or every X weeks if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMonths(int $value = 1)                                                        Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMonth()                                                                       Add one month to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMonths(int $value = 1)                                                        Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMonth()                                                                       Sub one month to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        monthsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                        Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each month or every X months if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealQuarters(int $value = 1)                                                      Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealQuarter()                                                                     Add one quarter to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealQuarters(int $value = 1)                                                      Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealQuarter()                                                                     Sub one quarter to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        quartersUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                      Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each quarter or every X quarters if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealYears(int $value = 1)                                                         Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealYear()                                                                        Add one year to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealYears(int $value = 1)                                                         Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealYear()                                                                        Sub one year to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        yearsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                         Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each year or every X years if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealDecades(int $value = 1)                                                       Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealDecade()                                                                      Add one decade to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealDecades(int $value = 1)                                                       Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealDecade()                                                                      Sub one decade to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        decadesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                       Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each decade or every X decades if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealCenturies(int $value = 1)                                                     Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealCentury()                                                                     Add one century to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealCenturies(int $value = 1)                                                     Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealCentury()                                                                     Sub one century to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        centuriesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                     Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each century or every X centuries if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMillennia(int $value = 1)                                                     Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     addRealMillennium()                                                                  Add one millennium to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMillennia(int $value = 1)                                                     Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     subRealMillennium()                                                                  Sub one millennium to the instance (using timestamp).
 * @method        CarbonPeriod        millenniaUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1)                                     Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millennium or every X millennia if a factor is given.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundYear(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                          Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundYears(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                         Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorYear(float $precision = 1)                                                      Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorYears(float $precision = 1)                                                     Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilYear(float $precision = 1)                                                       Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilYears(float $precision = 1)                                                      Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMonth(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                         Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMonths(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                        Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMonth(float $precision = 1)                                                     Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMonths(float $precision = 1)                                                    Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMonth(float $precision = 1)                                                      Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMonths(float $precision = 1)                                                     Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundDay(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                           Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundDays(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                          Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorDay(float $precision = 1)                                                       Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorDays(float $precision = 1)                                                      Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilDay(float $precision = 1)                                                        Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilDays(float $precision = 1)                                                       Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundHour(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                          Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundHours(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                         Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorHour(float $precision = 1)                                                      Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorHours(float $precision = 1)                                                     Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilHour(float $precision = 1)                                                       Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilHours(float $precision = 1)                                                      Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMinute(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                        Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMinutes(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                       Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMinute(float $precision = 1)                                                    Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMinutes(float $precision = 1)                                                   Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMinute(float $precision = 1)                                                     Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMinutes(float $precision = 1)                                                    Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundSecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                        Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundSeconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                       Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorSecond(float $precision = 1)                                                    Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorSeconds(float $precision = 1)                                                   Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilSecond(float $precision = 1)                                                     Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilSeconds(float $precision = 1)                                                    Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMillennium(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                    Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMillennia(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                     Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMillennium(float $precision = 1)                                                Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMillennia(float $precision = 1)                                                 Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMillennium(float $precision = 1)                                                 Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMillennia(float $precision = 1)                                                  Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundCentury(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                       Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundCenturies(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                     Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorCentury(float $precision = 1)                                                   Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorCenturies(float $precision = 1)                                                 Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilCentury(float $precision = 1)                                                    Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilCenturies(float $precision = 1)                                                  Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundDecade(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                        Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundDecades(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                       Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorDecade(float $precision = 1)                                                    Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorDecades(float $precision = 1)                                                   Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilDecade(float $precision = 1)                                                     Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilDecades(float $precision = 1)                                                    Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundQuarter(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                       Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundQuarters(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                      Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorQuarter(float $precision = 1)                                                   Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorQuarters(float $precision = 1)                                                  Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilQuarter(float $precision = 1)                                                    Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilQuarters(float $precision = 1)                                                   Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMillisecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                   Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMilliseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                  Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMillisecond(float $precision = 1)                                               Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMilliseconds(float $precision = 1)                                              Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMillisecond(float $precision = 1)                                                Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMilliseconds(float $precision = 1)                                               Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMicrosecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                   Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     roundMicroseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round")                  Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMicrosecond(float $precision = 1)                                               Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     floorMicroseconds(float $precision = 1)                                              Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMicrosecond(float $precision = 1)                                                Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
 * @method        CarbonImmutable     ceilMicroseconds(float $precision = 1)                                               Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
 * @method        string              shortAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)          Get the difference (short format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
 * @method        string              longAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)           Get the difference (long format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
 * @method        string              shortRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)          Get the difference (short format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
 * @method        string              longRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)           Get the difference (long format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
 * @method        string              shortRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)     Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
 * @method        string              longRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)      Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
 * @method        string              shortRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)   Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
 * @method        string              longRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1)    Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
 * @method        static static|false createFromFormat(string $format, string $time, string|DateTimeZone $timezone = null) Parse a string into a new CarbonImmutable object according to the specified format.
 * @method        static static       __set_state(array $array)                                                            https://php.net/manual/en/datetime.set-state.php
 * </autodoc>
class CarbonImmutable extends DateTimeImmutable implements CarbonInterface
    use Date {
        __clone as dateTraitClone;

    public function __clone()
        $this->endOfTime = false;
        $this->startOfTime = false;

     * Create a very old date representing start of time.
     * @return static
    public static function startOfTime(): self
        $date = static::parse('0001-01-01')->years(self::getStartOfTimeYear());
        $date->startOfTime = true;

        return $date;

     * Create a very far date representing end of time.
     * @return static
    public static function endOfTime(): self
        $date = static::parse('9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999')->years(self::getEndOfTimeYear());
        $date->endOfTime = true;

        return $date;

     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    private static function getEndOfTimeYear(): int
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0-dev', '<')) {
            return 145261681241552;

        // Remove if https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81107 is fixed
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0-dev', '>=')) {
            return 1118290769066902787;

        return PHP_INT_MAX;

     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    private static function getStartOfTimeYear(): int
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0-dev', '<')) {
            return -135908816449551;

        // Remove if https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81107 is fixed
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0-dev', '>=')) {
            return -1118290769066898816;

        return max(PHP_INT_MIN, -9223372036854773760);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Cli Folder 0755
Doctrine Folder 0755
Exceptions Folder 0755
Lang Folder 0755
Laravel Folder 0755
List Folder 0755
MessageFormatter Folder 0755
PHPStan Folder 0755
Traits Folder 0755
AbstractTranslator.php File 10.44 KB 0644
Carbon.php File 91.91 KB 0644
CarbonConverterInterface.php File 417 B 0644
CarbonImmutable.php File 93.42 KB 0644
CarbonInterface.php File 240.88 KB 0644
CarbonInterval.php File 94.69 KB 0644
CarbonPeriod.php File 81.81 KB 0644
CarbonPeriodImmutable.php File 716 B 0644
CarbonTimeZone.php File 8.53 KB 0644
Factory.php File 55.94 KB 0644
FactoryImmutable.php File 53.62 KB 0644
Language.php File 7.15 KB 0644
Translator.php File 806 B 0644
TranslatorImmutable.php File 2.27 KB 0644
TranslatorStrongTypeInterface.php File 551 B 0644