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 Copyright (c) 2009-2010 hamcrest.org

// This file is generated from the static method @factory doctags.

namespace Hamcrest;

 * A series of static factories for all hamcrest matchers.
class Matchers

     * Evaluates to true only if each $matcher[$i] is satisfied by $array[$i].
    public static function anArray(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArray', 'anArray'), $args);

     * Evaluates to true if any item in an array satisfies the given matcher.
     * @param mixed $item as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
     * @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContaining
    public static function hasItemInArray($item)
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContaining::hasItemInArray($item);

     * Evaluates to true if any item in an array satisfies the given matcher.
     * @param mixed $item as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
     * @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContaining
    public static function hasValue($item)
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContaining::hasItemInArray($item);

     * An array with elements that match the given matchers.
    public static function arrayContainingInAnyOrder(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingInAnyOrder', 'arrayContainingInAnyOrder'), $args);

     * An array with elements that match the given matchers.
    public static function containsInAnyOrder(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingInAnyOrder', 'arrayContainingInAnyOrder'), $args);

     * An array with elements that match the given matchers in the same order.
    public static function arrayContaining(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingInOrder', 'arrayContaining'), $args);

     * An array with elements that match the given matchers in the same order.
    public static function contains(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingInOrder', 'arrayContaining'), $args);

     * Evaluates to true if any key in an array matches the given matcher.
     * @param mixed $key as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
     * @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKey
    public static function hasKeyInArray($key)
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKey::hasKeyInArray($key);

     * Evaluates to true if any key in an array matches the given matcher.
     * @param mixed $key as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
     * @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKey
    public static function hasKey($key)
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKey::hasKeyInArray($key);

     * Test if an array has both an key and value in parity with each other.
    public static function hasKeyValuePair($key, $value)
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKeyValuePair::hasKeyValuePair($key, $value);

     * Test if an array has both an key and value in parity with each other.
    public static function hasEntry($key, $value)
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayContainingKeyValuePair::hasKeyValuePair($key, $value);

     * Does array size satisfy a given matcher?
     * @param \Hamcrest\Matcher|int $size as a {@link Hamcrest\Matcher} or a value.
     * @return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayWithSize
    public static function arrayWithSize($size)
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayWithSize::arrayWithSize($size);

     * Matches an empty array.
    public static function emptyArray()
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayWithSize::emptyArray();

     * Matches an empty array.
    public static function nonEmptyArray()
        return \Hamcrest\Arrays\IsArrayWithSize::nonEmptyArray();

     * Returns true if traversable is empty.
    public static function emptyTraversable()
        return \Hamcrest\Collection\IsEmptyTraversable::emptyTraversable();

     * Returns true if traversable is not empty.
    public static function nonEmptyTraversable()
        return \Hamcrest\Collection\IsEmptyTraversable::nonEmptyTraversable();

     * Does traversable size satisfy a given matcher?
    public static function traversableWithSize($size)
        return \Hamcrest\Collection\IsTraversableWithSize::traversableWithSize($size);

     * Evaluates to true only if ALL of the passed in matchers evaluate to true.
    public static function allOf(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\AllOf', 'allOf'), $args);

     * Evaluates to true if ANY of the passed in matchers evaluate to true.
    public static function anyOf(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\AnyOf', 'anyOf'), $args);

     * Evaluates to false if ANY of the passed in matchers evaluate to true.
    public static function noneOf(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\AnyOf', 'noneOf'), $args);

     * This is useful for fluently combining matchers that must both pass.
     * For example:
     * <pre>
     *   assertThat($string, both(containsString("a"))->andAlso(containsString("b")));
     * </pre>
    public static function both(\Hamcrest\Matcher $matcher)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\CombinableMatcher::both($matcher);

     * This is useful for fluently combining matchers where either may pass,
     * for example:
     * <pre>
     *   assertThat($string, either(containsString("a"))->orElse(containsString("b")));
     * </pre>
    public static function either(\Hamcrest\Matcher $matcher)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\CombinableMatcher::either($matcher);

     * Wraps an existing matcher and overrides the description when it fails.
    public static function describedAs(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\DescribedAs', 'describedAs'), $args);

     * @param Matcher $itemMatcher
     *   A matcher to apply to every element in an array.
     * @return \Hamcrest\Core\Every
     *   Evaluates to TRUE for a collection in which every item matches $itemMatcher
    public static function everyItem(\Hamcrest\Matcher $itemMatcher)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\Every::everyItem($itemMatcher);

     * Does array size satisfy a given matcher?
    public static function hasToString($matcher)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\HasToString::hasToString($matcher);

     * Decorates another Matcher, retaining the behavior but allowing tests
     * to be slightly more expressive.
     * For example:  assertThat($cheese, equalTo($smelly))
     *          vs.  assertThat($cheese, is(equalTo($smelly)))
    public static function is($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\Is::is($value);

     * This matcher always evaluates to true.
     * @param string $description A meaningful string used when describing itself.
     * @return \Hamcrest\Core\IsAnything
    public static function anything($description = 'ANYTHING')
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsAnything::anything($description);

     * Test if the value is an array containing this matcher.
     * Example:
     * <pre>
     * assertThat(array('a', 'b'), hasItem(equalTo('b')));
     * //Convenience defaults to equalTo()
     * assertThat(array('a', 'b'), hasItem('b'));
     * </pre>
    public static function hasItem(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\IsCollectionContaining', 'hasItem'), $args);

     * Test if the value is an array containing elements that match all of these
     * matchers.
     * Example:
     * <pre>
     * assertThat(array('a', 'b', 'c'), hasItems(equalTo('a'), equalTo('b')));
     * </pre>
    public static function hasItems(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Core\IsCollectionContaining', 'hasItems'), $args);

     * Is the value equal to another value, as tested by the use of the "=="
     * comparison operator?
    public static function equalTo($item)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsEqual::equalTo($item);

     * Tests of the value is identical to $value as tested by the "===" operator.
    public static function identicalTo($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsIdentical::identicalTo($value);

     * Is the value an instance of a particular type?
     * This version assumes no relationship between the required type and
     * the signature of the method that sets it up, for example in
     * <code>assertThat($anObject, anInstanceOf('Thing'));</code>
    public static function anInstanceOf($theClass)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsInstanceOf::anInstanceOf($theClass);

     * Is the value an instance of a particular type?
     * This version assumes no relationship between the required type and
     * the signature of the method that sets it up, for example in
     * <code>assertThat($anObject, anInstanceOf('Thing'));</code>
    public static function any($theClass)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsInstanceOf::anInstanceOf($theClass);

     * Matches if value does not match $value.
    public static function not($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsNot::not($value);

     * Matches if value is null.
    public static function nullValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsNull::nullValue();

     * Matches if value is not null.
    public static function notNullValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsNull::notNullValue();

     * Creates a new instance of IsSame.
     * @param mixed $object
     *   The predicate evaluates to true only when the argument is
     *   this object.
     * @return \Hamcrest\Core\IsSame
    public static function sameInstance($object)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsSame::sameInstance($object);

     * Is the value a particular built-in type?
    public static function typeOf($theType)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\IsTypeOf::typeOf($theType);

     * Matches if value (class, object, or array) has named $property.
    public static function set($property)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\Set::set($property);

     * Matches if value (class, object, or array) does not have named $property.
    public static function notSet($property)
        return \Hamcrest\Core\Set::notSet($property);

     * Matches if value is a number equal to $value within some range of
     * acceptable error $delta.
    public static function closeTo($value, $delta)
        return \Hamcrest\Number\IsCloseTo::closeTo($value, $delta);

     * The value is not > $value, nor < $value.
    public static function comparesEqualTo($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::comparesEqualTo($value);

     * The value is > $value.
    public static function greaterThan($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::greaterThan($value);

     * The value is >= $value.
    public static function greaterThanOrEqualTo($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::greaterThanOrEqualTo($value);

     * The value is >= $value.
    public static function atLeast($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::greaterThanOrEqualTo($value);

     * The value is < $value.
    public static function lessThan($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::lessThan($value);

     * The value is <= $value.
    public static function lessThanOrEqualTo($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::lessThanOrEqualTo($value);

     * The value is <= $value.
    public static function atMost($value)
        return \Hamcrest\Number\OrderingComparison::lessThanOrEqualTo($value);

     * Matches if value is a zero-length string.
    public static function isEmptyString()
        return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isEmptyString();

     * Matches if value is a zero-length string.
    public static function emptyString()
        return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isEmptyString();

     * Matches if value is null or a zero-length string.
    public static function isEmptyOrNullString()
        return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isEmptyOrNullString();

     * Matches if value is null or a zero-length string.
    public static function nullOrEmptyString()
        return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isEmptyOrNullString();

     * Matches if value is a non-zero-length string.
    public static function isNonEmptyString()
        return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isNonEmptyString();

     * Matches if value is a non-zero-length string.
    public static function nonEmptyString()
        return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEmptyString::isNonEmptyString();

     * Matches if value is a string equal to $string, regardless of the case.
    public static function equalToIgnoringCase($string)
        return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEqualIgnoringCase::equalToIgnoringCase($string);

     * Matches if value is a string equal to $string, regardless of whitespace.
    public static function equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace($string)
        return \Hamcrest\Text\IsEqualIgnoringWhiteSpace::equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace($string);

     * Matches if value is a string that matches regular expression $pattern.
    public static function matchesPattern($pattern)
        return \Hamcrest\Text\MatchesPattern::matchesPattern($pattern);

     * Matches if value is a string that contains $substring.
    public static function containsString($substring)
        return \Hamcrest\Text\StringContains::containsString($substring);

     * Matches if value is a string that contains $substring regardless of the case.
    public static function containsStringIgnoringCase($substring)
        return \Hamcrest\Text\StringContainsIgnoringCase::containsStringIgnoringCase($substring);

     * Matches if value contains $substrings in a constrained order.
    public static function stringContainsInOrder(/* args... */)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array('\Hamcrest\Text\StringContainsInOrder', 'stringContainsInOrder'), $args);

     * Matches if value is a string that ends with $substring.
    public static function endsWith($substring)
        return \Hamcrest\Text\StringEndsWith::endsWith($substring);

     * Matches if value is a string that starts with $substring.
    public static function startsWith($substring)
        return \Hamcrest\Text\StringStartsWith::startsWith($substring);

     * Is the value an array?
    public static function arrayValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsArray::arrayValue();

     * Is the value a boolean?
    public static function booleanValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsBoolean::booleanValue();

     * Is the value a boolean?
    public static function boolValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsBoolean::booleanValue();

     * Is the value callable?
    public static function callableValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsCallable::callableValue();

     * Is the value a float/double?
    public static function doubleValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsDouble::doubleValue();

     * Is the value a float/double?
    public static function floatValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsDouble::doubleValue();

     * Is the value an integer?
    public static function integerValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsInteger::integerValue();

     * Is the value an integer?
    public static function intValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsInteger::integerValue();

     * Is the value a numeric?
    public static function numericValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsNumeric::numericValue();

     * Is the value an object?
    public static function objectValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsObject::objectValue();

     * Is the value an object?
    public static function anObject()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsObject::objectValue();

     * Is the value a resource?
    public static function resourceValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsResource::resourceValue();

     * Is the value a scalar (boolean, integer, double, or string)?
    public static function scalarValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsScalar::scalarValue();

     * Is the value a string?
    public static function stringValue()
        return \Hamcrest\Type\IsString::stringValue();

     * Wraps <code>$matcher</code> with {@link Hamcrest\Core\IsEqual)
     * if it's not a matcher and the XPath in <code>count()</code>
     * if it's an integer.
    public static function hasXPath($xpath, $matcher = null)
        return \Hamcrest\Xml\HasXPath::hasXPath($xpath, $matcher);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Arrays Folder 0755
Collection Folder 0755
Core Folder 0755
Internal Folder 0755
Number Folder 0755
Text Folder 0755
Type Folder 0755
Xml Folder 0755
AssertionError.php File 119 B 0644
BaseDescription.php File 3.1 KB 0644
BaseMatcher.php File 565 B 0644
Description.php File 1.65 KB 0644
DiagnosingMatcher.php File 603 B 0644
FeatureMatcher.php File 1.95 KB 0644
Matcher.php File 1.59 KB 0644
MatcherAssert.php File 3.31 KB 0644
Matchers.php File 18.52 KB 0644
NullDescription.php File 699 B 0644
SelfDescribing.php File 535 B 0644
StringDescription.php File 1.1 KB 0644
TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher.php File 841 B 0644
TypeSafeMatcher.php File 2.85 KB 0644
Util.php File 2.02 KB 0644