[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace League\Flysystem;

use DateTimeInterface;

 * This interface contains everything to read from and inspect
 * a filesystem. All methods containing are non-destructive.
 * @method string publicUrl(string $path, array $config = []) Will be added in 4.0
 * @method string temporaryUrl(string $path, DateTimeInterface $expiresAt, array $config = []) Will be added in 4.0
 * @method string checksum(string $path, array $config = []) Will be added in 4.0
interface FilesystemReader
    public const LIST_SHALLOW = false;
    public const LIST_DEEP = true;

     * @throws FilesystemException
     * @throws UnableToCheckExistence
    public function fileExists(string $location): bool;

     * @throws FilesystemException
     * @throws UnableToCheckExistence
    public function directoryExists(string $location): bool;

     * @throws FilesystemException
     * @throws UnableToCheckExistence
    public function has(string $location): bool;

     * @throws UnableToReadFile
     * @throws FilesystemException
    public function read(string $location): string;

     * @return resource
     * @throws UnableToReadFile
     * @throws FilesystemException
    public function readStream(string $location);

     * @return DirectoryListing<StorageAttributes>
     * @throws FilesystemException
     * @throws UnableToListContents
    public function listContents(string $location, bool $deep = self::LIST_SHALLOW): DirectoryListing;

     * @throws UnableToRetrieveMetadata
     * @throws FilesystemException
    public function lastModified(string $path): int;

     * @throws UnableToRetrieveMetadata
     * @throws FilesystemException
    public function fileSize(string $path): int;

     * @throws UnableToRetrieveMetadata
     * @throws FilesystemException
    public function mimeType(string $path): string;

     * @throws UnableToRetrieveMetadata
     * @throws FilesystemException
    public function visibility(string $path): string;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Local Folder 0755
UnixVisibility Folder 0755
UrlGeneration Folder 0755
CalculateChecksumFromStream.php File 793 B 0644
ChecksumAlgoIsNotSupported.php File 169 B 0644
ChecksumProvider.php File 291 B 0644
Config.php File 757 B 0644
CorruptedPathDetected.php File 316 B 0644
DirectoryAttributes.php File 2.02 KB 0644
DirectoryListing.php File 2.01 KB 0644
FileAttributes.php File 2.5 KB 0644
Filesystem.php File 7.55 KB 0644
FilesystemAdapter.php File 2.72 KB 0644
FilesystemException.php File 130 B 0644
FilesystemOperationFailed.php File 954 B 0644
FilesystemOperator.php File 138 B 0644
FilesystemReader.php File 2.12 KB 0644
FilesystemWriter.php File 1.41 KB 0644
InvalidStreamProvided.php File 225 B 0644
InvalidVisibilityProvided.php File 553 B 0644
MountManager.php File 13.62 KB 0644
PathNormalizer.php File 148 B 0644
PathPrefixer.php File 1.13 KB 0644
PathTraversalDetected.php File 482 B 0644
PortableVisibilityGuard.php File 511 B 0644
ProxyArrayAccessToProperties.php File 1.2 KB 0644
StorageAttributes.php File 1.01 KB 0644
SymbolicLinkEncountered.php File 531 B 0644
UnableToCheckDirectoryExistence.php File 257 B 0644
UnableToCheckExistence.php File 677 B 0644
UnableToCheckFileExistence.php File 247 B 0644
UnableToCopyFile.php File 964 B 0644
UnableToCreateDirectory.php File 1.33 KB 0644
UnableToDeleteDirectory.php File 973 B 0644
UnableToDeleteFile.php File 922 B 0644
UnableToGeneratePublicUrl.php File 754 B 0644
UnableToGenerateTemporaryUrl.php File 760 B 0644
UnableToListContents.php File 650 B 0644
UnableToMountFilesystem.php File 915 B 0644
UnableToMoveFile.php File 1020 B 0644
UnableToProvideChecksum.php File 387 B 0644
UnableToReadFile.php File 924 B 0644
UnableToResolveFilesystemMount.php File 723 B 0644
UnableToRetrieveMetadata.php File 1.97 KB 0644
UnableToSetVisibility.php File 981 B 0644
UnableToWriteFile.php File 919 B 0644
UnreadableFileEncountered.php File 556 B 0644
Visibility.php File 163 B 0644
WhitespacePathNormalizer.php File 1.13 KB 0644