namespace Kreait\Firebase\JWT\Value;
use DateInterval;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Stringable;
use Throwable;
use function assert;
use function is_int;
* Adapted duration class from gamez/duration.
* @see https://github.com/jeromegamez/duration-php
final class Duration implements Stringable
public const NONE = 'PT0S';
private function __construct(private readonly DateInterval $value)
public function __toString(): string
return $this->toString();
public static function make(self|DateInterval|int|string $value): self
if ($value instanceof self) {
return $value;
if ($value instanceof DateInterval) {
return self::fromDateInterval($value);
if (is_int($value)) {
return self::inSeconds($value);
if (mb_strpos($value, 'P') === 0) {
return self::fromDateIntervalSpec($value);
try {
$interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString($value);
assert($interval instanceof DateInterval);
} catch (Throwable) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unable to determine a duration from '{$value}'");
$duration = self::fromDateInterval($interval);
// If the string doesn't contain a zero, but the result equals to zero
// the value must be invalid.
if (mb_strpos($value, '0') !== false) {
return $duration;
if (!$duration->equals(self::none())) {
return $duration;
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unable to determine a duration from '{$value}'");
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public static function inSeconds(int $seconds): self
if ($seconds < 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('A duration can not be negative');
return self::fromDateIntervalSpec('PT'.$seconds.'S');
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public static function fromDateIntervalSpec(string $spec): self
try {
$interval = new DateInterval($spec);
} catch (Throwable) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("'{$spec}' is not a valid DateInterval specification");
return self::fromDateInterval($interval);
public static function fromDateInterval(DateInterval $interval): self
$now = new DateTimeImmutable();
$then = $now->add($interval);
if ($then < $now) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('A duration can not be negative');
return new self($interval);
public static function none(): self
return self::fromDateIntervalSpec(self::NONE);
public function value(): DateInterval
return $this->value;
public function isLargerThan(self|DateInterval|int|string $other): bool
return 1 === $this->compareTo($other);
public function equals(self|DateInterval|int|string $other): bool
return 0 === $this->compareTo($other);
public function isSmallerThan(self|DateInterval|int|string $other): bool
return -1 === $this->compareTo($other);
public function compareTo(self|DateInterval|int|string $other): int
$other = self::make($other);
$now = self::now();
return $now->add($this->value) <=> $now->add($other->value);
public function toString(): string
return self::toDateIntervalSpec(self::normalizeInterval($this->value));
private static function now(): DateTimeImmutable
return new DateTimeImmutable('@'.time());
private static function normalizeInterval(DateInterval $value): DateInterval
$now = self::now();
$then = $now->add($value);
return $now->diff($then);
private static function toDateIntervalSpec(DateInterval $value): string
$spec = 'P';
$spec .= 0 !== $value->y ? $value->y.'Y' : '';
$spec .= 0 !== $value->m ? $value->m.'M' : '';
$spec .= 0 !== $value->d ? $value->d.'D' : '';
$spec .= 'T';
$spec .= 0 !== $value->h ? $value->h.'H' : '';
$spec .= 0 !== $value->i ? $value->i.'M' : '';
$spec .= 0 !== $value->s ? $value->s.'S' : '';
if ('T' === mb_substr($spec, -1)) {
$spec = mb_substr($spec, 0, -1);
if ('P' === $spec) {
return self::NONE;
return $spec;